Well...I was fully intending on blah blah blah-ing about nothing important, but when I logged into my account here, Google asked me for my phone number. They actually told me if I didn't add it, I "could" lose all my stuff.
Like...a cyber threat, but not really. Kinda like do this or "THIS"/ "YOU" could get wacked. What the hell?
Why do they need my phone number? What are they going to do with it? How will they locate my "stuff" if they have my phone number? Isn't the fact that I have an individualized email account username AND password enough to find my stuff if lost? Or maybe not?
I don't get it. Google. You're taking over the world. Why do you need my little old phone number? I don't know how I feel about it. Maybe someone could "Google that for me."
It is just a formality, they already know your number.
Google probably knows what size underwear I wear and what side of the bed I sleep on. Jerks. Thanks Ryan Teepants. The first ever comment on my blog, and your a poop about it. *wink*
They can already look into my home with their satelites systems... I'm making faces at the window in case they're scanning here right now...
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