1: People on my facebook page are always telling me that my kids look just like me.
This is comical to my BFF cause she knows they are adopted. And they really don't look all that much like me. They especially don't look like their white as white can be daddy. But I have had to clear it up a little. I usually don't tell people they are adopted, because well.....does it really matter? But I just tell my friends...."I guess it's true that all Asians look alike." ha ha.
2: One of my friends wants to keep my children.
I have been able to hang out with a "new" / "old" friend the past few weekends. She is awesome. The last time I saw her she was 10 years old. Now she is a grown up with a 13 year old boy. I told her I would tell everyone how she tries to have my kids go and live with her almost every time she sees them. She really does. Miles and Claire always say no. I know it's a joke, her wanting my kids. But I told her I was going to call her out on it. So....you have been called out lady. Your secret is exposed. You, as blonde as you are, want to have 2 Korean kids. It's ok though....like I said before, Ryan is blonde and he couldn't resist a good Korean.
3: My son will play with anything Star Wars. And be engrossed in it no matter what.
The past 2 times we have gone to the Dian's house Miles has been obsessed with playing with their Risk Star Wars edition. It is full of little clones and a big emperor and ships and droids. I mean tons of them. They are tiny. He lines them up, spaced perfectly. He doesn't care to play the game Risk, he just wants to have his own imaginary battles. It is kinda funny, kinda sad. He just plays it. Focuses on nothing else unless he is hungry, thirsty, or needs someone to battle with him. Well...he is focused. Let's just say that.
4: Claire is the biggest flirt I have seen since High School.
Whenever there are new people around Claire can really turn on the charm. She was really amping it up last night with Jeff and Nick. I can't believe her flirty flirty. We are totally screwed when she gets older and figures out what she can do with that. She already has Nick and her dad wrapped around her chubby little fingers. And yes....plural fingers.....they are that smitten by her charm. Yikes.
5: I like talking to old friends.
Facebook has opened up an old world for me. Not only do I get to keep up with people I talk to on a regular basis, but I also get to chat with old friends from way back in the day. Not just high school, but also college. People I never thought I would talk to again. Some people have changed, others haven't. I really love talking to the people who I grew up with and are still the same. You know I am talking about you Amy and Jill H.
Plus now that I'm older, I really don't give a shit if these people like me or not. So much less pressure. Like I told my friend Jill in Miami......if you don't like 'em or if they start acting weird, just delete. Wish it were that easy in high school.
6: Jill really DOES want me to blog everyday.
It's tough to do. I don't do enough to warrant blogging everyday anymore. But you will have the occasional double or triple blog on any given day. I just have been feeling so yucky, it's been hard to be.....ME. I will work on it, but don't hold your breath.
7: Jill announced last night that 6th grade girls and 8th grade boys are the same developmentally. And they will pretty much suck thanks to hormones.
I think it is kinda entertaining watching my friends with pre teens/teens right now. I think about what it was like when I was that age and just think...ha ha ha. That sucks for them. After hearing what Jill had to say last night...I think...not so funny. I will have a 6th grade girl AND an 8th grade boy at the same fucking time. And my daughter is already a sassy pre-teen and she's only 2.
8: Last but not least...a friend of mine (male) loves 90210 the old school version as much as any girl I know.
This is a man's man. He wears Zubaz. He loves his Coors Light. He watches sports like it is his life line. But......he loves 90210 on soapnet. I guess he watches it religiously. He loves Nick Lachey and knows most lyrics to songs. And last night I saw his David Archuletta CD in his house by the "boom box".
All these things have been brought to my attention last night. Not that they weren't there before, just not all in one night.