It's pretty chilly here in MN. Today's high was 6. Not bad for mid-December.
I have many friends on the book of face who, on a regular basis in the winter, complain about the weather. I don't begrudge you friends. I do however, get a bit worn of the same complaints. Here's why....
It's fucking Minnesota. They don't call it Minne"snow"ta for no good reason. It's gonna snow here. It's gonna be cold. We are very close to Canada, which I am sure is MUCH colder then here. We aren't that close to the equator. Winter + Minnesota = Ridiculous fucking cold and snow. Oh and there's wind too. Added bonus.
But people...really? Geez give it a break...there's a lot of complaining on a daily basis from some of the same people. Buy a parka! Wear a hat, gloves, scarf, boots and something else warm. Drink hot cocoa, hot tea, hot coffee, or just swig some booze. It's what we do.
One of my friends, always complains. I said to him, "Stop complaining, you live in MN! Get over it already!" He replies with, "I have the right to complain even though I know I live in MN! Blah-blah-blah-reason-I'm-complaining." I like this friend a lot. We went to college together and he is a really cool guy, but seriously with the winter complaining. I think he's lived here his whole life. This or Wisconsin, so he really should just get over it. But friend if you read this...I really do have lots of love for ya!
Either way....I love MN winter. I like when I read that someone loves this weather. Another friend wished E-brake shittys for everyone the other day when it snowed buckets. Awesome of course. I know it's cold. But shit....so what? And on that note...here is a true story from today. And keep in mind it was a whopping 6 degrees today as the high.
~Driving Claire home from pre-school today, I witnessed something truly ballsy. A woman was driving down the highway, smoking a cigarette, with her head hanging out the window. She was probably going 65 mph and looked completely at ease. Either she loves MN winter too, or she is trying to keep from getting busted smoking. I don't care why. I just thought it was pretty damn amazing. All things considered.~
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