However. Here I am. The very very end of August. And school just around the corner. And yes...*sob* Claire is going to Kindergarten this year. I look back at our summer and think...."Shit! That was fast!!!" is a photo representation of our summer. After our big trip to the BWCA, we did a lot close to home. With the exception of a trip to Iowa. For Ryan's work. NOT for fun and relaxation.
There were 2 birthdays. A huge ridiculous joint birthday party at a roller rink with 25 kids ages 5-7. Korean Culture Camp. A few playdates with friends who we love. And of course the Minnesota State Fair.
Tomorrow will be back to school for both kids. Did you see that? BOTH kids. WAAaaaahhhh....
This girl with Miles was his "camp girlfriend". She was the teen helper in his class and she always held his hand. He loved her. And cried the last day of camp because he wouldn't see her again. It was sad.

Claire HAS to have her Cotton Candy. It's the only thing she asks for at the fair.
Well happy summer all. Next post...will be one of two things. The finished upstairs, or the sobbing mom of 2 school age kids.
*I made the photos tiny because there are so many. If you want to see the larger version, just click on it.