Well hello sunshine! (Actually it's raining like crazy, but whatever.) I'm in a great mood today!
It's in the mid 50's temperature wise. The kids are happy. I gutted out a closet that had a leopard print shirt carcass (it was Ryan's no less), and a dear friend of mine actually called me today to "check in" because my last few posts were
concerning her. Ha ha ha..seriously. I love my friends.
Claire is giddy as she was able to FINALLY purchase the
FUSHIGI. It was on super Target clearance, and she has been saving her money. So she actually ended up with money left over! She and Miles are going to watch the instructional video tonight. *eye roll* I mean they did their dishes, showered, and brushed their teeth, as fast as their little crazy legs could carry them, so they could watch the stupid thing before bed. Ha ha ha...I'll be doing...something.......else......washing my toenails maybe.
Miles is experiencing his first of "cliques". Poor baby. He said he felt that some kids from another class were staring at him, and he didn't now why...but he was embarrassed. Then he hugged me and cried a little. I know this sounds sick, but I love that he'll tell me anything and still needs a hug from me. I know it won't last forever.
Oh well. Today is almost over. The rain is falling. It's nice and cool. Oh and I finally got my bangs trimmed. Seriously! Feeling good!
And thanks KW. You made my day today. Oh and we went apple picking with friends. I'm better now. Thanks!

I know your'e saying...DANG that's a lot of Koreans. And you'd be right.