Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Great MN Get Together is here!!!!

Claire and I love the fair. Miles and Ryan could take it or leave it. But we always go.

We went with some friends again this year. We go with them every year. My girlfriend has 3 boys. Ages 10, 8, and 5. They are adorable, sweet, precocious, and have as she calls them, "happy feet". Which is code for, They-like-to-run-around-in-ridiculously-large-crowds-and-make-you-run-around-panicking-looking-for-them-until-someone-brings-them-to-YOU-assuming-they're-your-kids-cause-they're-Korean-and-their-mom-is-not. But seriously. I loved going with them. They're funny as hell.

We started off the fair by the boys asking if they could go into the haunted house. They debated it for about 25 minutes.

After I told MY kid about my experience in the Haunted House, they ALL decided, maybe next year. My experience involved me, crying, freezing on the staircase and having to be escorted out the back because I was paralyzed with fear. I hadn't actually "seen" anything yet mind you. And that was enough for Miles to start in with the himmming and haaahing....and the oldest boy said flat out "no thanks". But Claire was ready to go in. Crazy kid. She asked me if I cried really hard, and then laughed at the thought of me. What a jerk.

Then we moved on to food. Now, my kids know what the fair is about. Feeding our faces, and the partial freak show of Minnesotans. Here is the list of things that the kids wanted. We did get it all too. I know...gluttons. (PS we saw a man who was wearing a really short kilt, no shirt and a lei. And he was leathery tanned and about 75+ years old. Seriously! I love the fair.)

Cheese curds
French Fries
Hot dog
Pronto pup (corn dog)
Cotton Candy
Fried Greenbeans
Sno cones

The first food we got was Cheese Curds. My favorite. Claire's favorite. And now thanks to NO Hydrogenated Oils, Ryan's favorite.
First Claire was thrilled that she had a huge container of her favorite food. Fried Cheese. But then as Ryan reached for some, she said, "HEY! We're going to have to get more if DAD'S eating them too!" Ha ha...seriously what a B-rat. We did not get more. That would have just been stupid. So she just shoved many in her face then said, "Thanks for the cheese dad!" I don't know where she gets her sass from.

After losing my friend's youngest in the crowds of people more than once, we made our way to the DFL booth. My kids got a great photo op with the Governor of our state. Notice how Miles is zoning in on the camera crew following the Governor and NOT his mom's camera.

Politics will be in his future. I'm sure of it.

And then we hit some of the vendors. Now this is a new endeavor on our part this year. In the past the kids haven't cared a bit about the buildings. But this year....oh no, this year they were in heaven. It's like walking through building after building of AS SEEN ON TV advertisers. Every gadget you never wanted is there. With demos. And let me say that my kids were mesmerized. I mean, if I heard Claire or Miles ask the demonstrator, "Can you do that one more time please?" I was going to lose my shit. I swear Claire saw a dude shred cheese half a dozen times before he moved onto shredding Oreo cookies for ice cream toppers. That's when I said, "TIME TO GO!" Or I would have been bringing home several of those hand cranking shredders. Cause they were pretty cool.

We moved onto the Kidway for rides, and found that it is carney-rific! Claire asked me why so many of the people didn't have teeth. Ha ha...I just kept her moving along.  Now, usually Miles is not a ride kid. But due to peer pressure from the other two boys, Miles found his way onto the fast spin-y rides. And LOVED them.

Claire has always been our adventurer. Miles is more a lego/starwars/reader/videogame/outdoorsy kinda kid. But Claire loves rides, taking risks and all around making me nervous in general. But now...Miles is a risk taker. All thanks to peer pressure. Shit.

All in all, the day was a grand success. Lots of food, rides, booths, FINDING kids, and laughing. We had a wonderful time. Sadly I didn't get to some of mine and Claire's favorite places this year. So we're going back on the last day. Sans Ryan and Miles. They don't care to go again. Freaks.

And might I add that going on opening day, if the weather is acceptable, is probably the best idea yet. We'll be doing it from now on if time permits. I mean seriously! The restroom facilities are the cleanest ever! Can't wait to see what the last day will be like. I'm thinking of strapping a catheter bag on my leg and avoiding the bathrooms all together.

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