Glad school started. That's all I have to say about that. Miles is a much happier kid, and a lot kinder to be around. He missed his friends and I fear he was "over it" with his sister. To be fair. They did spend a lot of time together in the house this summer. Between the heat and the construction...yikes. Maybe it was my fault. But then....I really don't like blaming myself. Heh heh.
Miles started off to 2nd grade without a hitch. He was off and didn't even look back. He came home each day and did his homework, played with his sister (voluntarily too) and just was all around excited about the beginning of the year. Ahhhh.....I know you heard that collective Teepants sigh. Seriously. This is the ONLY photo I was allowed to take of Miles this year. I guess he's still being kind of a butt.
Claire on the other hand, started the big bad Kindergarten. I know it's only half days. But it's EVERY day. And she's my little buddy. And now I'm trapped at home all day. I have 2 hours to do things without kids. I guess Super Target will see a lot of me, and my house will be spotless again after 7 years of being a toy shit hole. Or I'll sit on my ass watching tv and eating bon bons. Hmmm......the decisions!
Claire had orientation the day before school. She was very apprehensive, but thankful it was a parents-must-come-too-and-endure-this-BRAND-new-kindergarten-teacher-who-thinks-kids-are-either-dumb-babies-or-tiny-puppies. Or lord. I'm not kidding. If her voice was any higher all the dogs in the neighborhood would have been howling at the door to see her. Ugh. It was almost insulting. was kind and kept Claire calm. So..thanks new teacher. On a side note, this teacher she has, is only a long term substitute. The REAL teacher is a lot like me. Strict and right to the point. She is very kind, but not sugary sweet like this one. The REAL teacher is on maternity leave until November. Oh those poor kids are in for a rude awakening. Claire on the other hand will be ready. She knows the other teacher and lives that life here at home. The others...will be baby deer in the headlights. Just like their long term substitue. Yikes.
Claire at her desk on orientation day.
Her first day of school was surprisingly smooth. Thanks to a "new friend who can blow bubbles with HER gum too!" Claire was excited to go. Ryan and I walked her to the bus. She hip bumped with Ryan and danced around for a bit.
We waited much past her pick up time and then the bus finally came. It came from another direction from when it picked Miles up 2 years ago. That little difference threw Claire a bit. But she saw the bus, got in and then sat down ASAP. That girl was NOT messing around. And I thought, "Wow! She's ready! And NO tears!!!" Then I snapped a quick photo of her actually ON the bus. Her eyes say it all.
It's a much different photo than the one I took of her BEFORE we left for the bus. She was all pose-y and wanted to "check to see which one was the best." Oh lord.
Thankfully the end of the day came quick. Ryan and I drove up to school to get the kids. See I said...KID-S. Ugh. Anyway...they were so cute walking to the car together. I almost cried. The first thing Claire said to us when she got in the car, "WE HAD CUPCAKES BECAUSE SOMEONE TURNED 6!!!! I LOVE KINDERGARTEN!!!" And that was that. Happy as a clam the rest of the night. Almost delirious. Like all her stress had melted away and she was jubilant. I mean..that's the word. Jubilant.
On a side. I almost lost my shit after the bus pulled away. Ryan was giving me the "poor sweetie" back rub and I was about to bust, but then my nosey old neighbor was all up in our business. She was living the moment with us and I was not down with that. So....I chatted with her and went on with my day. Ah well...another kid in kindergarten and another time when I should have cried, but someone RUINED it for me. Ah....I'm sure I'll cry another time. It's not like my bawling doesn't happen on a regular basis.
And we're off.
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