Thursday, October 20, 2011

I think it's tin?

Well today is Ryan and my 10 year anniversary. It's a beautiful day too! The sun is shining, the kids have the day off from school, we're going to the brew store.......*tire screech* Yep. You read that right.The kids have off. And we're going to the brew store.

Not exactly how I pictured it for my 10 year anniversary. Back in the day, Ryan and I had talked about going back to our honeymoon destination for our 10 year. We went to Door County Wisconsin. Loved it. You know how I hate the hot. So tropical anything was OUT. But a quiet B&B on a little cherry lovin' peninsula was right up our alley. Sadly, because we were the ONLY people there during the week we have NO photos of us together. Ha ha ha Classic Teepants planning.

Our wedding day with our BESTIES!

The following are proof we were alone in Door County. It's a bit pathetic, but whatever. There were NO lines in the wineries. Win WIN!

And to my sweet Ryan..... Thanks for making me a happy HAPPY lady! You rock!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Days are here again!

Well hello sunshine! (Actually it's raining like crazy, but whatever.) I'm in a great mood today!

It's in the mid 50's temperature wise. The kids are happy. I gutted out a closet that had a leopard print shirt carcass (it was Ryan's no less), and a dear friend of mine actually called me today to "check in" because my last few posts were concerning her. Ha ha ha..seriously. I love my friends.

Claire is giddy as she was able to FINALLY purchase the FUSHIGI. It was on super Target clearance, and she has been saving her money. So she actually ended up with money left over! She and Miles are going to watch the instructional video tonight. *eye roll* I mean they did their dishes, showered, and brushed their teeth, as fast as their little crazy legs could carry them, so they could watch the stupid thing before bed. Ha ha ha...I'll be doing...something.......else......washing my toenails maybe.

Miles is experiencing his first of "cliques". Poor baby. He said he felt that some kids from another class were staring at him, and he didn't now why...but he was embarrassed. Then he hugged me and cried a little. I know this sounds sick, but I love that he'll tell me anything and still needs a hug from me. I know it won't last forever.

Oh well. Today is almost over. The rain is falling. It's nice and cool. Oh and I finally got my bangs trimmed. Seriously! Feeling good!

And thanks KW. You made my day today. Oh and we went apple picking with friends. I'm better now. Thanks!

I know your'e saying...DANG that's a lot of Koreans. And you'd be right.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I'm super off today. Or should I say this week. I've been a major rage-o-hol. And it's totally bumming me out.

Certain things that people are doing are really rubbing me the wrong way. And let me tell you...NO ONE is impervious to my rage. It's so weird. Ugh. I need help.

I bet it's because it's been so frick fracking hot! 87 degrees in Minnesota in MID OCTOBER?!?! Seriously. I love fall so much and this is ruining it for me. Stupid heat. I.HATE.HOT.

And my hair is stupid.

I need a vacation.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oh yeah...and the house remodel is done.

BEFORE: 90's possibly 80's grandma house (and that's being kind)


Ryan did most of the work on this. With the exception of the hardwood floors and the granite. But seriously...not too shabby for a techie nerd.

Psychos need NOT apply

Today a very good friend of mine (We'll call her Martha) told me and some others, that she received quite a disturbing email from someone via Facebook.

Martha has like 1000 friends on Facebook, but seriously, this one friend is ONE too many. She emailed Martha and was all, "Let's be friends. I NEED you in my life. Here's all the ways you can contact me. Please Please PLEASE be my friend. I'm desperate. If you're my friend I promise I won't hunt you down, and wear your skin as a new coat and matching hat."

Ok so that last part was my OWN interpretation...but you get the gist of it. Creepy.

How in the world does someone get out of THAT situation?

If it were me, I'd change my name, get plastic surgery and fake my own death. But I'm all about the drama.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Really people?

Today is my day to send out strongly worded emails to the many people who have been pissing me off, letting me down, treating me like shit, or who haven't done what they're supposed to do. It's what happens when I have PMS.

And by strongly worded I mean BITCHY.