Today I had my first foray into the "Apple Universe".
Those big dumb hippie jerks.
Admittedly, I have an iPhone. And a, *angels singing*, MacBook. Don't ask how THAT happened. Talk to my techie husband. He's all over it. Me? Not so much. But I go with the flow and don't ask a lot of questions.
Unfortunately the day we got the, *angels singing*, MacBook, the power source didn't stay in or rarely charged. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what. So I just didn't worry about it. That's how I go with the flow. I ignore pretty much anything that will cause me stress, and or work.
But Ryan found out something was awry. And insisted we take it into the Apple store.
So today this is what happened to me.
I got to the store and was greeted by a very happy woman carrying an iPad. And she definitely wielded power. You could tell by the way she utilized the touch pad. Such force, such gusto! She asked me what I needed. I told her my sad tale. She then TOLD me I would need an appointment with the "Apple Genius". What.The.Fuck?
Appointment I asked? She said,'ll have one at 1:40pm. It was only 12:15 and I was feeling a bit disgruntled at this point as I looked around to see about 10 Apple employees hanging out futzing with iPads. AND I had two 3 1/2 year olds with me. But whatever. I'm here. So I asked if they wouldn't mind hanging onto my laptop because it's kinda heavy and I didn't want to lug it around whilst chasing two little girls through Rosedale mall. They were fine with holding it.
So we checked out dresses. Of course. We went to Justice to see what I'll have to be buying in a few years. And we got ice cream to kill some time. Finally we head on back to the Apple Store.
I'm promptly greeted by another employee with an iPad. She informs me after looking things up that my appointment was in fact at 1:20. AGAIN....What.The.Fuck?
Here's how this shit goes down.
ME: The woman told me 1:40 before I left here. I've been trying to kill time.
HER: We sent you a confirmation email with your appointment time.
ME: She never told me that was going to happen. I didn't know to check. (I checked, and sure as shit there it is. 1:20. Damnit!)
ME: If I knew in the first place I was going to get an email I would have checked it and then known my appointment was at 1:20 and NOT 1:40 like I was told.
HER: Settle down. We can still see you.
*tire screech* Settle down? Really? You hippie who spends all your time role playing and sitting infront of your Mac. Don't tell me to settle down! I wasn't even upset. Maybe a little annoyed, but at this point.....color me pissed.
Then. The "Genius" told me once he saw me that it looked like "someone" dropped the computer. I assured him that it hadn't been dropped. He told me yes it probably was. I almost asked him if he was "Fucking serious?" I told him it was like this the moment we got it home. He told me that Apple would NEVER sell something in this shape. Dick. I said..well unless they actually inspected it before Ryan came home with it then, yes in fact it could have been a defect. Ugh.
All the while I have these 2 perfect little girls sitting in a chair together eating their ice cream. Thank god for THAT.
Screw you Apple Store.
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