Claire's most favorite cartoon is Yo Gabba Gabba. I don't know if I have talked about it before, but it is for kids who have parents my age.
There is a lot of retro stuff. The characters are very similar to HR Puffnstuff. And they have Atari style breaks. Awesome!
Their main character is some crazy skinny black guy by the name of DJ Lance. He wears an orange body suit and an orange fuzzy hat a la Wizard of Oz guards. I wonder if his voice is really scary because they seem to dub him when he is talking. It is totally bizarre.
The characters are named: Foofa (Claire's favorite), Brobee, Plex, Muno, and Toodee. All human sized puppets. They also have a lot of "guest stars". Their debut show had Elijah Wood doing the dancey dance. Every week they have a new guest do the dancey dance. I think at some point Jack Black did it, but I have yet to see it. They also have something called Biz's Beat.
And yes....it is Biz Markie beat boxing. Hilarious. Claire beat boxing is priceless.
I guess the show is for the "hip" kid and their parents. I do have to say it is one of the less annoying kids shows on tv these days. But today is the exception. One of the songs of the day is,
"don't don't don't bite your friends, chomp chomp chomp? NO NO NO!" I mean really. But it isn't for babies either. I don't know. Just wanted to share what I see on tv from time to time. Interesting and informative isn't it?
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