Put aside all the greed and the gluttony that was the 80's, and hearken back to when you were running around with the neighbor kids playing kill the carrier into the night, riding your bikes to friends houses, and wondering when your parents were going to call you in for dinner.
Then remember......Puberty. It changes everything. Puberty is what made me love the 80's. Nice segue right?
John Hughes movies, Duran Duran. I mean Molly Ringwald was living my life. Drama, geeks, parents who didn't get it and everything else that went along with it. I love teen angst. I just love it and I was really great at it. Talk about DRA-MA!
I loved pretty much everything 80's. 80's music to this day will bring me back to any kind of kicking-bouncing-teen-movie dance. Another thing that embarrasses the shit out of Miles.
On my stereo at home the only thing besides MPR you will here is internet radio tuned to the 80's channel. "Pure 80's all the time!" Claire seems particularly fond of Culture Club and Wham. Love that girl! But me, I am more New Wave. I can't help it. The hair was rad!
I also loved the movies and the tv shows. The Brat pack were so....cool. Anything John Huges or St. Elmo's Fire-ish had me at the get go! And Hello? Square Pegs? Early Sarah Jessica Parker. LOVE IT! Also the old standards, Dukes of Hazzard, A-Team, Facts of Life, and Doogie Howser. Thank god for Neil Patrick Harris. Who knew he would turn out to be so damn hilarious?
But I have to say the early 90's bring lots of retro love to me too. Mostly musically. Ryan hates that I know all the words to Bell Biv Devoe's Poison. But I can't help that either. Good memories of riding around the summer before my JR year with the cheerleaders and singing it like a group of banshees. Yes I was a cheerleader. Don't be so surprised.
I often will be whisked back to things that happened to me, or the people I knew when I hear the music, or see a tv movie on a Saturday afternoon.
Whenever I hear REM, I remember a boy I "loved" Hilarious cause I was 13, but I thought it was love at the time. And every time a song by them comes on the internet radio, I smile. Cause come on....13 years old, innocent and cute.
I always get so excited if Kate and Allie is on the Oxygen channel. And will stay up way past what is a decent bedtime for a mom of two kids who need to be up and at 'em the next day. But I can't help that either.
I haven't even touched on the fashion but apparently it is big now in 2009, so you know what it looks like. And nothing NEW there.
There needs to be a day for all of us who loved the 80's and don't ever want to let it go. Who's with me? Anyone want to start the fan club?