One would think that snoring would be the most annoying sound. Or babies screaming their fool heads off. Or hipsters discussing what is the "up and coming" neighborhood. Or that this video for example could rank up there. But nope. No way. Nuh uh!
Being woken up at 2:30 am to the sporadic chirping of a smoke detector whose battery is dying, is far and away the WORST sound.
teeth-grinding-hair-pulling-out-sweat-dripping-freak-the-fuck-out-cause-I'm-tired-as-hell annoying.
Oh yes. I'm up at 4:05am typing this because I can't get back to sleep and I have a 5 and 7 year old up with me. I'm trying to get them back to bed, but me. I'm awake as hell.
Well let me begin by saying, I got just about some of the worst news today. It was "knock the wind out you" worst news today. And I thought to myself, "Self you need a good night's sleep after today." BTW, I haven't slept through the night in about 5 nights thanks to my little Claire. She likes to wake up frequently and stay up. But tonight, all signs pointed to a full nights sleep. Bah ha ha ha..fat chance.
I awoke to "chirp.........chirp.......chirp" One knows this sound. It's a smoke detector whose battery is going. It's frustrating as hell during the day when you're running around standing under each one trying to figure out which one it is. But to have it go off at 2:23 am? NOT.FUCKING.COOL. But hey. When you're exhausted, half awake, dizzy and have 2 kids up with you, you get creative at getting these things down.
I couldn't for the life of me figure out which one it was. Upstairs? Downstairs? Definitely up. So I have 5 to choose from. After trying, in vain, and with sanity, I lost my shit. I took every one of them off the ceiling, unhooked the hardwiring and ripped the batteries out. And what did I hear? Chirp fricking chirp!
So I did what the next logical step was...I called Ryan at 3:11 am in Dallas to bitch about it. He suggested that they still have the ability to chirp and to put them in my car. So I did. Still chirping. At this point, both kids are deep sighing, complaining about it. (I have no idea where they learned the "deep sigh" from *eye roll*) So I go all crazy swearing and yes, deep sighing to Ryan about how I can't find the "fucking chirp" and "why the fuck is this happening" and "I just want to go back to fucking sleep" and "GREAT! how am I going to get the kids back to fucking bed" Yeah. I know...but seriously....3:23 am at this point. And my kids have heard swearing before. Just not so much at one time. Poor things. They just hunkered down in bed and pretended to sleep at this point.
Very long story short, I found the culprit. It was the REPLACED smoke detector. In the linen closet. IN THE BOX. With the battery still in it. Yep. Ryan got a text after it was found. It went something along the lines of, "Next time you change smoke detectors, don't store the old ones with the batteries still in them. You will have lots of smoke detectors to put back up when you get home. Hope we don't have a fire, and if we do, hope it starts downstairs."

Look how it's mocking me. Jerkface.