Sunday, September 7, 2008


This morning I watched Hairspray. (Free HBO and Cinemax this weekend.) And I was hopeful. I loved the original John Waters Hairspray. Super smart and clever. Very John Waters. Just enough kitsch to be Awesome. I mean Sonny Bono and Debbie Harry! Genius. And I love Divine.

I didn't watch the "new" broadway version out of annoyance, but my mother assured me it was just as dark and clever as the original. Which I am most definitely sure she did not see.

So I watched it this morning. Can I just say.....WHY! It couldn't be any more annoying. Nothing interesting except watching John Travolta try to dance in a fat suit and in drag to boot. Bad. I do believe that I have hit an all time overload of that Zac Ephron. And I have no teenage kids.

I sure hope John Waters got a lot of money for that movie remake.

I can't wait for the broadway production of Pink Flamingos.

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