Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Here!

I will get the 3rd book today. This will be the last post for a while. Hee hee. Unless I need to come up for air or something. But don't hold YOUR breath.

My friend Heather says the obsession will squelch itself once I finish the series. Closure. I am a big fan of it. She did however tell me about another book on the Stephanie Meyer website. A book she started writing from Edward's point of view. Apparently she is 1/3 of the way done and doesn't seem to want to finish it yet. But it is posted on her site. Oh crap.

Either way once I am done reading the books I will be on the computer. Nothing new I suppose. And at least I will look more like Ryan. My face in the laptop. But I will be reading. Not researching who kicked who's ass on Cage Potato or Sher Dog. Ha....thought I didn't know right sweetie. I have eyes EVERYWHERE!


Jilly said...

you're like a kid at christmas

my code to leave a message was molestia ... huh

Jilly said...

are you done?

this time it was requark

SJT said...

done and done. in one day no less