I am watching the Today show and they are re capping the last year on their show. Of course they all look like they are having a wonderful time at work. Fun fun fun. Fun for all who make millions of dollars a year. I assume they are pissed off pretty much most days that they have to wake up for work at like 2am.
So thinking back on my year, I did quite a few new things. Mostly techie stuff. I did the blogging thing. I think it is ok. I finally went and got my own facebook page. Yuck. Another addiction to try to break. Like smoking wasn't hard enough. I started writing a book then chucked it. It just wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be.
The kids grew bigger and sassier. Lucky me. Claire has started talking NON stop this year. And Miles has found he loves video games. But will offset it by building villages with plain old blocks.
Ryan has been working a lot. He started the year traveling like a fool. Gone for 3-4 weeks every month until about June. Then no traveling. Awesome. I was no longer a single stay at home mom. Just in time too. I was about to be institutionalized. And now he has had about 3 weeks off for vacation. I love it, but there is such a thing as too much togetherness. I think the kids are going to have a rough one when he goes back to work. Fun again for all.
Family and friends have been well. My mother was sick, and if you read this blog, you know I was less then happy about the whole situation. But she is back doing the same old shit that got her there in the first place. Get ready for me to be pissed off once again at some point. Cause it's gonna happen.
I have made some new friends this year NOT via facebook. These would be true in person friends, I have had to cultivate relationships with. They are awesome. I love meeting new people who don't annoy me and who I enjoy spending time with.
Also it has been baby rama around me this year. WTF? Something in the water to make my friends 'do it' all the damn time.
All in all a good year. I don't have any resolutions because I don't have any vices anymore. Sad. I miss vices. And not the squeezy kind. Maybe I will try to be less sassy? Nah. Less critical? Nah. More open to new experiences? Hell no. I will just plan on being the same for the next year and see where it gets me.
Happy New Year. Peace.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Family movie night. Leading the youth of America astray
Tonight was family movie night. And what did we select? Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
The first time I saw this movie was at my 6th grade boyfriend's house. He was having a birthday party and we watched this movie, I think ate Cheetos and all slow danced to good ol' Corey Hart on the sun porch. Ah nostalgia is washing over me.....hold on.....
Anyway back to 2008, I thought it would be a funny movie for the kids. Miles loves to watch people make asses out of themselves. And who better to do this for him then Paul Reubens? Better him then me. And I have to say I have provided much fodder for the kids to point and laugh at as of late.
I love this movie by the way. It is absolutely ridiculous. But in a very genius way. I mean....early Tim Burton and Danny Elfman. It reminded me of later John Waters too. Love it!
Miles laughed pretty much the entire time. Claire was very concerned he was "alone" looking for his bike that someone stole. Just cause she is 2 doesn't make her dumb.
The best part of it? Our neighbor, who is 24, came over tonight just to hang out and do nothing. He watched it with us. FOR THE FIRST TIME. Holy shit. That's right for the first time. He is definitely one I would have pegged to have enjoyed the monkey business later in life. But not this late in life. He loved it too.
I keep thinking maybe it wasn't the best movie for them to be watching. It was a bit quirky for them, but it certainly beat watching Willy Wonka AGAIN.
Maybe not now, but when my kids are adults they will remember their mom was awesome, and let them watch questionable movies at a very young age. And then, I will finally win the frickin' mother of the year. Until then I remain their indentured servant.
*I am trying to use less potty mouth. Is it working for ya?*
The first time I saw this movie was at my 6th grade boyfriend's house. He was having a birthday party and we watched this movie, I think ate Cheetos and all slow danced to good ol' Corey Hart on the sun porch. Ah nostalgia is washing over me.....hold on.....
Anyway back to 2008, I thought it would be a funny movie for the kids. Miles loves to watch people make asses out of themselves. And who better to do this for him then Paul Reubens? Better him then me. And I have to say I have provided much fodder for the kids to point and laugh at as of late.
I love this movie by the way. It is absolutely ridiculous. But in a very genius way. I mean....early Tim Burton and Danny Elfman. It reminded me of later John Waters too. Love it!
Miles laughed pretty much the entire time. Claire was very concerned he was "alone" looking for his bike that someone stole. Just cause she is 2 doesn't make her dumb.
The best part of it? Our neighbor, who is 24, came over tonight just to hang out and do nothing. He watched it with us. FOR THE FIRST TIME. Holy shit. That's right for the first time. He is definitely one I would have pegged to have enjoyed the monkey business later in life. But not this late in life. He loved it too.
I keep thinking maybe it wasn't the best movie for them to be watching. It was a bit quirky for them, but it certainly beat watching Willy Wonka AGAIN.
Maybe not now, but when my kids are adults they will remember their mom was awesome, and let them watch questionable movies at a very young age. And then, I will finally win the frickin' mother of the year. Until then I remain their indentured servant.
*I am trying to use less potty mouth. Is it working for ya?*
We've been robbed.
We put all the Christmas stuff away. Not that I have that much, but it all sits in the living room. It looks like we have been cleaned out by thieves.
I bet Ryan, who HATES, LOATHES, DESPISES, clutter is so happy with the early clean up. We usually wait until the day after New Year's, but he got the bee in his bonnet to do it yesterday.
He isn't even crabby vacuuming! I think I saw a spring in his little step. Actually, I did really see a little leap. Ha ha.
Whatever makes him happy. I however, feel like Christmas isn't here yet and we have to still decorate. What the hell happened? Wasn't it just Halloween? Man....time flies. I guess 'they' were right about time passing fast when you get older. Who knew it would be so quick at 35. I should really do something about it or I will be in teen years with 2 kids sooner then I think. I am certainly not ready for that. I mean......Christmas 2008 is still coming right? Shit!
I bet Ryan, who HATES, LOATHES, DESPISES, clutter is so happy with the early clean up. We usually wait until the day after New Year's, but he got the bee in his bonnet to do it yesterday.
He isn't even crabby vacuuming! I think I saw a spring in his little step. Actually, I did really see a little leap. Ha ha.
Whatever makes him happy. I however, feel like Christmas isn't here yet and we have to still decorate. What the hell happened? Wasn't it just Halloween? Man....time flies. I guess 'they' were right about time passing fast when you get older. Who knew it would be so quick at 35. I should really do something about it or I will be in teen years with 2 kids sooner then I think. I am certainly not ready for that. I mean......Christmas 2008 is still coming right? Shit!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Are you friends with your spouse's ex?
Ok so I am just putting it out there. My best friend has been having a cyber relationship with her husband's ex girlfriend from high school. No biggie. I mean we are years from high school. But they just met each other for the first time this past weekend. Apparently all went swimmingly.
But I remember that my best friends' husband thinks it is weird that I am close friends with Ryan's ex. Her name is Heather. I love her. She is awesome. We have been friends for years now. We have even been on vacation together. Her husband is a friend of mine too. Our daughters are buddies. Why wouldn't I want to be friends with her? I mean it's like hanging out with me, but me, when I am in an awesome mood. Awesome! I kinda like myself so why not?
I think it is normal to be friends with your spouse's ex if you are not the jealous type. Or if you are the jealous type, this person dated your spouse so long ago it is almost comical.
I have found that Heather and I are a little TOO much a like. We are pretty similar on a lot of fronts. We like a lot of the same things and are annoyed at many of the same things. The only difference that is kinda funny is, we look nothing, I mean NOTHING a like. I am, as you know, a short Korean. And Heather is a tall blonde.
I guess Ryan likes the same kind of woman, just not in looks. That is cool. I can say with 100% certainty we are not like his mother AT ALL. So that old adage goes out the door.
But back to my friend. After reading her cyber girlfriends blog and seeing her photos, it is plain to me that my best friend's husband also likes the same type of woman. Sassy, beautiful, funny and, brunette. They even take the same damn self portraits with their cameras at arms length. Creepy coincidence? I think not.
I will say this....I will NEVER be friends with the "psycho" Ryan dated before me. Can we say boiling rabbits?
But I remember that my best friends' husband thinks it is weird that I am close friends with Ryan's ex. Her name is Heather. I love her. She is awesome. We have been friends for years now. We have even been on vacation together. Her husband is a friend of mine too. Our daughters are buddies. Why wouldn't I want to be friends with her? I mean it's like hanging out with me, but me, when I am in an awesome mood. Awesome! I kinda like myself so why not?
I think it is normal to be friends with your spouse's ex if you are not the jealous type. Or if you are the jealous type, this person dated your spouse so long ago it is almost comical.
I have found that Heather and I are a little TOO much a like. We are pretty similar on a lot of fronts. We like a lot of the same things and are annoyed at many of the same things. The only difference that is kinda funny is, we look nothing, I mean NOTHING a like. I am, as you know, a short Korean. And Heather is a tall blonde.
I guess Ryan likes the same kind of woman, just not in looks. That is cool. I can say with 100% certainty we are not like his mother AT ALL. So that old adage goes out the door.
But back to my friend. After reading her cyber girlfriends blog and seeing her photos, it is plain to me that my best friend's husband also likes the same type of woman. Sassy, beautiful, funny and, brunette. They even take the same damn self portraits with their cameras at arms length. Creepy coincidence? I think not.
I will say this....I will NEVER be friends with the "psycho" Ryan dated before me. Can we say boiling rabbits?
Making a list of crap
Lately some of my friends have been listing "25 things you may not know about me" on their blogs....(you can see them on people who follow my blog). And since I was bitched out the other day for NOT BLOGGING EVERY DAY!!!!! Here is my list of 25 things you PROBABLY didn't want to or need to know about me. Sit back, relax and don't complain to me if you don't like it.
1: I love that Miles' Party Bear stinks. It means it is well loved. It smells like
pee and syrup. Don't ask. I don't know. I wash it a lot.
2: I can't stand the fact that my daughter won't wear a dress and tells people
she is a big boy. I already have a boy for God's sake.
3: I hate snoring more then anything else in the world! And my husband does it
4: I am an evil genius when it comes to getting my way. I can't tell you how, but
suffice it to say....I am good.
5: It don't like crumbs on the counter or the kitchen floor, but somehow they
are always there.
6: My favorite coffee is Peace coffee.
7: I hate hate hate going to the doctor. Every time I go for something
unscheduled, I don't have a virus....I have......"something rare, we don't know what it is, but you contracted it by standing in the sun on the west side of your house and not the east on a Tuesday after 3PM and you didn't have your Hawaiian Tiki lamp on the window sill" Yep. That's me. What the fuck was I thinking? I thought I had strep.
8: I rub my feet together on equal sides when I am cold. It's weird.
9: I love it when Ryan kisses me on the forehead.
10: I am thankful to have a Best friend who is so much like me, I don't have to say sorry for anything. EVER. And she still loves me.
11: I love to hear gossip, but I rarely ever spill the beans unless someone will get
hurt by not knowing. I am a good secret keeper.
12: If you do tell me something, know that Ryan and Jill will most likely hear it,
but they probably don't know you anyway. And they would NEVER say anything.
13: I really miss my sister Sara in LA.
14: Claire cracks my ass up pretty much every day several times a day.
15: Sometimes I get a little sad thinking about what it was like with just me and
Miles. I miss our alone time.
16: I will pretty much do anything for you within reason and within my time frame.
17: If you are my family I will love you no matter what.
18: I will often dream of John Cusack being my boyfriend. Ryan knows this and thinks it is hilarious because I really don't find John Cusack that attractive.
19: I hate when the cupboards and dishwasher are left open.
20: I always hit my knee on the table no matter where I am. I am clumsy.
21: I have taught (accidentally) my kids to laugh their asses off when someone falls. It sucks when that person is me. Also I have taught them (accidentally again) to point when laughing.
22: I can fold a fitted sheet perfectly rectangular to match the flat sheet and pillow cases. It's a sickness.
23: I love to cook and eat, but I don't feel hungry when I am cooking. And don't
usually like what I have cooked.
24: I feel super old. I miss waking up pain free.
25: I will never blog about this crap again if I can help it.
*****After spending way too much damn time figuring out the spacing I see this is jacked up anyway. Sorry. Suck it. Not fixing it now.*******
1: I love that Miles' Party Bear stinks. It means it is well loved. It smells like
pee and syrup. Don't ask. I don't know. I wash it a lot.
2: I can't stand the fact that my daughter won't wear a dress and tells people
she is a big boy. I already have a boy for God's sake.
3: I hate snoring more then anything else in the world! And my husband does it
4: I am an evil genius when it comes to getting my way. I can't tell you how, but
suffice it to say....I am good.
5: It don't like crumbs on the counter or the kitchen floor, but somehow they
are always there.
6: My favorite coffee is Peace coffee.
7: I hate hate hate going to the doctor. Every time I go for something
unscheduled, I don't have a virus....I have......"something rare, we don't know what it is, but you contracted it by standing in the sun on the west side of your house and not the east on a Tuesday after 3PM and you didn't have your Hawaiian Tiki lamp on the window sill" Yep. That's me. What the fuck was I thinking? I thought I had strep.
8: I rub my feet together on equal sides when I am cold. It's weird.
9: I love it when Ryan kisses me on the forehead.
10: I am thankful to have a Best friend who is so much like me, I don't have to say sorry for anything. EVER. And she still loves me.
11: I love to hear gossip, but I rarely ever spill the beans unless someone will get
hurt by not knowing. I am a good secret keeper.
12: If you do tell me something, know that Ryan and Jill will most likely hear it,
but they probably don't know you anyway. And they would NEVER say anything.
13: I really miss my sister Sara in LA.
14: Claire cracks my ass up pretty much every day several times a day.
15: Sometimes I get a little sad thinking about what it was like with just me and
Miles. I miss our alone time.
16: I will pretty much do anything for you within reason and within my time frame.
17: If you are my family I will love you no matter what.
18: I will often dream of John Cusack being my boyfriend. Ryan knows this and thinks it is hilarious because I really don't find John Cusack that attractive.
19: I hate when the cupboards and dishwasher are left open.
20: I always hit my knee on the table no matter where I am. I am clumsy.
21: I have taught (accidentally) my kids to laugh their asses off when someone falls. It sucks when that person is me. Also I have taught them (accidentally again) to point when laughing.
22: I can fold a fitted sheet perfectly rectangular to match the flat sheet and pillow cases. It's a sickness.
23: I love to cook and eat, but I don't feel hungry when I am cooking. And don't
usually like what I have cooked.
24: I feel super old. I miss waking up pain free.
25: I will never blog about this crap again if I can help it.
*****After spending way too much damn time figuring out the spacing I see this is jacked up anyway. Sorry. Suck it. Not fixing it now.*******
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A good Christmas
Today was fun. The kids had a blast with Christmas this year. Santa gifts were a huge hit. I have to say that Miles almost lost his shit today when he opened a gift from MY cousin's family.
It was a box, full to the damn top with Star Wars action figures. I mean.....all the action figures a boy like Miles would want and more. My cousin is late 30's and has 3 kids. He was a huge, I mean HUGE ass fan of Star Wars, or SW as I call it. So he has collections that are amazing. Over the past year or so he has been whittling away his collection and pieces of that collection have been showing up in our mailbox once in a while. Nice! More SW shit. But look at Miles' face! How can I begrudge it? He looks fucking deranged! I could have sworn I saw him go into shock. And he told me what was a collectors item and what wasn't.
Strangely enough ALL packages were opened. Goodbye mint condition! There were some that were from the late 80's and stuff...so whatever. I have no idea about that stuff. Ryan said he always feels weird opening the boxes cause he knows my cousin collected for so long....but he knew what he was doing when he gave them to our kid. Blah blah blah.....
Claire loved her gum ball machine. You can kinda see it. She was rocking back and forth so fast I could only capture the blur of her smile and glee. But she had a mouth full of gumballs within 5 minutes and her fingers and lips were all shades of blue, green and a weird yellow.
Then the obligatory "kids in front of the tree with their good clothes on" photo. At least Miles has his hand in his pocket. He has been into "making sure it's still there". Hilarious at least he is multi-tasking by choking his sister at the same time. I know I know...insert joke here. Merry Christmas!
It's 6 am!!!!
Christmas Day! Santa was here. The kids are up and digging on their treasures. We have to leave at 7:30am to make it to my parents house in time. Oh the day just keeps on a truckin!
Claire can't stop handing out her stinking gum balls. She got a new Ho ho Titty gumball machine from Santa. Miles is investigating his new dvd of the Clone Wars. Ryan is opening all the adult proof packaging.
Merry Christmas again. And Happy New Year.
Increased DWI enforcement this season. I know. I saw it on a billboard last night coming home. Anything on a billboard is true. Didn't you know that?
Claire can't stop handing out her stinking gum balls. She got a new Ho ho Titty gumball machine from Santa. Miles is investigating his new dvd of the Clone Wars. Ryan is opening all the adult proof packaging.
Merry Christmas again. And Happy New Year.
Increased DWI enforcement this season. I know. I saw it on a billboard last night coming home. Anything on a billboard is true. Didn't you know that?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sorry Jill
Too dizzy to blog......
Too crabby to care about it.....
Merry Christmas Everyone! May you eat, drink and be merry.
Too crabby to care about it.....
Merry Christmas Everyone! May you eat, drink and be merry.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Being dizzy sucks ass!
Today I have had it. I finally called the doctor and scheduled to go in tomorrow. Now if you follow this blog at all, you know I have been sick for over a month now. Dizzy, nauseated, and tired as all hell. I went to doctors the middle of November and they decided it was "lady trouble". So they put me on the meds hoping it would help.
Not so damn much! So I let it go for several weeks. And now....I can't takes no more!
I have been dizzy everyday for weeks on end. Makes driving almost impossible. Imagine spinning around as fast as you can and then stopping. Remember how that felt? All fun and excitement when you were a kid landing in the grass and laughing your ass off. Not so funny when you are walking down the hall and fall into the bathroom door. No laughing occurs. Not one damn snicker. And I am no kid. Thankfully there is laughing on my kids' part. They think 'sick' mommy is fucking hilarious.
But this dizzy means, canceled plans. I had to cancel seeing a friend who is in town from Miami. Suck! I also canceled plans with another friend to stop over to exchange Christmas gifts. Double Suck! And I can't promise anything for Christmas. If I am lucky I will have to take the meds I took at Thanksgiving and be high off my ass for the whole day. My in-laws LOVED it. *note eye roll* I can't censor anything that comes out my mouth, and I usually do when I'm with them. And with good reason. I can be a sass pot. Yikes.
So I hope this damn doctor finds what the hell is wrong with me so I can get on with my life. Also...Miles is into spinning in a circle until he falls over. Not so much with the helping.
Not so damn much! So I let it go for several weeks. And now....I can't takes no more!
I have been dizzy everyday for weeks on end. Makes driving almost impossible. Imagine spinning around as fast as you can and then stopping. Remember how that felt? All fun and excitement when you were a kid landing in the grass and laughing your ass off. Not so funny when you are walking down the hall and fall into the bathroom door. No laughing occurs. Not one damn snicker. And I am no kid. Thankfully there is laughing on my kids' part. They think 'sick' mommy is fucking hilarious.
But this dizzy means, canceled plans. I had to cancel seeing a friend who is in town from Miami. Suck! I also canceled plans with another friend to stop over to exchange Christmas gifts. Double Suck! And I can't promise anything for Christmas. If I am lucky I will have to take the meds I took at Thanksgiving and be high off my ass for the whole day. My in-laws LOVED it. *note eye roll* I can't censor anything that comes out my mouth, and I usually do when I'm with them. And with good reason. I can be a sass pot. Yikes.
So I hope this damn doctor finds what the hell is wrong with me so I can get on with my life. Also...Miles is into spinning in a circle until he falls over. Not so much with the helping.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A very Dian Christmas
Last night we had our best friends over to celebrate Christmas. We do it every year. The Saturday before Christmas we get together, eat a big fat meal, open gifts to each other and bake cookies. This year we were without Gage. He sometimes makes it, sometimes doesn't. All depends on if he is here or with his dad.
This year I wasn't sure what to get the kids. I mean...their frickin' parents got them EVERYTHING they asked for. Even the little stuff. It makes for difficult shopping. And as Layla's godparents we like to give a gift that is great or memorable.
So this year......I gave the kids ornaments. They were little blue mittens with a picture space in the middle. In the middle, I put cash. Pretty lame, but it worked out. Layla was more then appreciative for the ornament. That was even before she saw the money. Her parents raised her right. Although I saw the shiny glimmer of Christmas joy fade. She still said..."Thanks! I love it". Then we asked her who the photo was. She told us she didn't know but it would be WAY cuter if there was a photo of her in it. Ha ha. The vanity of an 8 year old. I love it.
My kids got a crazy ton of art materials from their godparents and the sad sad addiction of Webkinz. Miles loves it. He has spent all his money already. I AM NOT GETTING MORE!
We baked cookies and then sent our best friends and god daughter off into the wild blue yonder. Really....we kicked them out into the blizzard. But they made it home ok and they had their driveway plowed out. Nice.
We love the Dian's!
This year I wasn't sure what to get the kids. I mean...their frickin' parents got them EVERYTHING they asked for. Even the little stuff. It makes for difficult shopping. And as Layla's godparents we like to give a gift that is great or memorable.
So this year......I gave the kids ornaments. They were little blue mittens with a picture space in the middle. In the middle, I put cash. Pretty lame, but it worked out. Layla was more then appreciative for the ornament. That was even before she saw the money. Her parents raised her right. Although I saw the shiny glimmer of Christmas joy fade. She still said..."Thanks! I love it". Then we asked her who the photo was. She told us she didn't know but it would be WAY cuter if there was a photo of her in it. Ha ha. The vanity of an 8 year old. I love it.
My kids got a crazy ton of art materials from their godparents and the sad sad addiction of Webkinz. Miles loves it. He has spent all his money already. I AM NOT GETTING MORE!
We baked cookies and then sent our best friends and god daughter off into the wild blue yonder. Really....we kicked them out into the blizzard. But they made it home ok and they had their driveway plowed out. Nice.
We love the Dian's!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Follow Up to making your business bigger
I actually called AMC this morning. Ha ha. I know....but it was easier then sending an email. And I HAD to find out what the hell happened. It was just too weird to let go.
The woman I spoke to was very courteous. She said she knew what I was calling about and that they have received MANY calls and emails regarding the "commercial situation".
Hilarious that she already knew what I was going to tell her about at 7:30 am. She told me that they allow our local cable companies to place their own ads for several of the commercial breaks. And apparently someone dropped the ball.
I told her it was funny, but difficult explaining to my 4 year old what the hell it was all about. I told her about the "socks". She thought it was clever. Yep. That's me....clever.
Anyway....that is the follow up. Nothing special, but now you know I am THAT parent. Not the concerned parent, but the super nosey parent.
I am now dealing with my drunk husband. Holiday party for work. Makes for a very Jolly Ryan.
He owes me.
The woman I spoke to was very courteous. She said she knew what I was calling about and that they have received MANY calls and emails regarding the "commercial situation".
Hilarious that she already knew what I was going to tell her about at 7:30 am. She told me that they allow our local cable companies to place their own ads for several of the commercial breaks. And apparently someone dropped the ball.
I told her it was funny, but difficult explaining to my 4 year old what the hell it was all about. I told her about the "socks". She thought it was clever. Yep. That's me....clever.
Anyway....that is the follow up. Nothing special, but now you know I am THAT parent. Not the concerned parent, but the super nosey parent.
I am now dealing with my drunk husband. Holiday party for work. Makes for a very Jolly Ryan.
He owes me.
ExTenze Male Enhancement
So last night I was watching Willy Wonka with the kids on AMC. It was primetime and the kids were soooooo excited to watch it. They are on a huge Willy Wonka kick. They will watch the old school Willy Wonka or the new Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. That and the Goonies, although Miles is the one watching the Goonies.
Either way....to my dismay and Claire's (she would deep sigh every time), there were commercials. The first being a couple sitting next to each other looking all moonie. They began talking about male enhancement. I mean here is a bit of the conversation,
"I used to think my friends were crazy"
"I mean...I don't need to be bigger, just better!"
"I don't mind bigger. It sure is more fun"
"Sex is better when his penis is bigger!"
Now that isn't verbatim, but I am pretty sure I got the gist of it. And it went on for a really long time.
So Miles looks at me and says, "Mom what are they talking about getting bigger?" I was glad to know he missed the penis part. So I told him it was about bigger SOCKS. Yes sir, I lied to my 4 year old. I am usually very open and honest with him about these types of questions, but I felt this had gone a little too far. And my 2 year old was sitting there. I can just imagine her yelling down to Ryan..."DADDY YOU CAN HAVE A BIG PENIS!" Plus it is something Miles would tell people he saw. Definitely something he would tell his teachers at pre school. Like he had stumbled on the Arc of the Covenant, and had to share his knowledge with everyone so they could all benefit. Because you know...men and women liked this pill.
I wonder if anyone from AMC was fired for placing those ads during family movie night. Or if they did it as a joke. Ha ha. I actually thought it was funny after I was trying to mute the tv every time the damn thing came on tv. And I mean....EVERY TIME. It must have been on 5 or 6 times.
Maybe I should send AMC an angry-but-made-me-laugh letter. The response would be priceless.
Either way....to my dismay and Claire's (she would deep sigh every time), there were commercials. The first being a couple sitting next to each other looking all moonie. They began talking about male enhancement. I mean here is a bit of the conversation,
"I used to think my friends were crazy"
"I mean...I don't need to be bigger, just better!"
"I don't mind bigger. It sure is more fun"
"Sex is better when his penis is bigger!"
Now that isn't verbatim, but I am pretty sure I got the gist of it. And it went on for a really long time.
So Miles looks at me and says, "Mom what are they talking about getting bigger?" I was glad to know he missed the penis part. So I told him it was about bigger SOCKS. Yes sir, I lied to my 4 year old. I am usually very open and honest with him about these types of questions, but I felt this had gone a little too far. And my 2 year old was sitting there. I can just imagine her yelling down to Ryan..."DADDY YOU CAN HAVE A BIG PENIS!" Plus it is something Miles would tell people he saw. Definitely something he would tell his teachers at pre school. Like he had stumbled on the Arc of the Covenant, and had to share his knowledge with everyone so they could all benefit. Because you know...men and women liked this pill.
I wonder if anyone from AMC was fired for placing those ads during family movie night. Or if they did it as a joke. Ha ha. I actually thought it was funny after I was trying to mute the tv every time the damn thing came on tv. And I mean....EVERY TIME. It must have been on 5 or 6 times.
Maybe I should send AMC an angry-but-made-me-laugh letter. The response would be priceless.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I don't feel like blogging. I am quickly getting sick of being sick. I am crabby that my kids are "bored" all the time, and Claire tells me she is "tired". Meaning whatever we are asking her, her answer is...screw you. Not put so eloquently however.
My husband had a crabby cleaning day. He cleaned, but did it angrily. He hates to have a cluttered house. And we have 2 kids who have been in the house for multiple days. Translation. Shit all over the place. Little shit, big shit, and more shit. All leads to crabby cleaning. Crabby vacuuming, and crabby putting away of said shit. I took a nap. Slept right through it all.
Only to be woken up by Miles telling me...."Claire is doing something." Can't be good that's for sure.
And yes.....Claire WAS doing something. Shredding Styrofoam on the sofa. You know the stuff. Little white pebbles of static electricity charged fluff. It was ALL over the freshly "crabby" vacuumed living room. I am sure if I hadn't cleaned the mess up myself Ryan would have had an aneurysm. Then to find out that Miles played a part as well. He looked very shamed as he and his sister made the walk of shame to their rooms for time out.
To be honest my day started out ok. We took the kids to the MOA with friends and spent the day there. Fun. Less crowded then I thought it would be as the dog from Marley and Me was going to be there. I mean...a celebrity dog. Wow. That is about as exciting as an anal probe I can imagine. But upon arriving home......crabby ensued.
No nap leads to crabby kids. Fun for all to be had. Oh well...the day is almost over. And we can start fresh tomorrow. Any guesses what we will be crabby about tomorrow?
My husband had a crabby cleaning day. He cleaned, but did it angrily. He hates to have a cluttered house. And we have 2 kids who have been in the house for multiple days. Translation. Shit all over the place. Little shit, big shit, and more shit. All leads to crabby cleaning. Crabby vacuuming, and crabby putting away of said shit. I took a nap. Slept right through it all.
Only to be woken up by Miles telling me...."Claire is doing something." Can't be good that's for sure.
And yes.....Claire WAS doing something. Shredding Styrofoam on the sofa. You know the stuff. Little white pebbles of static electricity charged fluff. It was ALL over the freshly "crabby" vacuumed living room. I am sure if I hadn't cleaned the mess up myself Ryan would have had an aneurysm. Then to find out that Miles played a part as well. He looked very shamed as he and his sister made the walk of shame to their rooms for time out.
To be honest my day started out ok. We took the kids to the MOA with friends and spent the day there. Fun. Less crowded then I thought it would be as the dog from Marley and Me was going to be there. I mean...a celebrity dog. Wow. That is about as exciting as an anal probe I can imagine. But upon arriving home......crabby ensued.
No nap leads to crabby kids. Fun for all to be had. Oh well...the day is almost over. And we can start fresh tomorrow. Any guesses what we will be crabby about tomorrow?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I am usually right
Claire was standing on a two level step stool tonight investigating the Christmas tree.
She was right in front of it peering through it to see ornaments on the back of the tree. I walked by her and said, "I would like you to get off that chair. You could fall and get hurt." Pretty standard mom speak.
Without hesitation she replied, "I won't mom. I am very careful!" It wasn't like she was reassuring me, she was more or less lecturing me. How DARE I tell her what to do. She KNEW what she was doing.
5 minutes later I hear clang clink jingle. She fell into the tree. Ornaments and Claire came crashing to the ground.
She promptly began bawling like I had thrown her across the room into the tree on purpose, or that me telling her not to do it had jinxed her. Oh well....super dad to the rescue. I just kept making dinner and proceeded to tell her I don't say things like this for my health. I do it because....I am usually right.
Hello. I AM my mother.
She was right in front of it peering through it to see ornaments on the back of the tree. I walked by her and said, "I would like you to get off that chair. You could fall and get hurt." Pretty standard mom speak.
Without hesitation she replied, "I won't mom. I am very careful!" It wasn't like she was reassuring me, she was more or less lecturing me. How DARE I tell her what to do. She KNEW what she was doing.
5 minutes later I hear clang clink jingle. She fell into the tree. Ornaments and Claire came crashing to the ground.
She promptly began bawling like I had thrown her across the room into the tree on purpose, or that me telling her not to do it had jinxed her. Oh well....super dad to the rescue. I just kept making dinner and proceeded to tell her I don't say things like this for my health. I do it because....I am usually right.
Hello. I AM my mother.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Who do I need to know to get my way?
Today is cold. Really cold. And the snow is blowing like mad. Upon arriving home today we noticed our driveway was cleared. Our fabulous neighbor has plowed out our driveway 2 times already this winter.
The last time I was shoveling I was standing out in the driveway with the kids bundled up. I was almost done when sure as shit the city plow came through. Now here is the scene.......2 kids unrecognizable as people other then the fact they are moving around, me with a bright red face shoveling like mad to get back into the house and the plow drives right past with no regard to what is happening in our yard.
The jerk must have plowed snow 4 feet into our driveway and certainly 2 feet deep. I had to run up the drive to NOT get hit with snow, rocks and whatever other kind of debris he scraped up. I was wondering who I talk to to have the plow drive around the driveway and NOT put that crap in my driveway. I think he was waiting for me to be almost done when he plowed too. I swear I saw him sitting on the corner having a cup of coffee. Sadistic bastard! I could definitely see him smile as he drove by while I shook my angry fist. Ensuring that we would have it rough the rest of the winter. JERK!
But today....is another day. Our drive was cleared off. Our neighbor must have waited until the plow went through. Lovely!!!! I owe them chocolate or something. There.....my rant for the day. The end.
The last time I was shoveling I was standing out in the driveway with the kids bundled up. I was almost done when sure as shit the city plow came through. Now here is the scene.......2 kids unrecognizable as people other then the fact they are moving around, me with a bright red face shoveling like mad to get back into the house and the plow drives right past with no regard to what is happening in our yard.
The jerk must have plowed snow 4 feet into our driveway and certainly 2 feet deep. I had to run up the drive to NOT get hit with snow, rocks and whatever other kind of debris he scraped up. I was wondering who I talk to to have the plow drive around the driveway and NOT put that crap in my driveway. I think he was waiting for me to be almost done when he plowed too. I swear I saw him sitting on the corner having a cup of coffee. Sadistic bastard! I could definitely see him smile as he drove by while I shook my angry fist. Ensuring that we would have it rough the rest of the winter. JERK!
But today....is another day. Our drive was cleared off. Our neighbor must have waited until the plow went through. Lovely!!!! I owe them chocolate or something. There.....my rant for the day. The end.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Miles the musical savant and mini pancakes
Miles had his annual pre-school Christmas program today. He did ok. He sang and did the hand motions for the first song. Then it was all down hill from there.
I swear the kid looked bored out of his mind. At some point he was turned all the way around to see what the other kids on the risers where doing. That's when one of his teachers had to step in and tell him to turn the frick around. He looked annoyed that someone was telling him to stop what he was doing. So I think to punish her, he just stood there looking bored as hell. He even went so far as to let out the biggest yawn known to man. Several laughs ensued.
He is one of the smallest kids in the class so he is ALWAYS in the front. Last year we had many parents come up to us and say....."Oh that Miles is such a cutie and what a character!" Yes once in front of an audience shenanigans commence. Courtesy of my kid.
But it was a cute thing to see. Nothing too spectacular occurred. Did I mention Claire slept through the whole thing?
Afterward we went to the in-laws for dessert. It was nice of them to have us over. The kids got to play with their cousins and we had coffee and brownies.
Then we had to high tail it home as the weather was less the desirable. I told the kids they had to be super quiet on the way home so Ryan could concentrate on the road. The only thing uttered was this....."Mom did we get brunch today? Can we have brunch for dinner?" I think brunch escapes my Miles. We skipped brunch today with friends because I was feeling less then stellar. We just don't do it so he has no idea. But as a special request we are having mini pancakes for dinner. A reward for my singing fool!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
That is the word for the day. Claire informed me she could help her brother lift stuff cause she is strong *flex* and has nipples. I explained to her she had MUSCLES not nipples. Well you know what I mean.
Miles promptly told her she had MUPPLES. Muscle nipples. HUH? Whatever keeps them from fighting with each other.
Miles promptly told her she had MUPPLES. Muscle nipples. HUH? Whatever keeps them from fighting with each other.
I make fun of people like this.
I don't understand when it happened. Have we always been hippies? I mean I cut my hair off and everything. And yet....my daughter still comes into my bed every night and sleeps.
People....we have a *gasp* "family bed".
My sister and her husband have a "family bed". I think just recently their 6 year old started sleeping in a bed of his own. But my sister lives in the Valley with all the REAL hippies in CA and it is totally acceptable for them do such monkey business. I on the other hand would tease her relentlessly. Here is a snippet of the conversations we would have.
"Is Lincoln out of your bed yet?"
"No. He can't sleep alone yet."
"Sara! What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you still breast feed him too?"
Sara would laugh, but not in the "your right" kind of way. More in a "if I laugh at her she won't realize all the other shit I am doing way."
Don't get me wrong. I love my sister and I do like a good hippie, but I do not share my bed with my kids! That has been a rule for ever. It started with my parents. They never let us sleep in their bed. NEVER! Unless we were sick and it was during the day.
Miles never slept in our bed. He would come into our room at night and then sleep on the floor next to us. But never in our bed.
Then Claire. She is up so much and is so bossy. I don't have the strength or energy to get rid of her. And half the time I don't even know she is in bed with me until early in the morning. She is a sneaky little devil too.
But I have become a huge hypocrite. I bet my sister is getting a huge laugh right about now. The only benefit of the "family bed" that I can see is, Claire keeps me a little warmer at night. It is freezing in here.
Seriously though? I used to totally make fun of you hippies who slept with your kids on PURPOSE. And I still might a little. But take solace in the fact, I kind of get it, I'm just rude.
People....we have a *gasp* "family bed".
My sister and her husband have a "family bed". I think just recently their 6 year old started sleeping in a bed of his own. But my sister lives in the Valley with all the REAL hippies in CA and it is totally acceptable for them do such monkey business. I on the other hand would tease her relentlessly. Here is a snippet of the conversations we would have.
"Is Lincoln out of your bed yet?"
"No. He can't sleep alone yet."
"Sara! What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you still breast feed him too?"
Sara would laugh, but not in the "your right" kind of way. More in a "if I laugh at her she won't realize all the other shit I am doing way."
Don't get me wrong. I love my sister and I do like a good hippie, but I do not share my bed with my kids! That has been a rule for ever. It started with my parents. They never let us sleep in their bed. NEVER! Unless we were sick and it was during the day.
Miles never slept in our bed. He would come into our room at night and then sleep on the floor next to us. But never in our bed.
Then Claire. She is up so much and is so bossy. I don't have the strength or energy to get rid of her. And half the time I don't even know she is in bed with me until early in the morning. She is a sneaky little devil too.
But I have become a huge hypocrite. I bet my sister is getting a huge laugh right about now. The only benefit of the "family bed" that I can see is, Claire keeps me a little warmer at night. It is freezing in here.
Seriously though? I used to totally make fun of you hippies who slept with your kids on PURPOSE. And I still might a little. But take solace in the fact, I kind of get it, I'm just rude.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mustaches and Meatheads
In an attempt to completely get no lovin' from me, Ryan has decided to join two other meatheads and grow a mustache.
One of the guys is going to shave his beard and stuff to make himself a good ol' fashioned handle bar mustache. Hopefully complete with facial wax and his Viking's Zubaz.
Ryan's best friend is going to I don't know what. But I'm sure his wife will think it is AWESOME!!! *major sarcasm*
And Ryan is trying to bring back the skinny mustache. Why for the love of all that is good and holy? John Waters he is not.
My Ryan is a blond Norwegian. He has ceased to shave above his lip now for a week. It is definitely a lame attempt. If you could see him, it looks like there is light colored shit hanging off his face. It is absurd. Sadly he has 2 1/2 weeks of vacation to take here and he will for sure not shave. And I assure you this too....he will only grow a mustache. Nothing else. No goatee no beard. All mustache.
The night of the 'big' event is New Year's Eve. We are going to hang out with friends and there will be, I am sure of it, much talk about mustaches, and stupid stroking of their facial hair. Gaaaaahhhh!!!!
I have always told him...I won't tell him what to do. I won't tell him he can't grow one, but I am not responsible for what happens when he does. Guess he is going to call my bluff. Good luck with that one.
One of the guys is going to shave his beard and stuff to make himself a good ol' fashioned handle bar mustache. Hopefully complete with facial wax and his Viking's Zubaz.
Ryan's best friend is going to I don't know what. But I'm sure his wife will think it is AWESOME!!! *major sarcasm*
And Ryan is trying to bring back the skinny mustache. Why for the love of all that is good and holy? John Waters he is not.
My Ryan is a blond Norwegian. He has ceased to shave above his lip now for a week. It is definitely a lame attempt. If you could see him, it looks like there is light colored shit hanging off his face. It is absurd. Sadly he has 2 1/2 weeks of vacation to take here and he will for sure not shave. And I assure you this too....he will only grow a mustache. Nothing else. No goatee no beard. All mustache.
The night of the 'big' event is New Year's Eve. We are going to hang out with friends and there will be, I am sure of it, much talk about mustaches, and stupid stroking of their facial hair. Gaaaaahhhh!!!!
I have always told him...I won't tell him what to do. I won't tell him he can't grow one, but I am not responsible for what happens when he does. Guess he is going to call my bluff. Good luck with that one.
For Miles and the geeks in my life
A friend posted this on her facebook page. I couldn't help myself. With all the Star Wars crap I have to put up with in this house, she has far and above surpassed me with Star Wars overload. You win Teresa!
Carn-found-it! Ratz-a-fratza!
God!!!!!! What the hell does a girl have to do to get a full night's sleep? Seriously!!!!!
Claire was up at 2:45am. Yep....AM. First Ryan left the room again. After Claire talked to me for 30 min, blabbing about who the hell knows what, cause I was doing my best to block her out without screaming, she announced, "I wanna go to my bed!"
GOOD. GO. And make sure you give daddy a big hug when you get there.
Then I hear very loud whispering. "Claire go to sleep!" I look into her room and she is in the corner of her bed. Smashed up into the wall of stuffed animals. And to my surprise, Ryan is smashed right next to her. Imagine a full grown man, a 2 year old and about 45 stuffed animals all in a twin sized bed. Love it. I felt less annoyed that he tried to sleep alone. Karma. It's a bitch.
Anyway....Ryan finally came to bed and Claire stayed in her room. Singing to herself. Loudly. Something about how she is happy and then she is sad and then she is mad. She likes to make up songs. It puts her to sleep so....whatever works.
Although it is kinda creepy like horror movie creepy to hear a little girl's voice sing in the middle of the night. Especially when you are half asleep. I wasn't sure at some point whether I should laugh at her singing or run for my life. Hell yeah I would leave the kids. They have been taught to fight for themselves. What do you think all that UFC Ryan watches is good for?
But all went quite around 4:30 or so. Then I woke up at 7 with Miles standing next to my head. No talking just "felt" him standing there.
Creepy kids is what I have. Very creepy.
Claire was up at 2:45am. Yep....AM. First Ryan left the room again. After Claire talked to me for 30 min, blabbing about who the hell knows what, cause I was doing my best to block her out without screaming, she announced, "I wanna go to my bed!"
GOOD. GO. And make sure you give daddy a big hug when you get there.
Then I hear very loud whispering. "Claire go to sleep!" I look into her room and she is in the corner of her bed. Smashed up into the wall of stuffed animals. And to my surprise, Ryan is smashed right next to her. Imagine a full grown man, a 2 year old and about 45 stuffed animals all in a twin sized bed. Love it. I felt less annoyed that he tried to sleep alone. Karma. It's a bitch.
Anyway....Ryan finally came to bed and Claire stayed in her room. Singing to herself. Loudly. Something about how she is happy and then she is sad and then she is mad. She likes to make up songs. It puts her to sleep so....whatever works.
Although it is kinda creepy like horror movie creepy to hear a little girl's voice sing in the middle of the night. Especially when you are half asleep. I wasn't sure at some point whether I should laugh at her singing or run for my life. Hell yeah I would leave the kids. They have been taught to fight for themselves. What do you think all that UFC Ryan watches is good for?
But all went quite around 4:30 or so. Then I woke up at 7 with Miles standing next to my head. No talking just "felt" him standing there.
Creepy kids is what I have. Very creepy.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Freakin' Party Pizzas
My kids love to eat crap. There I said it. I am not ashamed to admit it.
Ryan and I usually eat organic business because of his aversion to Partially Hydrogenated Oils or PHO. No not the Asian noodle bowls, but you know...the stuff in every processed food known to man.
There are some things that I love to eat with the kids. Any kind of chip with bright orange powder. Those always have PHO. And McDonald's. I don't know why I like it. Just something that satisfies my need for fat and grease. And it is pure deliciousness.
Then there are the party pizzas. My son won't eat any other kind of pizza. My daughter will eat anything really. Her favorite is salad, but she won't eat the party pizza. What is a mom to do?
My resolve has been to make a separate lunch for Claire and eat half of the stupid pizza with Miles.
God damn if it doesn't make me feel sick afterward. But party pizza y'all. Yum.
Ryan and I usually eat organic business because of his aversion to Partially Hydrogenated Oils or PHO. No not the Asian noodle bowls, but you know...the stuff in every processed food known to man.
There are some things that I love to eat with the kids. Any kind of chip with bright orange powder. Those always have PHO. And McDonald's. I don't know why I like it. Just something that satisfies my need for fat and grease. And it is pure deliciousness.
Then there are the party pizzas. My son won't eat any other kind of pizza. My daughter will eat anything really. Her favorite is salad, but she won't eat the party pizza. What is a mom to do?
My resolve has been to make a separate lunch for Claire and eat half of the stupid pizza with Miles.
God damn if it doesn't make me feel sick afterward. But party pizza y'all. Yum.
What the hell did I eat?
Last night I had by far the most disturbing/gut busting hilarious dream ever.
Miles was in the driveway looking at an inch worm. No biggie. I thought it was going to be one of those regular everyday, day residue dreams. Not so much.
All of the sudden the inch worm started jumping. Then dancing. Then singing. A la the WB frog. Then Miles, Claire and my mother hooked arms with said inch worm and started a high kick line.
(I know that was from Layla's dance recital.) What the fuck you ask? Me too.
I can't quite remember what they were singing, but I am positive it had something to do with Star Wars and Hello Kitty. * ho ho titty for those who miss that*
Anyway.....just thought I would share for those of you who think I am normal. Must have been all the wine in the gravy last night.
Miles was in the driveway looking at an inch worm. No biggie. I thought it was going to be one of those regular everyday, day residue dreams. Not so much.
All of the sudden the inch worm started jumping. Then dancing. Then singing. A la the WB frog. Then Miles, Claire and my mother hooked arms with said inch worm and started a high kick line.
(I know that was from Layla's dance recital.) What the fuck you ask? Me too.
I can't quite remember what they were singing, but I am positive it had something to do with Star Wars and Hello Kitty. * ho ho titty for those who miss that*
Anyway.....just thought I would share for those of you who think I am normal. Must have been all the wine in the gravy last night.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Miles the party animal
Last night we were at a friends birthday party. Claire's little buddy Ella, turned 2. Miles and Claire had so much fun.
Miles loves a good party. To be honest he loves ANY party. When the neighbors had a party a few weeks ago he was so excited to go. Granted it was a bunch of adults geeking out (see previous post) but he loved being part of it.
I am not sure what it is. Maybe all the people, the food, the music, or just the atmosphere. But he LOVES LOVES LOVES parties.
Anyway, he played with kids last night. There were 3 two year old girls, a 5 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. He was in pure heaven. The party was held at my friends parents house. It is huge. Perfect for allowing kids to run around and monkey about. Miles loved the food too. He was a fan of the brownie sundaes that were doled out.
On the way home he sang "happy birthday" to us. Why? I'm not quite sure, but he did. At least it kept him from falling asleep on the drive home. That would have been a bummer since it was only 6:30pm.
Let's hope he gets it out of his system now. What a downer that would be to see our house trashed from a teen party cause he can't help his damn self. I mean.....I guess it would be justice for my formative years, but really, I don't think Ryan could handle that.
Miles loves a good party. To be honest he loves ANY party. When the neighbors had a party a few weeks ago he was so excited to go. Granted it was a bunch of adults geeking out (see previous post) but he loved being part of it.
I am not sure what it is. Maybe all the people, the food, the music, or just the atmosphere. But he LOVES LOVES LOVES parties.
Anyway, he played with kids last night. There were 3 two year old girls, a 5 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. He was in pure heaven. The party was held at my friends parents house. It is huge. Perfect for allowing kids to run around and monkey about. Miles loved the food too. He was a fan of the brownie sundaes that were doled out.
On the way home he sang "happy birthday" to us. Why? I'm not quite sure, but he did. At least it kept him from falling asleep on the drive home. That would have been a bummer since it was only 6:30pm.
Let's hope he gets it out of his system now. What a downer that would be to see our house trashed from a teen party cause he can't help his damn self. I mean.....I guess it would be justice for my formative years, but really, I don't think Ryan could handle that.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
High kicks and sore asses
Our god daughter had her first dance recital today. She is 8. I loved it! So did Ryan. *serious sarcasm here* The best part was seeing my little god daughter who used to be painfully shy, kick ass in her high kick line. She was a rock star. The song was...."we rock" or something like that.
She was so damn cute I got a little teary. To stave off the pouring eyes and red face, which incidentally happens to all Asians in very flattering fluorescent light, I had to avert my eyes to the less then slim girls who were NOT kicking ass. It helped a little, but then I realized my ass hurt. 2 hours sitting in the White Bear Lake Senior High gym on bleachers sucks.
I certainly don't have the ass of a 16 year old anymore. But that is neither here nor there. It basically sucked sitting here. 2 kids who didn't really want to sit still and a husband who was appalled the TEACHERS did their own dancing. Solo. Was enough to make anyone uncomfortable.
I do have to say....no matter how torturous it was, I will go in a heart beat to see my god daughter dance her little legs off again. I just love her.
She was so damn cute I got a little teary. To stave off the pouring eyes and red face, which incidentally happens to all Asians in very flattering fluorescent light, I had to avert my eyes to the less then slim girls who were NOT kicking ass. It helped a little, but then I realized my ass hurt. 2 hours sitting in the White Bear Lake Senior High gym on bleachers sucks.
I certainly don't have the ass of a 16 year old anymore. But that is neither here nor there. It basically sucked sitting here. 2 kids who didn't really want to sit still and a husband who was appalled the TEACHERS did their own dancing. Solo. Was enough to make anyone uncomfortable.
I do have to say....no matter how torturous it was, I will go in a heart beat to see my god daughter dance her little legs off again. I just love her.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Oh the sass
Today I was at Jill's. She was telling me about the things her 13 year old says to her when he is crabby/sassy. I swear it sounds like my 2 year old.
The "I don't want to's" flow freely at these ages. I really DO feel bad for Ryan. He is going to have the hardest time with all the sass. For me, I was the queen of drama and I have a sharp tongue when it comes to being rude. So I can relate to my daughter. But Ryan.....not so much.
I guess only time will tell. My BFF says her mom used to ask why there wasn't a thing called "puberty island". This of course being said when she was a teenager. And....I guess I get it. I wonder if there is a toddler island. I keep telling Jill that once my kids hit puberty, they are going to our own personal "puberty island". Being their house. I mean at that point they would have already gone through it. Twice. What is two more? They will be pros.
Thanks Dian's in advance. Claire will be SO SO FUN!!!!!!
The "I don't want to's" flow freely at these ages. I really DO feel bad for Ryan. He is going to have the hardest time with all the sass. For me, I was the queen of drama and I have a sharp tongue when it comes to being rude. So I can relate to my daughter. But Ryan.....not so much.
I guess only time will tell. My BFF says her mom used to ask why there wasn't a thing called "puberty island". This of course being said when she was a teenager. And....I guess I get it. I wonder if there is a toddler island. I keep telling Jill that once my kids hit puberty, they are going to our own personal "puberty island". Being their house. I mean at that point they would have already gone through it. Twice. What is two more? They will be pros.
Thanks Dian's in advance. Claire will be SO SO FUN!!!!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Why does Claire insist on putting her fork or spoon in her drink? She stirs and stirs until it spills.
Why don't I stop her before said spill?
Another question for the kid gods.
Why don't I stop her before said spill?
Another question for the kid gods.
Happy Anniversary Dians
Happy Anniversary to a couple who is just like me and mine.
9 years is a long time. Or is it 8? Nick? No wait Layla is 8. Hee hee.
We love you guys. You are a wonderful couple full of fun and love. Congrats on not killing each other.
9 years is a long time. Or is it 8? Nick? No wait Layla is 8. Hee hee.
We love you guys. You are a wonderful couple full of fun and love. Congrats on not killing each other.
So last night was a rough one. Claire was up just about 2 hours after I fell asleep. Frick! Then of course per usual, Ryan left the room to "give us more room". He goes to sleep with Miles who is out cold and not tossing around.
Then it started.
"Mommy are you sleeping?"
"Mommy what are the boys doing?"
"Can I watch cartoons?"
"Look mommy there is a snake in your bed!"
(this got my attention and didn't warrant my usual "go back to sleep" answer)
"Mommy there are free (three) snakes in your bed. A green one a yellow one and a red and blue one"
"Silly me it is four snakes in your bed."
"Don't worry mommy they are tend (pretend) snakes. They not real."
Oh My Jesus! I tell you the conversation went on for hours. The girl did not fall back to sleep until around 4:30. She just talked to me all night whilst I tried to ignore the blathering. I must have said to her multiple times, "Claire if you don't go to sleep, mommy will be VERY crabby tomorrow!" She did not care. At some point I think she tried to sing me to sleep, but it was kind of a disturbing song about snakes and whatnot.
Finally while Ryan was getting up for work I was getting back to sleep. Then....Miles was up. At 6 am blowing his honkin' nose right next to his sister in my bed for God's sake. OH MY DAMN!
That is why I am blogging at 6:30 am when it is my day to sleep past 7. Look out people. It is going to be a rough one today.
Then it started.
"Mommy are you sleeping?"
"Mommy what are the boys doing?"
"Can I watch cartoons?"
"Look mommy there is a snake in your bed!"
(this got my attention and didn't warrant my usual "go back to sleep" answer)
"Mommy there are free (three) snakes in your bed. A green one a yellow one and a red and blue one"
"Silly me it is four snakes in your bed."
"Don't worry mommy they are tend (pretend) snakes. They not real."
Oh My Jesus! I tell you the conversation went on for hours. The girl did not fall back to sleep until around 4:30. She just talked to me all night whilst I tried to ignore the blathering. I must have said to her multiple times, "Claire if you don't go to sleep, mommy will be VERY crabby tomorrow!" She did not care. At some point I think she tried to sing me to sleep, but it was kind of a disturbing song about snakes and whatnot.
Finally while Ryan was getting up for work I was getting back to sleep. Then....Miles was up. At 6 am blowing his honkin' nose right next to his sister in my bed for God's sake. OH MY DAMN!
That is why I am blogging at 6:30 am when it is my day to sleep past 7. Look out people. It is going to be a rough one today.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Leftover breakfast dishes
I came home today and witnessed something truly disturbing.
In a hurry to leave this morning I didn't clean up the breakfast dishes. I walked into the kitchen and Claire's plate had mandarin oranges and cocoa puffs on it.
Cocoa puffs when wet and sitting for hours look like rabbit turds.
In a hurry to leave this morning I didn't clean up the breakfast dishes. I walked into the kitchen and Claire's plate had mandarin oranges and cocoa puffs on it.
Cocoa puffs when wet and sitting for hours look like rabbit turds.
Monday, December 1, 2008
I did it!
So I missed the big get together with graduates from my high school the other night. I was sad to miss it. But I was able to see some photos on facebook. My sister allowed me to use her account. I basically hijacked it.
I saw some of the photos. Some of the guys were adorable as usual. (Most of my friends were male in school. Wonder why?) Pretty much everyone looked the same. Can't say the same for myself, but I wasn't there. Hee hee.
Then I got hooked. I started looking at other peoples pages. So interesting. Now I know what all the hype is about. I am addicted to it. Fascinating stuff. Who married who. Most have married others from our high school. Weird huh? But they all look great.
Then I looked for other people I might know. And found them. Strange. Very strange.
Just call me cyber stalker.
I saw some of the photos. Some of the guys were adorable as usual. (Most of my friends were male in school. Wonder why?) Pretty much everyone looked the same. Can't say the same for myself, but I wasn't there. Hee hee.
Then I got hooked. I started looking at other peoples pages. So interesting. Now I know what all the hype is about. I am addicted to it. Fascinating stuff. Who married who. Most have married others from our high school. Weird huh? But they all look great.
Then I looked for other people I might know. And found them. Strange. Very strange.
Just call me cyber stalker.
*deep sigh*
Claire is getting really sassy. She is yelling at me and Ryan all the time about everything, and when she doesn't get her way she pouts with her lower lip stuck way out. Then she storms off to her room if the lights are on and slams the door.
Thank god for mild mannered Miles. He makes me feel like I just may make it through the teen years. Unless he goes with Ryan on those monthly camping trips. Then I am alone with the she devil. Serves me right according to my parents.
Thank god for mild mannered Miles. He makes me feel like I just may make it through the teen years. Unless he goes with Ryan on those monthly camping trips. Then I am alone with the she devil. Serves me right according to my parents.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Don't Don't Don't bite your friends

Claire's most favorite cartoon is Yo Gabba Gabba. I don't know if I have talked about it before, but it is for kids who have parents my age.
There is a lot of retro stuff. The characters are very similar to HR Puffnstuff. And they have Atari style breaks. Awesome!
Their main character is some crazy skinny black guy by the name of DJ Lance. He wears an orange body suit and an orange fuzzy hat a la Wizard of Oz guards. I wonder if his voice is really scary because they seem to dub him when he is talking. It is totally bizarre.
The characters are named: Foofa (Claire's favorite), Brobee, Plex, Muno, and Toodee. All human sized puppets. They also have a lot of "guest stars". Their debut show had Elijah Wood doing the dancey dance. Every week they have a new guest do the dancey dance. I think at some point Jack Black did it, but I have yet to see it. They also have something called Biz's Beat.
And yes....it is Biz Markie beat boxing. Hilarious. Claire beat boxing is priceless.
I guess the show is for the "hip" kid and their parents. I do have to say it is one of the less annoying kids shows on tv these days. But today is the exception. One of the songs of the day is,
"don't don't don't bite your friends, chomp chomp chomp? NO NO NO!" I mean really. But it isn't for babies either. I don't know. Just wanted to share what I see on tv from time to time. Interesting and informative isn't it?
Christmas trees and my worst nightmare
We decorated the tree on Friday. The kids had a lot of fun. I was not in the holiday spirit. There are less decorations on the tree then usual and less decorations around the house. But it looks pretty festive. They did enjoy looking at all the old photos on ornaments from when they were "babies". Claire insisted there was "baby me" on one of them. She is funny. She also said, "where is one with me like a big boy?" Claire has decided that she is a big boy like her brother. When should I tell her she is a girl? Oh well.
Back to why I wasn't in the holiday spirit. Ryan said it was because I didn't have my transition day of shopping. After serious thought. I realized he was right. I didn't get to shop. I didn't have the Christmas tunes drilled into my head while red and green glassed over my eyes for an entire day. I didn't have to fight crowds of people who were also caught up in the holiday rush. Sad. I am pathetic. I need to shop in mass quantity to feel Christmasy? Man I have got to get into. This calls for holiday music all day. Good thing my sister Cindi isn't going to be here today. She hates Christmas songs. What is wrong with her?
On another note. Something that is truly terrifying to me. Our neighbor has a holiday party every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving. He is 24. He has lots of friends who come to his parents house to eat, drink, and video game. Last year we went for a bit and they were totally engrossed in Rockband. It was fun. Some of his friends are highly highly meant for the stage.
This year however, there was a new game out. Something about killing zombies and what not. An online multi-player game. Left for Dead. Yuck. I did everything in my power to keep the kids away from that.
Imagine the scene if you will. We went down stairs and there were tables set up all over the place. Computers and flat screen monitors next to each other like some kind of geeked out computer lab. One of the dudes had made his own computer. Ryan checked it out and said it was cool and it had a water cooling system in it. I always thought water and electronics didn't go together. And it was taller then Miles.
So all these 20 something dudes are playing video games. Against each other mind you, but not talking. It completely weirded me out. I asked one of the guys who was playing, what in fact he was playing. He didn't even look me in the eye and said, "warcraft". I must have had the "what?" silence cause he looked up and said with pure exasperation, "WORLD of Warcraft".
Duh! I swear I became the old lady in the room in an instant. OMG! I could feel the eyes lifting from the monitors and shifting towards me. It was like they were wondering who brought the airhead cheerleader from the stone age into the house. Wow. I wanted to shout out, "but I can rock on the guitar! Bring out Rockband please! I'm not old I promise!" Shortly there after we left.
I never thought in a room full of geeks I would be the loser. The times they are a changin' folks.
It's snowing too. Beautiful! I can feel the holiday spirit.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Star Wars and Hello Kitty
"Do you have the Hello Kitty and Star Wars tree ornaments?"
"Oh do you have a boy and a girl?"
Really......I just wanted to tell them I wasn't sure. That my son wanted Hello Kitty and that my daughter loves Star Wars. Who the hell asks a question like that? And to top it off.....didn't tell me where I could find the stupid things.
I finally found them at the Target by my parents house. The kids were so happy. And in fact Miles loves his Star Wars tree ornament. Claire could care less. She did like the fact it was Hello Kitty. No more ho ho titty though. Sad.
Ryan and I decided the kids needed some alone time from each other. They have been joined at the hip for the past 2 weeks due to me being sick. So feeling a bit better today, I took Claire up to my parents house to do some shopping and whatnot. She did not want to shop with me. My dream of a shopping companion is slowly fading into the sunset. So she stayed at my parents house to play with her cousin. Ryan and Miles stayed home to "geek out". Not my phrase, but that is how I would classify it. They watched Goonies and played video games. Geek central.
Not a bad Saturday. Still sick. *sigh* Oh and Heather likes.....Robward. Her new word for her Twilight obsession. Love it!
"Oh do you have a boy and a girl?"
Really......I just wanted to tell them I wasn't sure. That my son wanted Hello Kitty and that my daughter loves Star Wars. Who the hell asks a question like that? And to top it off.....didn't tell me where I could find the stupid things.
I finally found them at the Target by my parents house. The kids were so happy. And in fact Miles loves his Star Wars tree ornament. Claire could care less. She did like the fact it was Hello Kitty. No more ho ho titty though. Sad.
Ryan and I decided the kids needed some alone time from each other. They have been joined at the hip for the past 2 weeks due to me being sick. So feeling a bit better today, I took Claire up to my parents house to do some shopping and whatnot. She did not want to shop with me. My dream of a shopping companion is slowly fading into the sunset. So she stayed at my parents house to play with her cousin. Ryan and Miles stayed home to "geek out". Not my phrase, but that is how I would classify it. They watched Goonies and played video games. Geek central.
Not a bad Saturday. Still sick. *sigh* Oh and Heather likes.....Robward. Her new word for her Twilight obsession. Love it!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Two things I love
Miles humming to every song he hears. No matter if he has heard it or not. Humming loud and proud like he wrote it.
Claire singing the Oompa Loompa song.....
"dippity doo dippity doo, I have a rittle for you, dippity doo"
Claire singing the Oompa Loompa song.....
"dippity doo dippity doo, I have a rittle for you, dippity doo"
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ok. I am done talking about how I am better. I'm not. I am just going to stop jinxing myself. Sick again. But on some wacky anti nausea meds. I feel drunk without the upset stomach! The verdict is 4 doctors and they have no idea what is wrong. Done.
Today we were able to go to Ryan's parents house for the holidays. It was nice. Yummy turkey and all the other stuff. We spent most of the day there. I played a little guitar hero with my nephew. He brought his Xbox 360. I had to use the controller as they don't have a guitar. Playing this way....I DO NOT rock. Talk about confusing and hard. But after a few songs I did pretty good on medium.
Once home we had dinner. Thanks to medicine I was able to eat. I made the kids a great dinner. I think I won parent of the year award from their perspective. They had.....hot cocoa, popcorn, fruit snacks and cookies. Oh well....they have been awesome and ate tons at lunch. And it is a holiday.
Now they are watching, what else? Willy Wonka. For the umpteenth time. They love this shit.
Sadly tomorrow I will be forgoing the yearly tradition of shopping. It will be a first in 15 years. I have to say I will miss standing in the cold at 3:30 am with other die hard shoppers. I had arranged to bring a "newbie" with me this year and of course I can't go now. Sorry Heather.
But next year I will stay in a bubble for 2 weeks before hand so I can go. It is quite possibly my favorite day of the year.
I do love to shop. It is so fun. Exhilarating. To be out with other lunatics. I mean who gets up at 3 am to get a down comforter for $19.97? Oh hello....that would be me. I just love to find gifts for family and friends for Christmas. And I get a responsibility free day complete with lunch. Ryan knows that he is in charge of the kids and he is in charge all day. I don't even plan when I get home. I just show up. No questions asked. I will be so sad tomorrow. Hopefully if the meds work I will be able to drag myself to Target for a bit with family in tow. It is our family tradition to have each of us pick an ornament of the year from Target the day after Thanksgiving. I would really hate to see that tradition bumped.
I think if this medication didn't require me to be sitting at all times, I would be out shopping tomorrow. But....as it stands........I can't walk a straight line when I am on it let alone drive. Wo is me.
Oh well....Happy Thanksgiving. I am exceedingly thankful for my family and friends. Lots of love to you all.
Today we were able to go to Ryan's parents house for the holidays. It was nice. Yummy turkey and all the other stuff. We spent most of the day there. I played a little guitar hero with my nephew. He brought his Xbox 360. I had to use the controller as they don't have a guitar. Playing this way....I DO NOT rock. Talk about confusing and hard. But after a few songs I did pretty good on medium.
Once home we had dinner. Thanks to medicine I was able to eat. I made the kids a great dinner. I think I won parent of the year award from their perspective. They had.....hot cocoa, popcorn, fruit snacks and cookies. Oh well....they have been awesome and ate tons at lunch. And it is a holiday.
Now they are watching, what else? Willy Wonka. For the umpteenth time. They love this shit.
Sadly tomorrow I will be forgoing the yearly tradition of shopping. It will be a first in 15 years. I have to say I will miss standing in the cold at 3:30 am with other die hard shoppers. I had arranged to bring a "newbie" with me this year and of course I can't go now. Sorry Heather.
But next year I will stay in a bubble for 2 weeks before hand so I can go. It is quite possibly my favorite day of the year.
I do love to shop. It is so fun. Exhilarating. To be out with other lunatics. I mean who gets up at 3 am to get a down comforter for $19.97? Oh hello....that would be me. I just love to find gifts for family and friends for Christmas. And I get a responsibility free day complete with lunch. Ryan knows that he is in charge of the kids and he is in charge all day. I don't even plan when I get home. I just show up. No questions asked. I will be so sad tomorrow. Hopefully if the meds work I will be able to drag myself to Target for a bit with family in tow. It is our family tradition to have each of us pick an ornament of the year from Target the day after Thanksgiving. I would really hate to see that tradition bumped.
I think if this medication didn't require me to be sitting at all times, I would be out shopping tomorrow. But....as it stands........I can't walk a straight line when I am on it let alone drive. Wo is me.
Oh well....Happy Thanksgiving. I am exceedingly thankful for my family and friends. Lots of love to you all.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Three cheers for holistic medicine
I'm back!!!!! Yes people it is true. No more nausea. No more chest pain. No more reflux. No more anything!
I went to the chiropractor today and she fixed me. I love her!
Now back to sassy Claire and whiny Miles. Ryan is breathing a sigh of relief. He did make dinner tonight though. What a guy!
Now if someone (Jill or Heather) would call me back so I can talk about the freaking book that would make my day complete!
Did I say how much I love my chiropractor?!
I went to the chiropractor today and she fixed me. I love her!
Now back to sassy Claire and whiny Miles. Ryan is breathing a sigh of relief. He did make dinner tonight though. What a guy!
Now if someone (Jill or Heather) would call me back so I can talk about the freaking book that would make my day complete!
Did I say how much I love my chiropractor?!
I am finally done with all the Twilight books. Good ending. Good closure. I have to have closure. I am sure the rest of my family is happy to see I am done with those books as well. Now they just have sick mommy/wife to contend with.
But I am going to the chiropractor today and the doctor again tomorrow. Hopefully I will get it figured out. I think I am starting to feel better. We'll see.
I was out with the kids today. In the yard and stuff. It is cold out, but we played in the driveway with sidewalk chalk. I drew Miles a huge obstacle course. He loved it. He had to recite the alphabet, numbers, and our full names and where he lives. He also had to spell his name. First and last. Then there were also physical things he had to do. He must have run that course at least 10 times. Oh well.....if I was going to be freezing my ass off, he was going to learn something.
And Claire just rode around oblivious to most of what was going on. She did do the alphabet and numbers as well as the physical stuff. Oh did I mention they were on their scooters? Oh yeah they were. Bundled up with hats, and mittens on scooters running around the driveway and yard. It was funny to see. Almost like it was summer but something was wrong. I must have looked like a drill sergeant guiding the kids around the same course several times clapping and cheering. But they had a ton of fun and now they are having hot cocoa and watching cartoons. They both have really good chocolate mustache's. Ryan would be proud.
But I am going to the chiropractor today and the doctor again tomorrow. Hopefully I will get it figured out. I think I am starting to feel better. We'll see.
I was out with the kids today. In the yard and stuff. It is cold out, but we played in the driveway with sidewalk chalk. I drew Miles a huge obstacle course. He loved it. He had to recite the alphabet, numbers, and our full names and where he lives. He also had to spell his name. First and last. Then there were also physical things he had to do. He must have run that course at least 10 times. Oh well.....if I was going to be freezing my ass off, he was going to learn something.
And Claire just rode around oblivious to most of what was going on. She did do the alphabet and numbers as well as the physical stuff. Oh did I mention they were on their scooters? Oh yeah they were. Bundled up with hats, and mittens on scooters running around the driveway and yard. It was funny to see. Almost like it was summer but something was wrong. I must have looked like a drill sergeant guiding the kids around the same course several times clapping and cheering. But they had a ton of fun and now they are having hot cocoa and watching cartoons. They both have really good chocolate mustache's. Ryan would be proud.
Come On!
Woke up this morning. Still sick to my stomach. What is going on? No more heart burn. Just a sick stomach. It has been over 1 week of sour guts. And no.....I'm not pregnant. Just feel like I have morning sickness every damn day! I have been to 2 doctors. They weren't a big help. It is hard to "get up and go" with 2 kids when I feel like barfing.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Getting into the swing of things
Well..I am getting better. Thank the lord. Severe heartburn and sick stomach. Sucky! But everyone has survived.
This weekend has been very laid back. Movie night every night with the kids. Back to back nights of Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Miles loves the original and Claire loves the new one. It is awesome to hear my 4 and 2 year old humming along with the music. I can't get the stupid Oompa Loompa song out of my head for the life of me. But I love to watch what Johnny Depp can do. He is an amazing actor. Oh yeah....cute too.
I have been talking with my BFF. Sadly she has pneumonia. And a cracked rib to boot. I can't even imagine. That really sucks. So, just talking on the phone until she coughs up a lung. And then she says she has to go. Poor BFF.
Tomorrow hopefully I will be back 100%. I have 2 conferences for the kids at preschool. Then grocery shopping with two kids. Should be fun.
I imagine that Ryan is looking forward to NOT taking care of his family all day for a while. Dealing with 2 active kids all day can wear a guy down. Plus a sick whiny wife. He deserves a donut or something. Too bad they have PHO.
This weekend has been very laid back. Movie night every night with the kids. Back to back nights of Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Miles loves the original and Claire loves the new one. It is awesome to hear my 4 and 2 year old humming along with the music. I can't get the stupid Oompa Loompa song out of my head for the life of me. But I love to watch what Johnny Depp can do. He is an amazing actor. Oh yeah....cute too.
I have been talking with my BFF. Sadly she has pneumonia. And a cracked rib to boot. I can't even imagine. That really sucks. So, just talking on the phone until she coughs up a lung. And then she says she has to go. Poor BFF.
Tomorrow hopefully I will be back 100%. I have 2 conferences for the kids at preschool. Then grocery shopping with two kids. Should be fun.
I imagine that Ryan is looking forward to NOT taking care of his family all day for a while. Dealing with 2 active kids all day can wear a guy down. Plus a sick whiny wife. He deserves a donut or something. Too bad they have PHO.
Friday, November 21, 2008
For the LOVE!
Lately I have been feeling a bit under the weather. Just kind of queasy and stuff. Some heart burn from eating after NOT eating for 2 days. But this morning I just felt.......off. Not quite right. So I went to the doctor. Once again Ryan had to take the day off. Poor guy.
The doctor indicated that I may have GERD. What the fuck? All I know is she was talking about scopes and biopsies and all this medication for treatment. No thank you very much. I am poked and prodded enough yearly with this curse of liver disease. But to have you scraping the crap out of my stomach literally. Pass.
So I am home with strict instructions. Food list. Things I can and can't eat. Pepcid over the counter. And yes.....the "sample". *cringe* I can't even begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to that. At any rate. Thankfully I can freeze *double cringe* said sample until return if I can't get it to the clinic right away. And as it is Friday, it is looking more and more like Ryan will NOT be allowed in the freezer for a few days. Ah gross. The worst part is no coffee, no chocolate, no caffeine. Those are a lot of things that keep me happy mom/wife during the day. Man are we in for a rocky weekend.
So I am planning on taking a nap. Maybe all this monkey business will go away if I just sleep it off. God....what would I do without my husband? He is utilizing his time well. Waiting to get Miles from his field trip, he is on the roof hanging Christmas lights. I didn't even have to ask. And FYI it is very very cold out. He is excited to use the new timer we got for the lights. Oh boys and their tech crap.
The doctor indicated that I may have GERD. What the fuck? All I know is she was talking about scopes and biopsies and all this medication for treatment. No thank you very much. I am poked and prodded enough yearly with this curse of liver disease. But to have you scraping the crap out of my stomach literally. Pass.
So I am home with strict instructions. Food list. Things I can and can't eat. Pepcid over the counter. And yes.....the "sample". *cringe* I can't even begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to that. At any rate. Thankfully I can freeze *double cringe* said sample until return if I can't get it to the clinic right away. And as it is Friday, it is looking more and more like Ryan will NOT be allowed in the freezer for a few days. Ah gross. The worst part is no coffee, no chocolate, no caffeine. Those are a lot of things that keep me happy mom/wife during the day. Man are we in for a rocky weekend.
So I am planning on taking a nap. Maybe all this monkey business will go away if I just sleep it off. God....what would I do without my husband? He is utilizing his time well. Waiting to get Miles from his field trip, he is on the roof hanging Christmas lights. I didn't even have to ask. And FYI it is very very cold out. He is excited to use the new timer we got for the lights. Oh boys and their tech crap.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
AS I am sure you know I have been reading the books Twilight. Duh. Well the movie for the first book comes out tomorrow. I have seen the ads for the movie for months now. So when I read the book the movie characters were already in my head. I think the main actor is dreamy. *sigh* But Jill said no way. She didn't think that he was right for the main character.
The other day he was listed on People.com as one of the sexiest actors. She told me that was the first picture where she was like....."um yep that is him!" As if he were finally beautiful enough to be Edward.
So it got me thinking....are we crushing on the actor because he is pretty or are we, in our minds, equating him to our beloved book character? I mean Heather had this actor on a key chain for crying out loud. I didn't get it until I read the book and now....hello?.....key chain me please. And for that matter....the said actor was in a Harry Potter movie. Looking just as darling but I didn't have the come hither thought then.
I have always had my tv/movie star crushes for as long as I can remember. Well pretty much since puberty. My first? River Phoenix. Mmmmmm......pause.
But it went on from there. Looking back I have always wondered if it was the actor himself that I crushed on or the character he plays? I can say with much certainty that I loved Christian Slater no matter what kind of guy he played. I don't know why. I even watch that show he is in on Tv. Which incidentally has been canceled. But he had me first with Heathers. Because he was awesome. Then there was True Romance. I mean come on people! Brilliant!
But there have been times I will watch a movie with a crush in it and then find that ehhhh not so much anymore. Mostly because his hair was too long or his character was annoying. It happens.
The worst is when you have this notion no.....fantasy about a certain actor and then you see them on one of those late night talk shows and they just ruin it by being 'themselves'.
Case in point. Ryan has had a few crushes he has told me about. They are your standard. Selma Hayek type. But he did tell me about one I just have to talk about. He crushed on Elisabeth Shue. You know the one. Adventures in Babysitting, Leaving Las Vegas. Well he was thinking she was awesome too. Then one night we were watching Letterman, Leno I don't know, and she was being interviewed for something. I said....."hey it's your girlfriend!" We watched together. He in horror and I in hysterics. She was a complete idiot! I mean...dumb. Ha ha. I could see his crush disappearing before my very eyes. Poor Ryan.
I don't know where this is going........oh yeah....my new crush. Twilight dude. Movie and book. He hasn't said anything stupid that I have seen yet. And well......Love that Edward.
The other day he was listed on People.com as one of the sexiest actors. She told me that was the first picture where she was like....."um yep that is him!" As if he were finally beautiful enough to be Edward.
So it got me thinking....are we crushing on the actor because he is pretty or are we, in our minds, equating him to our beloved book character? I mean Heather had this actor on a key chain for crying out loud. I didn't get it until I read the book and now....hello?.....key chain me please. And for that matter....the said actor was in a Harry Potter movie. Looking just as darling but I didn't have the come hither thought then.
I have always had my tv/movie star crushes for as long as I can remember. Well pretty much since puberty. My first? River Phoenix. Mmmmmm......pause.
But it went on from there. Looking back I have always wondered if it was the actor himself that I crushed on or the character he plays? I can say with much certainty that I loved Christian Slater no matter what kind of guy he played. I don't know why. I even watch that show he is in on Tv. Which incidentally has been canceled. But he had me first with Heathers. Because he was awesome. Then there was True Romance. I mean come on people! Brilliant!
But there have been times I will watch a movie with a crush in it and then find that ehhhh not so much anymore. Mostly because his hair was too long or his character was annoying. It happens.
The worst is when you have this notion no.....fantasy about a certain actor and then you see them on one of those late night talk shows and they just ruin it by being 'themselves'.
Case in point. Ryan has had a few crushes he has told me about. They are your standard. Selma Hayek type. But he did tell me about one I just have to talk about. He crushed on Elisabeth Shue. You know the one. Adventures in Babysitting, Leaving Las Vegas. Well he was thinking she was awesome too. Then one night we were watching Letterman, Leno I don't know, and she was being interviewed for something. I said....."hey it's your girlfriend!" We watched together. He in horror and I in hysterics. She was a complete idiot! I mean...dumb. Ha ha. I could see his crush disappearing before my very eyes. Poor Ryan.
I don't know where this is going........oh yeah....my new crush. Twilight dude. Movie and book. He hasn't said anything stupid that I have seen yet. And well......Love that Edward.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It's Here!
I will get the 3rd book today. This will be the last post for a while. Hee hee. Unless I need to come up for air or something. But don't hold YOUR breath.
My friend Heather says the obsession will squelch itself once I finish the series. Closure. I am a big fan of it. She did however tell me about another book on the Stephanie Meyer website. A book she started writing from Edward's point of view. Apparently she is 1/3 of the way done and doesn't seem to want to finish it yet. But it is posted on her site. Oh crap.
Either way once I am done reading the books I will be on the computer. Nothing new I suppose. And at least I will look more like Ryan. My face in the laptop. But I will be reading. Not researching who kicked who's ass on Cage Potato or Sher Dog. Ha....thought I didn't know right sweetie. I have eyes EVERYWHERE!
My friend Heather says the obsession will squelch itself once I finish the series. Closure. I am a big fan of it. She did however tell me about another book on the Stephanie Meyer website. A book she started writing from Edward's point of view. Apparently she is 1/3 of the way done and doesn't seem to want to finish it yet. But it is posted on her site. Oh crap.
Either way once I am done reading the books I will be on the computer. Nothing new I suppose. And at least I will look more like Ryan. My face in the laptop. But I will be reading. Not researching who kicked who's ass on Cage Potato or Sher Dog. Ha....thought I didn't know right sweetie. I have eyes EVERYWHERE!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ryan's home!
I made it today. Sick but ok. The kids were able to have their pj day. They are still in their pj's and it is 4pm. They have watched whatever they want, eaten whatever they want, and did any activity they want. Said activities include play-doh, book reading, cooking for me via the play kitchen(yum plastic food), and running around like lunatics.
Thankfully no fighting. Surprisingly they just spent the entire day together. Wonderful.
I have now gone 2 whole days without reading any Twilight books. Not to say I haven't obsessed about it all the time. God! I am like a 14 year old girl who is waiting for her crush to call or something. You all know what that feels like right?
But tomorrow begins our regular scheduled programming. Pre-school, lunch and naps.
For now they are happy to see their dad. Running around like laughing hyenas. All three of them. Ryan running into doors to make the kids laugh. And it worked.
Claire just got trampled. But she is laughing so it is fine. Ah the resilience of two and four year olds. I bet Ryan is wishing he wasn't 33. He said his shoulder hurts from ramming the door. That is why I am on the couch watching the madness.
Thankfully no fighting. Surprisingly they just spent the entire day together. Wonderful.
I have now gone 2 whole days without reading any Twilight books. Not to say I haven't obsessed about it all the time. God! I am like a 14 year old girl who is waiting for her crush to call or something. You all know what that feels like right?
But tomorrow begins our regular scheduled programming. Pre-school, lunch and naps.
For now they are happy to see their dad. Running around like laughing hyenas. All three of them. Ryan running into doors to make the kids laugh. And it worked.
Claire just got trampled. But she is laughing so it is fine. Ah the resilience of two and four year olds. I bet Ryan is wishing he wasn't 33. He said his shoulder hurts from ramming the door. That is why I am on the couch watching the madness.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm obsessed thank you very much. How are you?
So....I'm sick. Yes yes sick in the real word. I have the aches the chills and the sick stomach. It all came on the other night. I thought it was too much reading. Admittedly so I have read 2 books in the course of 2 days. Ahhhh!!!!!
In my previous post I talked about the Twilight book I was reading. So I finished it in one day. Then on to the next. Done, in one day too. It's like crack. Ryan told the kids when I made the drop with Jill that I was getting my "crack fix". That is all I needed, Miles to tell his preschool teachers. I can just see it now. "Mrs. Teepants, Miles tells us you were getting crack from your friend this past weekend and that he was with you?" Holy shit.
But Ryan then made it very clear that it was a book not crack that had mommy addicted. And addicted I am.
Yesterday afternoon while I was reading I felt a little sick to my stomach. I thought it was because I was having an actual physical reaction to the breakup in the beginning of book two. (Those of you who read the book know what I am talking about.) But it continued. Then I thought maybe it was all the reading had been doing. That is a lot of eye shifting for 2 days straight. It felt like motion sickness. But last night as I finished the book I laid in bed and felt the chills. No....not because the book was done, but because I had a fever. Shit shit double shit.
So Ryan took the day off of work and shlepped the kids all over today. He was able to get a good dose of Stay at home mom.
Now I sit, sick with nothing to read, I mean do. Ha Freudian slip. I can't get the 3rd book until Jill is done and she is sick too. Hopefully she has breezed through the 3rd and 4th book so I can read them when I am better. Wednesday can't come soon enough. (That being the next time I will see Jill).
Yes. I am obsessed. God damnit!
In my previous post I talked about the Twilight book I was reading. So I finished it in one day. Then on to the next. Done, in one day too. It's like crack. Ryan told the kids when I made the drop with Jill that I was getting my "crack fix". That is all I needed, Miles to tell his preschool teachers. I can just see it now. "Mrs. Teepants, Miles tells us you were getting crack from your friend this past weekend and that he was with you?" Holy shit.
But Ryan then made it very clear that it was a book not crack that had mommy addicted. And addicted I am.
Yesterday afternoon while I was reading I felt a little sick to my stomach. I thought it was because I was having an actual physical reaction to the breakup in the beginning of book two. (Those of you who read the book know what I am talking about.) But it continued. Then I thought maybe it was all the reading had been doing. That is a lot of eye shifting for 2 days straight. It felt like motion sickness. But last night as I finished the book I laid in bed and felt the chills. No....not because the book was done, but because I had a fever. Shit shit double shit.
So Ryan took the day off of work and shlepped the kids all over today. He was able to get a good dose of Stay at home mom.
Now I sit, sick with nothing to read, I mean do. Ha Freudian slip. I can't get the 3rd book until Jill is done and she is sick too. Hopefully she has breezed through the 3rd and 4th book so I can read them when I am better. Wednesday can't come soon enough. (That being the next time I will see Jill).
Yes. I am obsessed. God damnit!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Much to my chagrin
I am a sheep. I have to fully admit it now. I would like to have thought I didn't got with the crowd, but here I am fully admitting it.
In 2003 I swore up and down I would never never never watch Sex and the City. First off I wouldn't because I wasn't going to be "one of those" girls, and second I didn't have cable. Thanks to 3 months bedrest due to surgery, and my good friend Eric and his then girlfriend Bridget I was given all 6 seasons of it on dvd. I watched it and loved it. Sadly I was in line with my BFF to see the new movie this past summer. Bah.....
Next example. My BFF loved the Harry Potter books. I however thought they were for kids. But as a best friend does I faithfully went to the movies with her to "preview" them for her then young son. He is now 13 and doesn't need the preview but we are still going and I find myself looking forward to the next motion picture installment. And......after the last movie, I reluctantly borrowed all the books from said BFF. The last one released just in time for me to read. It also was several days of me ignoring my family. Ryan understood it, but I fear he was a little annoyed. I was dreaming all things Harry Potter. Bah Bah.......
And last but not least.....Stupid Twilight! Thanks a lot Heather S. I tried to stay away from the hype. I am on the gossip sites and I do have eyes. I have seen all the promos for the movie which in fact look nice. But it was Heather's AIM account that said when she was idle....'on a date with Edward Cullen'. What the hell? And who the hell was that? Certainly not her husband Brian. Ha.....so I asked and she told. She said I would love it. I do like a good vampire book anyway or a good vampire movie. So I told Jill about it and she promptly went out and purchased all 4 or 5 books the other day. She said she loved them. I just borrowed the first book from her yesterday. I just started reading it this morning. Oh shit. I mean.....it is really good. Baaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!
I feel like a teenage girl. I don't want to do the laundry. I don't want to pay attention to the kids. I don't want to help Ryan clean the house. I just want to read. I tell you what. The way this book is written. Love it. But like I said before I hate being a sheep. I feel like in that movie Freaks.....when they go after the lady who scams them.....People are coming after me to get me to be part of pop culture. "One of us! One of us! One of us!"
So I am breaking from the book to blog and to make lunch. I don't think I have spoken more then a few sentences to the family since starting the book.
But Ryan was warned. He knew what would happen. I love him for that. And for indulging me once in a while.
In 2003 I swore up and down I would never never never watch Sex and the City. First off I wouldn't because I wasn't going to be "one of those" girls, and second I didn't have cable. Thanks to 3 months bedrest due to surgery, and my good friend Eric and his then girlfriend Bridget I was given all 6 seasons of it on dvd. I watched it and loved it. Sadly I was in line with my BFF to see the new movie this past summer. Bah.....
Next example. My BFF loved the Harry Potter books. I however thought they were for kids. But as a best friend does I faithfully went to the movies with her to "preview" them for her then young son. He is now 13 and doesn't need the preview but we are still going and I find myself looking forward to the next motion picture installment. And......after the last movie, I reluctantly borrowed all the books from said BFF. The last one released just in time for me to read. It also was several days of me ignoring my family. Ryan understood it, but I fear he was a little annoyed. I was dreaming all things Harry Potter. Bah Bah.......
And last but not least.....Stupid Twilight! Thanks a lot Heather S. I tried to stay away from the hype. I am on the gossip sites and I do have eyes. I have seen all the promos for the movie which in fact look nice. But it was Heather's AIM account that said when she was idle....'on a date with Edward Cullen'. What the hell? And who the hell was that? Certainly not her husband Brian. Ha.....so I asked and she told. She said I would love it. I do like a good vampire book anyway or a good vampire movie. So I told Jill about it and she promptly went out and purchased all 4 or 5 books the other day. She said she loved them. I just borrowed the first book from her yesterday. I just started reading it this morning. Oh shit. I mean.....it is really good. Baaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!
I feel like a teenage girl. I don't want to do the laundry. I don't want to pay attention to the kids. I don't want to help Ryan clean the house. I just want to read. I tell you what. The way this book is written. Love it. But like I said before I hate being a sheep. I feel like in that movie Freaks.....when they go after the lady who scams them.....People are coming after me to get me to be part of pop culture. "One of us! One of us! One of us!"
So I am breaking from the book to blog and to make lunch. I don't think I have spoken more then a few sentences to the family since starting the book.
But Ryan was warned. He knew what would happen. I love him for that. And for indulging me once in a while.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
25 was so luxurious
On my 25th birthday I woke to Ryan making breakfast. I probably was up around 11 am. I had either been out with friends at the bar the night before, or was planning to that night. Or did both, that was certainly not out of the question back then. Pure indulgence for my birthday.
Today I woke at 3:45am with Claire yelling. Moved to her room around 4:30am. Ryan left at 6:15 and Miles came into my room at that time. I was up and dealing with 2 fighting kids by 6:30 this morning.
I made breakfast for 2 crabby kids and myself. No big plans, no bars, no clubs. Too old for that business and can't afford that AND a babysitter. Just dinner with the kids, Ryan and 2 friends. It is Thursday night. (B. Skog Thursday)
Today consists of playdate, nap (for me hopefully), making dinner, and putting the kids to bed for school tomorrow.
Yay birthday! To make matters worse. 25 was 10 years ago. *see my frowny face?*
Salty mood aside....my husband gave me something he knows I love. Bath and Body Works gift card. He is sneaky. I always use my gift cards for the kids or him. He knows that and tells me I should us it on myself. But he knows this is a place I will indulge MYSELF. I love him. Thanks Ryan. It was a bright bright beacon of light this morning.
Today I woke at 3:45am with Claire yelling. Moved to her room around 4:30am. Ryan left at 6:15 and Miles came into my room at that time. I was up and dealing with 2 fighting kids by 6:30 this morning.
I made breakfast for 2 crabby kids and myself. No big plans, no bars, no clubs. Too old for that business and can't afford that AND a babysitter. Just dinner with the kids, Ryan and 2 friends. It is Thursday night. (B. Skog Thursday)
Today consists of playdate, nap (for me hopefully), making dinner, and putting the kids to bed for school tomorrow.
Yay birthday! To make matters worse. 25 was 10 years ago. *see my frowny face?*
Salty mood aside....my husband gave me something he knows I love. Bath and Body Works gift card. He is sneaky. I always use my gift cards for the kids or him. He knows that and tells me I should us it on myself. But he knows this is a place I will indulge MYSELF. I love him. Thanks Ryan. It was a bright bright beacon of light this morning.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Is it Christmas now?
Today Miles woke up at 6:20. He wanted to say good-bye to his dad. We ran in the dark and cold together, me in my pj's and Miles' party bear trailing behind us to the garage door. We flashed the lights but it was too late. Ryan was pulling out of the garage and closing the door.
I went to get my bathrobe and I heard the garage door re-open. Miles had been sitting on the stairs and was looking through the front door window. Looking ever so slightly forlorn. Apparently Ryan had seen this from the street and couldn't resist coming back. So I ran out to the living room not sure who the hell is getting into my house and see Ryan and Miles snuggling on the bottom steps.
Then Miles went to the living room window and saw that snow had fallen and stayed on the grass. He looked at me with the fattest hopeful smile. "Is it Christmas now?"
How perfectly 4 year old of him. I said, "sorry buddy not so much."
What a downer. I could hear the Debbie Downer music playing in his head. Wah wah wahhhhhh.. then he asked for a granola bar to soothe his pain.
If only easing disappointment were that easy for me. There would be granola bars in this house forever.
I went to get my bathrobe and I heard the garage door re-open. Miles had been sitting on the stairs and was looking through the front door window. Looking ever so slightly forlorn. Apparently Ryan had seen this from the street and couldn't resist coming back. So I ran out to the living room not sure who the hell is getting into my house and see Ryan and Miles snuggling on the bottom steps.
Then Miles went to the living room window and saw that snow had fallen and stayed on the grass. He looked at me with the fattest hopeful smile. "Is it Christmas now?"
How perfectly 4 year old of him. I said, "sorry buddy not so much."
What a downer. I could hear the Debbie Downer music playing in his head. Wah wah wahhhhhh.. then he asked for a granola bar to soothe his pain.
If only easing disappointment were that easy for me. There would be granola bars in this house forever.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Some lighthearted fare
I realize I have been ranting and raving lately about things I have not much control over. So I decided to list the things that get me through a day.
1: watching my favorite DVR'd shows while the kids rest
2: Ryan coming home early from work
3: having a tv crush. Innocent yes, and so much fun
4: talking to a friend on the phone I haven't talked to in a while. That means you Sk3tch.
5: hearing about my BFF's day at the preschool. It makes me thankful I only deal with 2 pre- school kids at a time ever.
6: sadly I like blogging. Never thought I would but I do.
7: getting a call from a friend to plan something. I usually do the planning.
8: watching heavy Asian eyelids at the dinner table. It means they will go down easily and quickly.
9: having the house clean at the end of the day. Nothing for me to do when the kids actually go to sleep.
10: the tv nap. Dozing during a show and then going to bed.
1: watching my favorite DVR'd shows while the kids rest
2: Ryan coming home early from work
3: having a tv crush. Innocent yes, and so much fun
4: talking to a friend on the phone I haven't talked to in a while. That means you Sk3tch.
5: hearing about my BFF's day at the preschool. It makes me thankful I only deal with 2 pre- school kids at a time ever.
6: sadly I like blogging. Never thought I would but I do.
7: getting a call from a friend to plan something. I usually do the planning.
8: watching heavy Asian eyelids at the dinner table. It means they will go down easily and quickly.
9: having the house clean at the end of the day. Nothing for me to do when the kids actually go to sleep.
10: the tv nap. Dozing during a show and then going to bed.
Monday, November 10, 2008
What the FUZUCK?!!!!!!!
Ryan said he read because this passed, kids who have been placed with gay and lesbian couples will be removed from their current living situation. That means......these kids who have been ADOPTED LEGALLY will be taken from their PARENTS!!!!!
“We believe that the best place for a child to grow up is in a stable home with a married mother and father,” said Jerry Cox, president of Family Council Action Committee, which obtained 95,000 signatures to place the proposal on state ballots. “But we also believe in blunting a gay agenda that we see at work in other states with regard to marriage and adoption issues.”
I am moving to Canada. I see in my future, government telling me my interracial marriage is no longer legal and therefore my kids will be sent back to Korea to be adopted by wholesome white couples who are married and whatnot. I'd like to see them try to take our kids from us. OOOOHHH the blood would spill.
(Ok.....clarification. Once the law passes Jan 1 2009 kids in foster care will be pulled not the ones adopted. However, those couples who are in the process of adoption may not be able to complete their adoption if they are 1. not a married couple, 2. a gay or lesbian couple.) I'm sick.
Ryan said he read because this passed, kids who have been placed with gay and lesbian couples will be removed from their current living situation. That means......these kids who have been ADOPTED LEGALLY will be taken from their PARENTS!!!!!
“We believe that the best place for a child to grow up is in a stable home with a married mother and father,” said Jerry Cox, president of Family Council Action Committee, which obtained 95,000 signatures to place the proposal on state ballots. “But we also believe in blunting a gay agenda that we see at work in other states with regard to marriage and adoption issues.”
I am moving to Canada. I see in my future, government telling me my interracial marriage is no longer legal and therefore my kids will be sent back to Korea to be adopted by wholesome white couples who are married and whatnot. I'd like to see them try to take our kids from us. OOOOHHH the blood would spill.
(Ok.....clarification. Once the law passes Jan 1 2009 kids in foster care will be pulled not the ones adopted. However, those couples who are in the process of adoption may not be able to complete their adoption if they are 1. not a married couple, 2. a gay or lesbian couple.) I'm sick.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Ode to the Saturday morning cartoons of yesteryear
Do you remember waking up early on a Saturday morning and plunking down with cold cheerios to watch Bugs Bunny? Or maybe HR Puff n Stuff? I loved it.
Sara and I would be up at the butt crack of dawn, only to find my dad already cooking bacon and watching Bugs Bunny. We would sit and laugh for hours. Or what seemed like hours. Probably only about 30 minutes. But happily munching cold cereal or eating bacon and eggs. My parents were ahead of the times with a small black and white dial tv in the kitchen. It was pure bliss.
After breakfast dad would go and rouse mom out of bed (it was her day to sleep in) and Sara and I would go downstairs in pj's and finish our smörgåsbord of cartoons. Land of the Lost, the Buggaloos, Fat Albert, and Woody Woodpecker. We would rock out with the sprinkling of School House Rock. I know about conjunction junction and how a bill becomes a law. Do you?
Ryan said he would watch GI Joe, He-Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Funny. I don't remember those as a little kid and as a matter of fact, Sara would have loved them. She was a real tomboy growing up.
So yesterday, Saturday morning, as I was getting ready for a long stint at the hospital with mom, Miles woke up and said to Ryan with big eyes and a grin the size of the Atlantic Ocean, "dad, didn't Clone Wars DVR last night?"
Ok so a few things made me think. First of all, DVR? He knew that? Of course he did. Tivo and DVR make it easy to watch cartoons pretty much all the time. Second, the simple fact that he knows what day is Saturday, surprises me as he and Claire have so many cartoon channels all the live long day. I never thought he would know what 'Saturday morning cartoons' were. But he did. And only because Ryan was home and up early. He knew Star Wars cartoons were on from the night before and they had been DVR'd.
I do miss that feeling of waking up to watch cartoons. It was only one day a week and I loved it. It was a special time Sara and I had with dad where we could watch tv uninterrupted. No mom telling us to go outside and get exercise so we wouldn't bug her. But I guess that was a different time. My parents COULD send us outside without reservation and without them.
Hopefully my kids will be able to remember something as special as a Saturday morning cartoon fest. Who knows. Maybe they will tell their kids about how they had this old fashioned contraption that DVR'd and TIVO'd things. Ha, it's like records and cassette tapes. I loved them, and they have no idea what the hell they are. Shit....I'm getting old.
Sara and I would be up at the butt crack of dawn, only to find my dad already cooking bacon and watching Bugs Bunny. We would sit and laugh for hours. Or what seemed like hours. Probably only about 30 minutes. But happily munching cold cereal or eating bacon and eggs. My parents were ahead of the times with a small black and white dial tv in the kitchen. It was pure bliss.
After breakfast dad would go and rouse mom out of bed (it was her day to sleep in) and Sara and I would go downstairs in pj's and finish our smörgåsbord of cartoons. Land of the Lost, the Buggaloos, Fat Albert, and Woody Woodpecker. We would rock out with the sprinkling of School House Rock. I know about conjunction junction and how a bill becomes a law. Do you?
Ryan said he would watch GI Joe, He-Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Funny. I don't remember those as a little kid and as a matter of fact, Sara would have loved them. She was a real tomboy growing up.
So yesterday, Saturday morning, as I was getting ready for a long stint at the hospital with mom, Miles woke up and said to Ryan with big eyes and a grin the size of the Atlantic Ocean, "dad, didn't Clone Wars DVR last night?"
Ok so a few things made me think. First of all, DVR? He knew that? Of course he did. Tivo and DVR make it easy to watch cartoons pretty much all the time. Second, the simple fact that he knows what day is Saturday, surprises me as he and Claire have so many cartoon channels all the live long day. I never thought he would know what 'Saturday morning cartoons' were. But he did. And only because Ryan was home and up early. He knew Star Wars cartoons were on from the night before and they had been DVR'd.
I do miss that feeling of waking up to watch cartoons. It was only one day a week and I loved it. It was a special time Sara and I had with dad where we could watch tv uninterrupted. No mom telling us to go outside and get exercise so we wouldn't bug her. But I guess that was a different time. My parents COULD send us outside without reservation and without them.
Hopefully my kids will be able to remember something as special as a Saturday morning cartoon fest. Who knows. Maybe they will tell their kids about how they had this old fashioned contraption that DVR'd and TIVO'd things. Ha, it's like records and cassette tapes. I loved them, and they have no idea what the hell they are. Shit....I'm getting old.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Oh California.
I have been paying attention to Proposition 8 in CA. It disgusts me. I can't believe a Democratic state would vote to overturn gay marriages. For real. San Francisco is there for crying out loud.
Why is it that people are so afraid of gay marriage? Do they think it will effect them in anyway? I can't imagine how? Ryan said that some people are concerned that if there was gay marriage then health insurance would increase, because of adding more coverage. Do you think gays and lesbians don't have jobs or health insurance? Please. Do they think because the bible says no that means they should say no too? But ask those folks how many of them were virgins on their wedding night. I know, I am reaching a bit. But I can guarantee there aren't that many people in the US who are living by the literal sense of the bible. IF there were, there would be a whole hell of a lot more Jehovah's Witnesses around. And we all know how we all feel about them knocking on our door.
Let's put it into a different perspective.
Ask your parents if they remember what it was like when two different races were married. Ask them what their parents thought of it or how they felt. I guarantee it wasn't the same as it is now. Civil rights, women's rights, etc., all were at the time thought to be wrong, against nature. People of color had no rights. Women had no rights. Look at it now. These are people's civil rights. Anyone hear the phrase....."there should be no mixing of church and state"?
Ryan and I are raising our kids to know it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if a white person wants to marry an Asian person, or two men want to be married, or two women. Maybe in 20 years gay marriage won't be a big deal. Just like interracial marriage isn't a big deal now.
Who of you would be on my side if there was a law that said that my marriage was wrong and should be overturned? Hmmmm.....
Why is it that people are so afraid of gay marriage? Do they think it will effect them in anyway? I can't imagine how? Ryan said that some people are concerned that if there was gay marriage then health insurance would increase, because of adding more coverage. Do you think gays and lesbians don't have jobs or health insurance? Please. Do they think because the bible says no that means they should say no too? But ask those folks how many of them were virgins on their wedding night. I know, I am reaching a bit. But I can guarantee there aren't that many people in the US who are living by the literal sense of the bible. IF there were, there would be a whole hell of a lot more Jehovah's Witnesses around. And we all know how we all feel about them knocking on our door.
Let's put it into a different perspective.
Ask your parents if they remember what it was like when two different races were married. Ask them what their parents thought of it or how they felt. I guarantee it wasn't the same as it is now. Civil rights, women's rights, etc., all were at the time thought to be wrong, against nature. People of color had no rights. Women had no rights. Look at it now. These are people's civil rights. Anyone hear the phrase....."there should be no mixing of church and state"?
Ryan and I are raising our kids to know it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if a white person wants to marry an Asian person, or two men want to be married, or two women. Maybe in 20 years gay marriage won't be a big deal. Just like interracial marriage isn't a big deal now.
Who of you would be on my side if there was a law that said that my marriage was wrong and should be overturned? Hmmmm.....
I am too young for this crap!
Once again, my mother is in the hospital. Once again I will shuffle the kids around, have Ryan take the day off, and spend the entire day there just to talk to a doctor. She has got pneumonia. And she wonders how she got it? She tells me, "I only went to Target the one time when I just got out of the hospital." (which by the way was 2 weeks ago) I told her that is a lie. You were out at least 15-20 different times. Even trick or treating with the kids for crying out loud. Then I got the oh yeah I forgot.
No wonder she is sick. So I am off to the hospital to sit. All damn day. Yay me.
So then my sister calls. I am her guardian and conservator. Mind you this is AFTER all the crapola with my mom. My sister calls to tell me she has been having Caribou coffee 2 times a week and she gets the white chocolate hot cocoa with all the whip cream and chocolate sprinkles. Two times per week. Oh brother. The girl is diabetic. Talk about sugar overload. Then when I tell her try the sugar free hot cocoa, she calls back to say she will just have a smoothie. ARGH!
4 phone calls later from her and her staff trying to 'negotiate' I just gave up. Just have the damn cocoa. Have the damn smoothie. Just keep track of your blood sugar, and don't eat DairyQueen 2 times later in the week. For crap's sake.
Then the usual evening family stuff. Get dinner, answer a million phone calls, cause everyone knows to call me when my mom is sick, get kid's stuff laid out for tomorrow, and answer more calls. Tell my dad what he needs to do tomorrow.
Then (this is the best one yet) field a call from my aunt who doesn't live in the state, telling me that it is my fault my mom is sick because I have her watching my kids all the time. Ha ha ha. Totally laughable being I don't EVER have my parents watch the kids, but not-a-so-funny the fact she thinks it is true. So I bite my tongue and deal. Just listening to her tell me what I am doing wrong. Then she tells ME to update HER.
And yes.....I am having a pity party now. I am going to be 35 in a week. I am not old enough to be my parent's, parent. I am too busy parenting my own kids and my 33 year old sister.
No wonder she is sick. So I am off to the hospital to sit. All damn day. Yay me.
So then my sister calls. I am her guardian and conservator. Mind you this is AFTER all the crapola with my mom. My sister calls to tell me she has been having Caribou coffee 2 times a week and she gets the white chocolate hot cocoa with all the whip cream and chocolate sprinkles. Two times per week. Oh brother. The girl is diabetic. Talk about sugar overload. Then when I tell her try the sugar free hot cocoa, she calls back to say she will just have a smoothie. ARGH!
4 phone calls later from her and her staff trying to 'negotiate' I just gave up. Just have the damn cocoa. Have the damn smoothie. Just keep track of your blood sugar, and don't eat DairyQueen 2 times later in the week. For crap's sake.
Then the usual evening family stuff. Get dinner, answer a million phone calls, cause everyone knows to call me when my mom is sick, get kid's stuff laid out for tomorrow, and answer more calls. Tell my dad what he needs to do tomorrow.
Then (this is the best one yet) field a call from my aunt who doesn't live in the state, telling me that it is my fault my mom is sick because I have her watching my kids all the time. Ha ha ha. Totally laughable being I don't EVER have my parents watch the kids, but not-a-so-funny the fact she thinks it is true. So I bite my tongue and deal. Just listening to her tell me what I am doing wrong. Then she tells ME to update HER.
And yes.....I am having a pity party now. I am going to be 35 in a week. I am not old enough to be my parent's, parent. I am too busy parenting my own kids and my 33 year old sister.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Go vote.
I have never been a political activist. Just ask anyone. I actually just registered to vote in the last 2006 congressional election. Just to vote against someone. Yep I was that person.
But this year is different. Maybe because as a minority woman it is going to be very historic for me and my kids no matter who wins.
We voted. Ryan and I took the kids. We went to the Jr. High, sat the kids on the gym floor with fruit snacks and books, and did our thing.
I had heard lines were hours long. Apparently not in Woodbury. From the moment we left our driveway to the moment we returned to our driveway it was a total time of 16 minutes. Voting and all.
You still have time. It's only 5:30.
But this year is different. Maybe because as a minority woman it is going to be very historic for me and my kids no matter who wins.
We voted. Ryan and I took the kids. We went to the Jr. High, sat the kids on the gym floor with fruit snacks and books, and did our thing.
I had heard lines were hours long. Apparently not in Woodbury. From the moment we left our driveway to the moment we returned to our driveway it was a total time of 16 minutes. Voting and all.
You still have time. It's only 5:30.
Am I right or am I right?
Ryan has tried to convince me for many years that it is socially irresponsible for families to be extremely large. He thinks really large families use more natural resources then they should. I guess 'they' say you should really just repopulate the earth with yourself. Meaning you and your spouse should only birth 2 kids, and if you want more you should adopt so you don't add to the population. Does that make sense?
I don't know I guess I get it. It is a completely ethical and eco subject. Replenishing the earth and all. Not adding more then what you are already taking away. Ethically I feel people should be able to make their own decisions about family planning. I have friends who adopt to keep the population growth down and friends who will have children until they feel they are "done" having them.
Ok.....I have to preface it with....I am sorry if I offend. This is not meant to upset anyone.
There is a show that I watch with the kids. A great family show. Jon and Kate plus 8. It is on TLC. Love it. It is so funny. This couple, one being Korean so bonus for the kids to see that, had twins and sextuplets. Accidentally. They did fertilization and because their religious beliefs prohibit them from 'selection' they ended up with 8 kids. All pretty healthy kids too. They are funny and cute and like every other kid I have seen. And the parents yell at their kids and love them just like all other parents I have seen too.
I get it. It was an accident. They didn't WANT this to happen but it did and they went with it. Ok....fast forward a little and during commercial break I see a new ad for a new show.
17 AND COUNTING. What the hell?! Those damn Duggers. You know.....the family where the poor woman has been pregnant or nursing for the past 23 years and she looks about 33. Yes I know you know what I am talking about. I understand they have their religious beliefs and I am not sure which religion they are but really? 17 and counting? That is 17 kids mind you. All using up our natural resources. I get that back in the late 1800's and early 1900's you needed a large family to help on the farm, but I watched and episode just to see....and well those kids weren't farming. Unless you call Don Pablo's the homestead.
And the oldest just got engaged. He tells the camera that "his Lord doesn't think kissing before marriage is ok so they just do a lot of hand holding". Or something along those lines. They show the boy getting engaged and they hug. They frickin' hug!!!!!! That is it. Then out to Don Pablo's where they are seen praying in the restaurant and basically hand screw each other at the table. Cause they are JUST holding hands. No kissing until their wedding night.
I have no problem with a family being religious. No problem at all. But....what the hell? That is all this show is about. Religion and how they are going to keep having large families because that is what the Lord wants. And this one who just got engaged plans of having a large family too. His fiancee thinks it is a great idea. She is all on board. With her super long hair and super long skirt. But her face said to me...."holy shit!"
I get it though. If you weren't allowed to kiss until marriage, think about what sex will to do you. No wonder they have 17 kids. I am surprised they don't have more now that I think about it.
I don't know I guess I get it. It is a completely ethical and eco subject. Replenishing the earth and all. Not adding more then what you are already taking away. Ethically I feel people should be able to make their own decisions about family planning. I have friends who adopt to keep the population growth down and friends who will have children until they feel they are "done" having them.
Ok.....I have to preface it with....I am sorry if I offend. This is not meant to upset anyone.
There is a show that I watch with the kids. A great family show. Jon and Kate plus 8. It is on TLC. Love it. It is so funny. This couple, one being Korean so bonus for the kids to see that, had twins and sextuplets. Accidentally. They did fertilization and because their religious beliefs prohibit them from 'selection' they ended up with 8 kids. All pretty healthy kids too. They are funny and cute and like every other kid I have seen. And the parents yell at their kids and love them just like all other parents I have seen too.
I get it. It was an accident. They didn't WANT this to happen but it did and they went with it. Ok....fast forward a little and during commercial break I see a new ad for a new show.
17 AND COUNTING. What the hell?! Those damn Duggers. You know.....the family where the poor woman has been pregnant or nursing for the past 23 years and she looks about 33. Yes I know you know what I am talking about. I understand they have their religious beliefs and I am not sure which religion they are but really? 17 and counting? That is 17 kids mind you. All using up our natural resources. I get that back in the late 1800's and early 1900's you needed a large family to help on the farm, but I watched and episode just to see....and well those kids weren't farming. Unless you call Don Pablo's the homestead.
And the oldest just got engaged. He tells the camera that "his Lord doesn't think kissing before marriage is ok so they just do a lot of hand holding". Or something along those lines. They show the boy getting engaged and they hug. They frickin' hug!!!!!! That is it. Then out to Don Pablo's where they are seen praying in the restaurant and basically hand screw each other at the table. Cause they are JUST holding hands. No kissing until their wedding night.
I have no problem with a family being religious. No problem at all. But....what the hell? That is all this show is about. Religion and how they are going to keep having large families because that is what the Lord wants. And this one who just got engaged plans of having a large family too. His fiancee thinks it is a great idea. She is all on board. With her super long hair and super long skirt. But her face said to me...."holy shit!"
I get it though. If you weren't allowed to kiss until marriage, think about what sex will to do you. No wonder they have 17 kids. I am surprised they don't have more now that I think about it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I hold my handles out and say "frick or freat!"
It was halloween tonight! The kids had so much fun. Miles was Darth Vader and Claire was the Queen of Hearts. My dad made that costume for me when I was her age. It lasted a long time in storage.
The kids took a haul. Our nephew Ethan was with us too.
Surprisingly Claire was able to keep up with the older boys. She would run up to a house and say, "FRICK OR FREAT!" Then she immediately would fix her bag handles to be ready for the next house. Hilarious.
The kids hit the whole block. If you know where we live you know there are quite a few houses in our little neighborhood. They got them all. As well as hiking it to the Fire Department to get candy, glow sticks, and a tour of the fire trucks. Man did they get a lot of candy.
My sisters Cindi and Ann as well as me and my mom took the kids half way around the block and then Ryan and Tye took them the rest of the way. It was fun.
While Ryan, Tye and my dad took the first shift of handing out candy they were able to polish off 3/4 of a bottle of scotch. They were happy to take the kids the rest of the route. Must have been the libations.
All in all a great night. The weather was wonderful and the kids took quite a haul. Hopefully they will have some candy left tomorrow. I plan on "checking" it tonight, for their safety you know.
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I SO DO NOT HEART HANNAH MONTANA!!! Curses to you Miley Cyrus
At Layla's birthday last weekend she received this Hannah Montana pocket guitar. Her grandma opened it for the little kids to look at. And well you guessed it, the only one interested was my daughter.
She told me it was her guitar hero. I guess it is funny that way since I am guilty of teaching her all about the love for guitar hero. HOWEVER, it sings a Hannah Montana song. I hate it. Thankfully it was left at their house.
Oh did I mention that her lovely godmother GAVE it to her the other day. I still hate it. I looked all over for a volume switch, but there wasn't one. So I taped over the speaker with scotch tape. Still loud as hell.
We are so screwed. Ryan was just whistling the tune while doing dishes, and I can't get the damn thing out of my head. And to make matters worse, Claire loves loves loves it! She even went so far as to have her 'big' brother guard it while she went on a bike ride around the block with Ryan. Ryan wouldn't let her take it with them. Smart guy.
So we sit with Hannah Montana 'rockin' out in the living room. I mean really....shouldn't I get a small break from this tween stuff? She is only 2 for crying out loud.
She told me it was her guitar hero. I guess it is funny that way since I am guilty of teaching her all about the love for guitar hero. HOWEVER, it sings a Hannah Montana song. I hate it. Thankfully it was left at their house.
Oh did I mention that her lovely godmother GAVE it to her the other day. I still hate it. I looked all over for a volume switch, but there wasn't one. So I taped over the speaker with scotch tape. Still loud as hell.
We are so screwed. Ryan was just whistling the tune while doing dishes, and I can't get the damn thing out of my head. And to make matters worse, Claire loves loves loves it! She even went so far as to have her 'big' brother guard it while she went on a bike ride around the block with Ryan. Ryan wouldn't let her take it with them. Smart guy.
So we sit with Hannah Montana 'rockin' out in the living room. I mean really....shouldn't I get a small break from this tween stuff? She is only 2 for crying out loud.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Yay Fall!

Today is a beautiful fall day. We took the kids to the pumpkin patch and they got their pumpkins. Then we carved them out. Fun!!!!
Claire throwing pumpkin guts into the trees was funny. Claire holding a spoonful of pumpkin guts in Miles' face saying....."smell it" is even funnier.
Miles wanted no part in carving out the pumpkins. He said is smelt bad like stinky animals. Hmmmm......looks like he won't be a farmer anytime. I guess we can rule out zoologist too.
The kids had fun. Isn't this what late October is all about? Ah the memories.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Two awesome things
I just watched the season finale of my FAVORITE show Mad Men. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend getting it on dvd.
It is such a great show. I watch it with Ryan and the neighbor Dan. The second season just ended. I am really bummed that it won't be on again until the summer.
If you do in fact watch the show.....How much did you love it? It is an OMG moment. I just kept saying...oh my, oh no.
Yep. Great show. I won't give details if you haven't seen it and want to. I will say it is a very well written, very stylized show. It takes place in the early 60's focusing on the Advertising men of Manhattan.
I just had to say yowza! For those who actually saw the show and keep up with it, let me know what you think.
On another note, Nick and Jill just got Guitar Hero World Tour. Oh man. I was there yesterday with Jill for a while playing. I love it!
First of all it is so so fun to play new songs on the guitar. Because...well....Jill and I truly rock on the guitar. Second, singing with it is so fun. And hilarious. Jill was singing her heart out. And did really well. I sang the Joker by the Steve Miller Band and did ok. Thanks to my sister Cindi I sang one part, "I'm a joker I'm a smoker I'm a REAL LIVE joker." Ha ha. Those aren't the words but she is infamous for getting words wrong. Lastly....I suck at the drums. When I say suck I mean suck hard! I think I got like 68% on easy. I am not coordinated. Feet, hand coordination is not my forte. I will have to practice. I know Jill has been rocking out for at least a whole day so she already blows me away. BOO-URNS.
Practice makes perfect.
So two things I am promoting today....Mad Men and Guitar Hero World Tour. Get yourself some today. You won't regret either one. If you do, don't come crying to me that you're lame.
*wink wink*
Oh side note of hilarity: Cindi also sings other songs wrong. One of them is......Sublime's Santeria.
Cindi says, "I don't practice IN KOREA" Ah ha ha ha. She has tons of them. I love to hear her sing in the car. It cracks me the hell up.
It is such a great show. I watch it with Ryan and the neighbor Dan. The second season just ended. I am really bummed that it won't be on again until the summer.
If you do in fact watch the show.....How much did you love it? It is an OMG moment. I just kept saying...oh my, oh no.
Yep. Great show. I won't give details if you haven't seen it and want to. I will say it is a very well written, very stylized show. It takes place in the early 60's focusing on the Advertising men of Manhattan.
I just had to say yowza! For those who actually saw the show and keep up with it, let me know what you think.
On another note, Nick and Jill just got Guitar Hero World Tour. Oh man. I was there yesterday with Jill for a while playing. I love it!
First of all it is so so fun to play new songs on the guitar. Because...well....Jill and I truly rock on the guitar. Second, singing with it is so fun. And hilarious. Jill was singing her heart out. And did really well. I sang the Joker by the Steve Miller Band and did ok. Thanks to my sister Cindi I sang one part, "I'm a joker I'm a smoker I'm a REAL LIVE joker." Ha ha. Those aren't the words but she is infamous for getting words wrong. Lastly....I suck at the drums. When I say suck I mean suck hard! I think I got like 68% on easy. I am not coordinated. Feet, hand coordination is not my forte. I will have to practice. I know Jill has been rocking out for at least a whole day so she already blows me away. BOO-URNS.
Practice makes perfect.
So two things I am promoting today....Mad Men and Guitar Hero World Tour. Get yourself some today. You won't regret either one. If you do, don't come crying to me that you're lame.
*wink wink*
Oh side note of hilarity: Cindi also sings other songs wrong. One of them is......Sublime's Santeria.
Cindi says, "I don't practice IN KOREA" Ah ha ha ha. She has tons of them. I love to hear her sing in the car. It cracks me the hell up.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm tired
I feel like I can't catch up. I was telling my cousin tonight, I feel a day behind.
This year has been busier then ever. With pre school 3 times a week I never get that at home day. Our weeks are pretty much set. MWF pre school. Kids up at 6:30. Home by noon. Play outside and get ready for dinner. Tuesdays are at my parents house to visit or a random playdate. Thursday is a standing playdate with the Paulsrud kids. The day may have changed year to year but we always see them once a week.
Pile on top of that, cooking, cleaning, laundry, blogging, (ha ha) thinking ahead for the kids and what they need for the next day. It gets tiring. AND Claire isn't sleeping well. She has been waking up around 4 or so every morning yelling and screaming about one thing or another.
I believe it is that time of year for kids' imagination to go wild with spooky things. Halloween. Claire woke last night yelling, "MOMMY!!!! THERE ARE SPOOKY BONES! I THINK A SKELETON!" Try waking up to that business at 3:30 am. It sucks.
But thankfully the dishes are done, the kids a bathed, clothes laid out for school tomorrow, and it is only 7pm. I am ahead of schedule. Hopefully Claire will sleep all night.
Maybe Darth Maul will get Miles in his sleep tonight but thankfully he only wants Ryan in the middle of the night. Unless he pees his bed. Then it's all mom.
This year has been busier then ever. With pre school 3 times a week I never get that at home day. Our weeks are pretty much set. MWF pre school. Kids up at 6:30. Home by noon. Play outside and get ready for dinner. Tuesdays are at my parents house to visit or a random playdate. Thursday is a standing playdate with the Paulsrud kids. The day may have changed year to year but we always see them once a week.
Pile on top of that, cooking, cleaning, laundry, blogging, (ha ha) thinking ahead for the kids and what they need for the next day. It gets tiring. AND Claire isn't sleeping well. She has been waking up around 4 or so every morning yelling and screaming about one thing or another.
I believe it is that time of year for kids' imagination to go wild with spooky things. Halloween. Claire woke last night yelling, "MOMMY!!!! THERE ARE SPOOKY BONES! I THINK A SKELETON!" Try waking up to that business at 3:30 am. It sucks.
But thankfully the dishes are done, the kids a bathed, clothes laid out for school tomorrow, and it is only 7pm. I am ahead of schedule. Hopefully Claire will sleep all night.
Maybe Darth Maul will get Miles in his sleep tonight but thankfully he only wants Ryan in the middle of the night. Unless he pees his bed. Then it's all mom.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy 8th birthday to my wonderful god daughter! I am so lucky to have you in my life!
I love you lady!
I love you lady!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Kindergarten screen
Miles had his screening today for kindergarten. We weren't sure how it would go. He is a pretty sharp kid, but you never know.
He did awesome! He got all the possible points and even got all possible points for his extra credit. Smart kid.
We are very proud of him. So he will be officially in kindergarten next year.
A short smart Asian. Never heard of those before. Hee hee.
He did awesome! He got all the possible points and even got all possible points for his extra credit. Smart kid.
We are very proud of him. So he will be officially in kindergarten next year.
A short smart Asian. Never heard of those before. Hee hee.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Social Networking Baffles Me
Many friends I have been talking to have told me they use Facebook. I never got into myspace or facebook or whatever other social networking sites are out there. But I know several friends do.
I have stayed away for two reasons.
1: I like to stay incognito on the internet if possible due to you know who and you know why.
2: I always believed those sites were for younger people.
The first reason will always be there. But after finding out many friends my age use it I began to wonder.
So a girlfriend who uses facebook a lot had given me her login. (Yes she is a good friend and really trusts me.) I browsed around for a while. This is what baffles me.
I am astounded by the amount of people you can reconnect with. I mean she has many friends we went to school with in her list. Then if you click on them, you can link to other peoples pages. I am sure you all know how this works so sorry. But what is so amazing is the people these other people are 'friends' with.
Call me a snob, that is fine, but I know for a fact that many of these folks were NOT friends with many of their facebook friends. I mean I would go so far as to say that they didn't know many of these people existed. And to be brutally honest I didn't even know a few who were linked to friends I had growing up and I graduated with all these folks. I tell you there were only 170 that graduated in my class.
Oh and most of them who barely knew each other are somehow married or related to one another all of the sudden. And they may have been from different graduating classes. So incestuous.
So my questions are these......
Is Facebook like the grown up version of friendship bracelets or friendship pins? You don't care who you received them from as long as you have the most?
Or have some of my 'friends' from high school actually grown up and realized not everyone has to be popular to be cool?
Either way, WEIRD knowing most of my friends from high school have married other friends from high school. It seems a bit odd that they have stayed so close.
I do have to say that my girlfriend who allowed me access was in fact someone who was friends with everyone. So she legitimately has her friends. Good for her.
Oh well....another thing that makes me NOT cool. What's new?
I have stayed away for two reasons.
1: I like to stay incognito on the internet if possible due to you know who and you know why.
2: I always believed those sites were for younger people.
The first reason will always be there. But after finding out many friends my age use it I began to wonder.
So a girlfriend who uses facebook a lot had given me her login. (Yes she is a good friend and really trusts me.) I browsed around for a while. This is what baffles me.
I am astounded by the amount of people you can reconnect with. I mean she has many friends we went to school with in her list. Then if you click on them, you can link to other peoples pages. I am sure you all know how this works so sorry. But what is so amazing is the people these other people are 'friends' with.
Call me a snob, that is fine, but I know for a fact that many of these folks were NOT friends with many of their facebook friends. I mean I would go so far as to say that they didn't know many of these people existed. And to be brutally honest I didn't even know a few who were linked to friends I had growing up and I graduated with all these folks. I tell you there were only 170 that graduated in my class.
Oh and most of them who barely knew each other are somehow married or related to one another all of the sudden. And they may have been from different graduating classes. So incestuous.
So my questions are these......
Is Facebook like the grown up version of friendship bracelets or friendship pins? You don't care who you received them from as long as you have the most?
Or have some of my 'friends' from high school actually grown up and realized not everyone has to be popular to be cool?
Either way, WEIRD knowing most of my friends from high school have married other friends from high school. It seems a bit odd that they have stayed so close.
I do have to say that my girlfriend who allowed me access was in fact someone who was friends with everyone. So she legitimately has her friends. Good for her.
Oh well....another thing that makes me NOT cool. What's new?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The things kids say
When Miles was 2-3 he couldn't say his th's. He had a lisp. The funniest thing he would say all the time was....
"I'm FA king!" Meaning I'm the king. Say it fast enough and well.....you get it.
So funny.
Well tonight Claire announced loudly at dinner that she can say TRUCK. And you can guess how that came out.
Ryan said..."Well there is her king".
I suppose she can get away with it for a little longer. Too bad I can't.
"I'm FA king!" Meaning I'm the king. Say it fast enough and well.....you get it.
So funny.
Well tonight Claire announced loudly at dinner that she can say TRUCK. And you can guess how that came out.
Ryan said..."Well there is her king".
I suppose she can get away with it for a little longer. Too bad I can't.
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