Yeah....did it work out? Not so much. I just ended up buying that iron on stuff that is sort of like sewing. But makes me look cool in the eyes of a 5 and 3 year old.
But this fall, Miles really really wanted to be Obi Wan Kenobi for Halloween. I was not about to spend 40 dollars for a costume that consisted of a brown tablecloth, and ANOTHER fucking lightsaber that he has already. So I said, I'll try. Ha I didn't try. Not at all. Not one little iota of bit. I'm a bad mom.
Enter....."Super Dad!!!!"
Yep. You read that Ryan found, online, HOW TO MAKE a jedi robe and vest. So he carefully crafted it with an old bed sheet, and some pants that aren't fit to be worn, ever. And I have to say, it looks pretty damn good. It drives me crazy that he did it. Only because I pride myself on being the BEST parent. Ha ha ha..just kidding Ryan. But really. I don't sew. At all. Ever.
But to my glee filled heart, neither does Ryan. He used the sticky iron on shit too. I am still #1. Kinda. He did make it. I just watched.
Here is a "rough draft" of the costume. Ryan has since tidied up the edges and Miles now has a belt too. All we need is gray facial hair and a lightsaber.
Claire's costume was easy breezy. My mother bullied me into getting her a princess mouse costume. I miss my tomboy. Hear that Claire?
That's badass
How cool for Miles costume! He's going to love that!
And my girls have definitely had their share of girly princess costumes...
My 4th grader has her last Halloween party this fall, and I'm wondering if she'll finally wear the Bionic woman costume and mask... I'll have to dig that out. I'll bet she'll use it...
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