5:45 am: wake up
6:15 am: get breakfast for kids
6:30 am: Miles sick. Call pediatrician
7:00 am: call in sick at school and preschool
7:25 am: drive to doctor
8:00 am: Target run (Of course. What doctor appointment DOESN'T include one of these?)
8:30 am: Home
And....Dishes, 2 loads of surprise laundry, un pack an impacted bowel *shudder*, bake 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies to entertain Claire, vacuum, clean the bathroom, put laundry away, PTO emails, facebook fun with HS friends to keep my sanity, make lunch, clean up after lunch, wait hand and foot on 6 year old who has "bowel" issues today, and then pretty soon...get started on dinner.
It's only 2:30 and I need a nap. Stupid bowels screwing up my whole day. Poop.
Well I'm glad they caught it early! My nephew had to spend a few days in the hospital because of that... He was a grown up and everyone KEEPS sending him prune juice and telling poop jokes around him...
Poor Miles! I hope everything comes out ok... :)
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