Recently Miles has been growing. I know this because he tells me with very subtle comments.
"Mom, my pants are getting short"
"Look, I can reach the top shelf on the tv center"
"Watch how many stairs I can jump"
Some other things are just things I notice.
He is very thoughtful of his sister. Which he hasn't been in the past. This is new. He teases her too, but laughs about it. I know this is how older brothers tease their younger sisters.
The biggest change due to 'new Miles', he is peeing standing up. I know I know....he was just too short to go standing before. And now he is tall enough to not have his business rest on the bowl. I am aware of this new learned talent for two reasons.
1. He tells me and anyone else who will listen that he is now standing to pee just like his dad. This includes his teachers. Yep....they told me the other day.
2. I had at one point banished Ryan to the downstairs bathroom. I was sick of the 99% accuracy and tired of cleaning up the other 1%. Gross? Definitely...but today while cleaning the bathroom I noticed that Miles has much less accuracy than his dad. Talent or curse? You decide.
Looks like he will now have to high tail it to the basement when he has to go.
I wish it was socially acceptable for boys to sit down when they pee. I would use way fewer Clorox wipes.
1 comment:
I'm such a proud godmother today ;)
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