As I was making myself breakfast this morning, I started thinking of all the foods I never got to have growing up. And all the stuff I can get for myself now that I buy my own groceries.
One of those things was Pillsbury Toaster Strudel.

Sounds gross now, of course it does. But I had a friend....Tara B. who every morning, she was able to have one. HER parents were cool. They didn't tell her she could just have toast with jam and it would be the same. Oh no...she got the NEW Toaster Strudel. I would go to her house sometimes in the morning before school, and have breakfast with her. I LOVED those days. I got to try toaster strudel. Once. Of course she had other stuff, like Lucky Charms, and Trix, and Fruit Loops. All stuff I never had. And when you're a 4th and 5th grader, that stuff is the shit. I ate generic Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran and certainly toast with jam. I would even fold it over to try and make it
seem like I was eating a strudel, but it just wasn't the same.
A few weeks ago as I was shopping, Claire and Miles pointed them out and said....let's try those! To which I promptly ripped open the freezer section door and slapped them in the cart. YES! I was gonna buy them.
Now, Claire doesn't like them at all. She took one bite and scrunched up her nose. And then asked me for bread with butter and jam. *eye roll* Miles took one look at them sitting on his plate, and very politely said, "no thank you mom". So now I have a box of Toaster Strudel. ALL TO MYSELF....mmmwwwuuuuha ha ha ha ha ha.
To my distaste, they're not like I remember. I would be inclined to toss them, but I paid like 3 dollars for them, and Ryan would shit a brick if I just threw away food willy nilly. They will be reserved for "company".
Another thing I loved loved loved and NEVER got at home, were Doritos. Check out this awesome're jealous they aren't here aren't you?

My other good friend growing up, Amy H., was fortunate enough to have them and Cheetos when she opened her magical snack cupboard in her dining room. It was chock full of yummy chips (not generic tortilla chips or stale potato chips in a box), and scrumptious Hostess snack cakes (I never really was able to have cake other then birthdays). When I would go over to her house to play, we would have a snack of Doritos with melted jack cheese on them. OH MY DAMN! They were heaven.
To this day, when I find myself not hungry for "good" food, I will bust out that combo hands down. Fresh fruit and veggies be damned! I love Doritos with cheese. So does Claire. That snack happens about 1 time every 2 or 3 months though. So maybe the eating habits I grew up with have stayed.
Of course I have taste tested some of the other "forbidden" treats I didn't have the luxury of trying while I was a kid. And 9 times out of 10, as a grown up, I can be glad I didn't have them. But I can see a kid loving it. Sugar and salt up the yin yang.
I too have let my kids try these craptastic concoctions. To Ryan's dismay I might add. (He's the healthy one in this relationship.) My kids aren't fans of most of the junk food. Junk food to them is....freeze dried apple slices, or pretzels. FREAKS right? Of course they love the cereals that have toys on the box or colorful cartoon characters, but it's a rare thing for them to have that stuff. Although Miles is on some kind of Trix kick right now. Thank god they have "whole grains". *another eye roll*
Well....back to my healthy breakfast of Trix and toaster strudel. Gotta get rid of that crap.