See this beautiful white fluffy bear? He's called Party Bear. He is Miles' one true love. Really. He loves this thing a ridiculous amount. Why am I posting about this bear? I'll tell you why.
Party Bear got his name 3 days after Miles arrived home from Korea. He was a gift from his godsister at the airport. Ryan and I put him in the crib with Miles and the two of them had loads of good things to chat about.
Miles was up all night chatting, laughing, and all around horseplaying with this bear. In the middle of the night. All night. So from then on...he was named Party Bear.
Party Bear has been part of our family from day one. He goes everywhere with us. EVERYWHERE. And he smells god awful. Like a combination of pee and maple syrup. No my son doesn't pee on it, but for some reason, he stinks like that. And I do wash him. Although as of late, Miles has recognized PB is a getting a little thin in the seams. So he won't allow it. *gag* I say keep that stinky thing out of my face.
Miles just had his adenoids out yesterday. He's doing absolutely amazing. Never would guess the kid had surgery yesterday, but he's great. Anyway...he was allowed to bring a stuffed animal or blanket with him as a comfort.
Last year he brought PB to his eye surgery. And he freaked out because, OH MY GOD!!! They dared to put Miles AND PB under the heated blankets. My poor kid last year, (4 years old mind you) while being induced into unconsciousness, stopped, yelled at the nurses through the gas mask that, "Party Bear is a polar bear! He doesn't like HOT!!!" Seriously. The nurses, and anesthesiologist busted out. That's my kid. Drama queen extraordinaire. Oh and major fact enforcer apparently.
So this year, they asked we wash said comfort item. Miles almost shit a brick. He only allowed me to wash "back up Party Bear" and said he would take that one instead. Only because he feared the REAL PB would fall apart in the wash..and he probably would at this point.
Anyway....luckily we had the same anesthesiologist and nurses as we did last year (freak coincidence for sure) and they all remembered to keep PB out of the hot blankets. No shit! They really did remember. It was hilarious. Miles smiled and laughed his way into la la land. (He imagines he is on the Millenium Falcon when he starts to drift.)
To drill the point home. Miles love his bear. I worry it will be "condemned" soon. I think it will break his little heart. Thankfully he has a spare. But it's not the same.
THIS is what Party Bear looks like after 5 1/2 years of pure unadulterated love.

*side note*
PB is not allowed out of Miles' room once he wakes up. Miles is almost 6 and he isn't allowed to carry a stuffed bear around all day. Cause that's as bad as him having a pacifier still. But he does go with us on trips and if Miles is sick.