I'm going to start off by saying...BOTH of these types of communication get me into trouble at some time or another. Be it me and my big dumb mouth, or me typing something and not putting a "smiley :) face" next to it. And the recipient getting offended.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE all kinds of communication! If I knew how to send carrier pigeons, you can bet your sweet ass you'd get a message from me that way, REAL PEOPLE IN MY LIFE.
But lately, I've noticed people don't know how to communicate IN PERSON anymore. Why the hell not? I've heard on some lady talk show yesterday (not really sure which one either) that people just put it out there, and it's out there. No explanation, no real conversation. Scary. Are we raising a generation of kids who can't hold a conversation? Who can't have a debate? Who can't take criticism and process it, rather than shut the laptop or the cell?
I know teens who don't even talk on the phone anymore. They just text. Like their fingers are completely independent from their bodies. I've never seen anyone move their fingers as fast as a teen "texting" to a friend. (Holy shit do I sound old right now.)
I'll say this. I'm a talker. There's no doubt about that. I would rather talk to you on the phone than email. The reason? I have a lot to say. And I can't type that fast. It takes me FOREVER to text anything. I have an iPhone and I am constantly sending the wrong words. Stupid fat fingers. Plus...I'm a very opinionated person. Oh NO not you SJT! I know you're thinking that. RIGHT. NOW.
But I talk a lot. And....to be fair....I will listen to you a lot too. However, know this. If you don't preface your conversation with, "I just want you to listen. No advice please. " You're gonna get it.
I will say this. Most of my girlfriends talk a lot too. When you get some of us together it gets sooo loud. So not only do we talk incessantly, we are about 10 decibles above what the "norm" is. Ryan always says he knows when I'm talking to my BFF on the phone because I'm yelling. Not yelling AT her. Just yelling cause we're most likely excited about something absolutely stupid.
The times I almost always hold my tongue is when I'm with my husband's family. Seriously. If those people knew how much I REALLY talk and how opinionated I really am, they'd ALL disown me. Ryan's family is very subdue most of the time. Unless there is a discussion about politics. Then all bets are off. But that's when I really shut up. Our politics are WAAAAYYYY different.
Anyway. I think I'll always be that person who would rather TALK to you in person or on the phone rather than just email or text. That's just me.
Don't even get me started on REAL mail vs Email. Oh man. I would kill to get a handwritten letter from a friend. I love it!
*My sister was bitching about me not blogging lately. So the photo is for her. Totally unrelated and it's awesome. Oh and....
:) Cindi. I love you.