Saturday, September 6, 2008

Surly Fest

I just picked Ryan up from Surly Fest in Brooklyn Park or Center or wherever.

He is drunk drunk drunk! 4 hours, 5 pints of Surly, and no dinner make for a rambunctious Ryan. And he is all about playing with the kids. It is 9:30 PM and they are running all over the house. Oh brother. Looks like a long night.

Thanks Surly! Too bad you don't have babysitting services tomorrow when they all are crabby. Lucky lucky me.


Unknown said...

I had 6 pints of Surly and 4 dinners. So beat that! Yes, that's right...two Gyros and two Chicago-style hot dogs. I like to booze it up in style. And here I am at home, ready to pass out. It was a good time. Take care of Ryan because that is your womanly duty. ;-)

Jilly said...

What is wrong with you Eric ... that better be the Surly talking, womanly duty my ass ;)

Unknown said...

Only 5?? That seems like a pre-appetizer amount to me, which I guess it was for you as well. Sue, be glad he was drinking Surly and became "rambunctious". Who knows what would've happen had he drank Flying Dog... ;)
