I'm tired. Already. It's the beginning of the school year, and I can't believe how tired I am.
My poor Miles-y is exhausted. He's not used to school everyday. And homework. And the rules that involve doing homework when you get home, and before video games are played. Yesterday he was sitting at the kitchen table, tearing up, telling me "how tired he was." Yet when I asked what he was going to do if I let him leave the table he said play with Legos. Wah wah waaaaahhhh. Sorry pal. If you have energy to 'lego' you have energy to color 5 more shapes.
Then began the lecture about how homework HAS to be done before anything else. He didn't like this. I have to say, I am thankful I have a friend who also puts homework and school first. Miles is used to seeing their oldest be told, "homework!" Almost every Friday night last year. So when I said....."remember how "G" had to do his homework no matter what?" The lightbulb went on. And then dimmed when the realization hit, that he no longer was a "kid" with no responsibilities. Poor baby.
I have also been running back and forth to White Bear Lake which is about 10-15 miles from our house, depending on where I actually am going in that city. But I am doing it a minimum of three times a day, two to three times a week. That is a lot of time logged in the car. UGH. I hate it.
Claire has pre-school there. And I have meetings there for the pre-school. Drive drive drive.
Not to mention the plethora of household things that need to be done. AND Ryan is leaving town AGAIN for 2 weeks. Texas and Florida.
I always loved schedules. I thrive on them. I am a better mom with them. Or so I thought. I realize now, I am good with schedules if I AM THE ONE SETTING THE SCHEDULE. I don't like being bossed around with my scheduling. It actually makes me salty. And not salty delicious. Salty, I-want-to-scratch-someone's-face-if-I-have-to-do-what-they-say salty. But I'm not bitter. I'm just tired. And I have to drive more today. Again. Oh, I suppose I'm having a pity party. Sorry there's no cake and ice cream. That could actually help right now.
I would like a magic fairy who will drive my kids back and forth, clean my house, pack for our trip tomorrow, make dinner, run the meeting tonight at the pre-school, and bake me a chocolate cake with homemade vanilla ice cream. Oh, and also get Miles to do his flipping homework without tears. That's not asking a lot. And I would like this fairy to stay FOREVER. Thank you.
homework is the bane of my existence...and i'm not the one who has to do it. sigh.
I will be your nanny...but I am pretty expensive. I will drive, clean, "pick up" dinner, and stand over Miles until he completes his homework. That will scare him enough to do it.
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