Everyday begins the same here. Miles wakes up humming the song for Darth Vader. He began his Star Wars obsession a few years ago when his friend from school told him about it. His friend had almost his same level of obsession. Just ask his mom.
I mean, Star Wars has all the elements to teach a good story. Sympathy and camaraderie, good and evil, family and friends. All good life lessons. But I have to say I am sick of action figures all over the house and car. I am sick of McDonald's Star Wars bobble heads. (We must have 12 and actually I am sick of McDonald's but that is another issue). I am sick of the video games the movies and the magazines.
Not only is it the Star Wars action figures and ships and stuff, but he is totally into the Star Wars Legos. We have millions of them. Ships, planets, and characters. Donated from friends and family. Totaling at least 20 kits. All of which Ryan has had to put together. Hee hee. He also has 5 Star Wars Tee shirts. Which I faithfully wash every week.
The worst part of it all is his sister has started. She calls herself Princess Yay la. And both kids wear their bathrobes with the hoods up and pretend they are jedis. Fools running around with their respective light sabers. And to boot R2-D2 is following them beeping and screaming thanks to our friend Eric, who donated a 2 1/2 foot robotic R2-D2. Oh my lord. Anyone who knows or has even met my kids understands.
The reasons I do not heart Star Wars:
1. Crap all over the house
2. Legos all over the house and crying when they break
3. Lots of laundry
4. Eyes poked out with light sabers
5. Batteries running down on R2-D2. Which goes through batteries
like it is 2 dollar crack
6. Ryan humming Darth Vader's theme song absentmindedly this morning
7. Me doing the same damn thing without even knowing it