Lately, I've been getting a lot of flack for NOT putting my kids in extra curricular activities. To that I say...screw you!
Miles is just not that kid. He isn't athletically inclined. He's not terribly coordinated. And he really has had no interest at all.
Years ago I asked him if he wanted to try soccer or T-ball. He said very politely, "No thanks mom. Can I try a chess team?" And let me tell you, it's hard to find Chess for 4 year olds in Community Ed. So we just taught him ourselves.
Currently Miles is a 2nd grader. He's absolutely without a doubt the smallest kid in his class. And by kid I mean even smaller than the girls. But it doesn't phase him. I've told him for years, "You're going to be short. There's not much you can do about it. But you're smart and kind and that's cool with us." He's been riding that conversational wave for years now.
But this year, I've noticed other kids who treat him differently.
They pat his head while they are in line to go to the library like he's a dog. Or they rest their elbows on his head. The kid who rests his elbow on his head is a little shit. When I see that happening I want to walk up to him, smack his elbow off my kid's head, and flick him right between the eyes. But I fear if I do that the teacher won't allow me to volunteer in the classroom anymore. Eh...who knows. That kid is such a little turd, she would probably give me a high five. But I don't want to test that theory.
Miles' closest friends right now are two boys who are hockey players. They are easily a head plus taller than him and are the proverbial jock. However. They are the nicest kids. NICEST! I would have them over to my house any day. I like them. A lot and I like their families a lot too.
Picking Miles up the other day from one of the friend's house I was talking with the mom about sports. She asked if Miles was in any. I said no. He hasn't shown any interest, and really I'm not terribly pushy with it. Her response is one I've heard before.
"How will he know what's available and out there if you don't have him try things?"
What should my response be? "Because I don't WANT TO!" Or, "Because I loathe the idea of MAKING my kid do something that costs a billion dollars and he has no interest in it?" Or, "Do you really think making my kid play sports is gonna put him in the 'big show'?" Or, "I'm just lazy as fuck." Or, "Shut up!" Nah. I don't say that stuff. I just say, "Well I offer things to him and he says no thank you." End of story.
But for some reason, it is never an ok response. They keep lecturing me about it. Why?
Miles wants to do Tae Kwon Do. He has expressed interest in it. He is really fascinated with mixed martial arts. That's his dad's influence to be honest. But it is something he likes. The other stuff...not so much. So I'm researching different studios. And will most likely start him soon.
We asked Miles what he did with the boys and he said they played basketball.
I asked him how he did, and he said, "Not so good mom." I asked him if the boys were mean about it, and he said, "No they helped me learn how to shoot the ball up higher." And then he told me they played PIG because then everyone had a turn. I seriously love those kids.
Next up. Explaining why I won't put my daughter in dance class. *sigh*
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
F-U Kimmy Gibbler!

Ha. I hated Full House when it first was on. I still hate Full House while my 5 year old drools over it. I hear a lot of, "You got it dude!" and "How rude!" from her very own sweet sassy mug.
GAH! Stupid 90's sitcoms that were made because stupid Three Men and a Baby made more than 1 million in the box office. I hate you 90's television. Worst ever in the world. (Except maybe Roseanne. But that's the white trash coming out of my Korean adopted ass.)
And the most amusing part of it all.....right after Full House.....comes the 700 Club. Claire doesn't even know how to process the switch. It's funny. Cause it's so stupid.
Monday, April 2, 2012
The Hunger Games: An open letter to the director or whoever makes the film look the way it does.
I know you've been waiting. Ha...I know I had been. Then I saw it. Oh lord indeed. First off...let me say, so GLAD I didn't eat before heading into the movie.
With that being goes.
I love love LOVE Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy. As does most of the world according to book sales and movie sales. I've read the trilogy at least 3 times if not more. It's a sickness.
I and my Bestie were so excited for the first movie to come out we were barely able to watch the trailers without losing our shit. Yeah so what? I'm a teenager on the inside.
We planned the time and place almost a month in advance. We had my god daughter/Bestie's kiddo, and a good friend who didn't have any other friends who would see it with HIM, come with us. Yes I said him. He was really excited too. He read the books at my suggestion. And some of his friends told me they were NOT going to see "this movie" with him. So RA came with us.
We got there early. We were going to get our dinner at the theater as well, but the cafe wasn't open. THANK THE LORD.
We got our seats. Sat our asses into the Tempur-pedic like seats and gazed anxiously at the ULTRA screen. Yes I said ULTRA screen. It's a big ass screen.
Then it started.
After the first 5 minutes I thought, oh boy! I'm so excited....and then in the next several 5 minute increments this happened....
Min 10: Wow..I'm so excited I'm getting a little nauseated. No big...this happens. Stupid digestive system.
Min 15: the camera really shaky?
Min 20: Shit...why are they moving around so damn much? *leaning over to RA* Is this moving around a lot?
Min 25: Oh GOD! Deep breaths...deep motion sickness is really kicking in.
Min 30: Fuck this...I'm out.
Yeah. Dear directors/editors/cinematographers or whoever...Stop with the shaky hand held camera work. I get it. You're trying to get me all stressed out and show the tension. I got it after the first 5 minutes. CLEARLY.
But to go the entire movie? Absurd. You WANT people to like the films don't you? And really. I stayed at the movie. Because of my love of the books. I wanted to see the story come to life. I did NOT want to do the following:
1: leave the theater 2 separate occasions for fear of barfing all over the nice new Tempur-pedic like seats. Cause you know that shit costs a ton.
2: keep my eyes closed and my head down for nearly 85% of the movie (strangely when the characters were on the train there was less movement)
3: deep breath throughout the entire fucking thing, most likely annoying poor RA who kept asking me if I needed a bottle of water.
So could you PLEASE consider stabilizers for the next three movies? I swear..I'll be the first person in line if you do. Otherwise I'm fearing you've lost several ticket sales of woman in their mid to late 30's. Cause as my one girlfriend said...We get it. You're running. Now quit with the shaky camera.
With that being goes.
I love love LOVE Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy. As does most of the world according to book sales and movie sales. I've read the trilogy at least 3 times if not more. It's a sickness.
I and my Bestie were so excited for the first movie to come out we were barely able to watch the trailers without losing our shit. Yeah so what? I'm a teenager on the inside.
We planned the time and place almost a month in advance. We had my god daughter/Bestie's kiddo, and a good friend who didn't have any other friends who would see it with HIM, come with us. Yes I said him. He was really excited too. He read the books at my suggestion. And some of his friends told me they were NOT going to see "this movie" with him. So RA came with us.
We got there early. We were going to get our dinner at the theater as well, but the cafe wasn't open. THANK THE LORD.
We got our seats. Sat our asses into the Tempur-pedic like seats and gazed anxiously at the ULTRA screen. Yes I said ULTRA screen. It's a big ass screen.
Then it started.
After the first 5 minutes I thought, oh boy! I'm so excited....and then in the next several 5 minute increments this happened....
Min 10: Wow..I'm so excited I'm getting a little nauseated. No big...this happens. Stupid digestive system.
Min 15: the camera really shaky?
Min 20: Shit...why are they moving around so damn much? *leaning over to RA* Is this moving around a lot?
Min 25: Oh GOD! Deep breaths...deep motion sickness is really kicking in.
Min 30: Fuck this...I'm out.
Yeah. Dear directors/editors/cinematographers or whoever...Stop with the shaky hand held camera work. I get it. You're trying to get me all stressed out and show the tension. I got it after the first 5 minutes. CLEARLY.
But to go the entire movie? Absurd. You WANT people to like the films don't you? And really. I stayed at the movie. Because of my love of the books. I wanted to see the story come to life. I did NOT want to do the following:
1: leave the theater 2 separate occasions for fear of barfing all over the nice new Tempur-pedic like seats. Cause you know that shit costs a ton.
2: keep my eyes closed and my head down for nearly 85% of the movie (strangely when the characters were on the train there was less movement)
3: deep breath throughout the entire fucking thing, most likely annoying poor RA who kept asking me if I needed a bottle of water.
So could you PLEASE consider stabilizers for the next three movies? I swear..I'll be the first person in line if you do. Otherwise I'm fearing you've lost several ticket sales of woman in their mid to late 30's. Cause as my one girlfriend said...We get it. You're running. Now quit with the shaky camera.
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