Last night a certain man who shall remain nameless told me....I insulted him in my blog.
He reads it and is a follower of it, but was highly offended that I "gently teased" him about certain things close, VERY close to his heart.
I apologize friend. Or should I say Bro, as you so eloquently stated we are ALL family now cause we blog together.
Hopefully a family that blogs together stays together.
To others who may possibly, (I have no idea how as you all pretty much know me and my sassy potty mouth)be offended...I say...hmmmmmm. Think of this as my "Parental Advisory Explicit Content Warning." Deal with it. Love it. And damnit, I can be funny on occasion.
And friend, I mean Bro...you know you are going to be fodder for this blog from now on. Keep your secrets hidden. And...I am so tempted to post that Zubaz photo cause you look so so pretty. I mean....kick ass.
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