Sure there's sex. Dirty naughty S&M style sex. But it's stupid. It's annoying. And the writer is an awful writer. It's like she didn't have an editor AT ALL. I didn't care for it.
I hate getting stuck reading a trilogy that I don't care for. I have issues with closure. I need to have it. What can I say?
Some people are going bonkers for it. They either love it, can't get enough of it. Or there are those who are STRONGLY opposed to it. Feel it's degrading to women and supports violence against women. I say no to all of it. Basically it's a poorly written book. It's Twilight fan fiction. It's Twilight without vampires or werewolves and lots of sex. But not even good interesting sex. Just....meh. I feel that way about it.
Moving on. I've been getting calls from credit agencies asking for my ex husband. I know...right? He and I have been divorced since 1997. You'd think after all this time, being remarried and sealing some of my public records, would keep him out of my life for good. I mean really...Teepants isn't my last name. But no such luck. He has apparently been using my social security number on his credit applications. I know...."He's so cool SJT, why did you divorce him again?" Ugh. Seriously. Loser. I want to call him and say...."You loser. Get your shit together already!" But I don't. I haven't physically spoken to him since 1996 when I filed for divorce. But...wow. I got out of the shower and Claire had the phone to her ear and said, "Mommy, do you know who Douchebag McGoo is?" (of course this isn't his name, although I call him that) I swear I lost about 10 years off my life that day. After grabbing the phone I found out it was a creditor. Ugh. Another reason I hate my ex husband.
And on a quite happier and much cuter note....little Claire had her Spring Fling this past week. God she's cute. And she's getting older by the minute. I don't like it. But I just adore her.
After the Spring Fling, we headed to get some ice cream with the kids and then to the park. It was a really great day.
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