Monday, February 23, 2009

My kids are not paste eaters

Today was conference day. All was good with the world.

Claire is 2 and in the "intro to pre-school" program. Her teacher told me today that she often forgets that Claire is only 2. Apparently she is advanced. She knows most of her letters, numbers, shapes, and body parts. She also has a very good vocabulary and is a talker. She is mindful of others around her and is sensitive to their feelings. LOVE IT! Her teacher went so far as to tell me that it is nice when the kids are young but don't eat the paste or crayons.

Huh? Who would have thought MY daughter was going to be a talker? Yes that IS really what I got out of the conference. She talks. A lot. No duh.

Miles did just as well. His teacher told me she loves to have him in class. He is a critical thinker. He takes his time with everything he does, and if you are patient, you realize he has a lot of interesting thoughts. That is if you take the time to wait a million hours to hear it come out of his mouth. The boy thinks out every scenario of what "could" be the outcome of what he says. Therefore taking forever to get the thought out. He is a plan-a-head kinda guy. He is also compassionate and very popular in class. I had no idea my kid was THAT kid. Oh well....he gets all new friends in kindergarten, so we will see.

But he knows all his stuff. His teacher is concerned he may be "too" sensitive to move to kindergarten, but I think he will be fine. He is a sensitive kid. He just is. He always has been. And me keeping him in pre-school when he clearly needs more of a challenge would be downright mean. And I kinda have the feeling his teacher doesn't want him to leave her class.

Either kids are good. They are doing exactly what they are supposed to in school. They are smart, respectful, follow directions, kind, caring, and fun to have around. Yay! My kids are cool. I always knew they were all of the above, but it is nice to have someone else tell you.

I was going to say something about them being smart cause.....DUH.....Asian?! Or that the apples don't fall far from the tree. But that is just kinda dumb. And probably not true.

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