Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy Happy Happy

Even though my life has been stressful as fuck since, oh I don't know, forever.....I'm happy as can be right now.

I'm happy about pretty much everything. I like the weather. It's been cold. Below zero cold. Snowy. But I like it.

My kids are driving me crazy. It seems the happier I am, the shittier they are. What's THAT all about? Claire pouts about homework. Miles cries in the morning because he, "didn't sleep that well" and I won't let him stay home. (I'm such a monster).

But I wake happy as a clam every morning and it lasts throughout the day

Maybe it's the extra vitamin D I've been taking. Maybe it's the daily exercise I've been doing since spring 2012. Maybe it's early Alzheimers, and I don't even remember I should be stressed and crabby. Maybe Ryan's steeping weed in my morning tea. Whatever it is, I'll take it.

I like things and life right now.
To be fair though, I should probably do regular "happiness" checks to make sure my level of happy stays like

and not drift into

It's a fine line people. A very fine line.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear about the happiness but need to point out that the pupils on the first smiley are HUGE!
just sayin'