I won't bore you with all the details of my holiday. I've been MIA. Suffice it to say, it was awesome! The kids had a blast. There were gifts galore, food galore and a nasty ass bout of kick-your-mother-fucking-ass food poisoning. Your's truly got that last gift from Santa. But it turned out to be a wonderful Christmas.
Moving on...Happy New Year! I'm getting ready to have a house full of people. It's gonna be food, drinks, music, games, kids, grownups acting like kids, and so on. Can't wait!
I did want to throw this out however. It's a pseudo resolution. (I hate New Year's resolutions, but what the hell.)
The other day a good friend of mine was over with her kids. We had a multi family playdate over here, and while the kids were basically trashing our house, us moms were enjoying conversation in the kitchen.
She informed me of something I had never thought of....NEVER IN MY LIFE! The three of us are stay at home moms. You know...we stay.at.home. with our kids. Well....our kids are getting older and whatnot, but that's another story.
She told me she doesn't feel like she NEEDS to keep her house clean everyday. If something doesn't get put away, it's no biggie. I said to her....."Seriously!?! You don't pick up the house and do all your household cleaning daily?" She said no.
Now this was a whole WTF moment for me. She clearly saw that I was stunned and said this to me. And trust me SAHM's when you read this, you'll be all...Shit! That's fucking brilliant!
She said, "I'm a STAY AT HOME MOM! Not a stay at home housekeeper. My job is to be a mom. Raise my kids. And if I have time, the other stuff can get done. But being a mom all day is my job. And when my husband comes home from HIS JOB, we clean stuff together."
Gone is the pressure to make sure my house is pretty clean and picked up when Ryan gets home. Not that he EVER put those rules on me (laughable really if he did) but I really just thought it was "part of the job". But no more friends. It's my "Good God Almighty Oprah AH HA" moment.
So......the house may be a mess in 2011, but my kids will be damn happy.
Happy New Year friends and family! I love you guys!
1 comment:
Neither do I... I work full time - from home.. but still... I don't want to spend my lunch break cleaning, but I usually do do something cleaning-wise over lunch.
If someone is coming over, then I'll do a serious cleaning. Otherwise I'll just do a quick pick up if I can't stand it.
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