I was gonna blog today about a friend who is a total redneck fool. But I wrote it, then felt bad. Asked my best friend her opinion, and was told, "if she would ever have the chance to see this, delete that shit!" So I deleted it. There may have been a small few of you who actually got to read it.
I am 99.9999% secure in the fact she would have NEVER read it. But if she had....it would have been real messy. I all but titled it with her full name and address.
Basically I talked about how surprised and disgusted I am about some of the things that she will forward me via email, as well as the shit that comes out of her mouth. I am all about freedom of speech. Trust me on that one, and some of you may think I exercise that freely all the damn time. However, when she spews her racist sexist rhetoric around me and my kids, I have to draw the line somewhere. And slapping the crap out of her while thumping her on the nose would be futile.
I have said things to her, but doing so produced more racist sexist verbal diarrhea. I know....I know.
I have friends who don't get it at first, then when I call them out they GET it. Example used today at breakfast with girlfriends....
We have a mutual friend who is just the nicest guy. He is a republican, but you would never ever know it. Except for this....He sent me an email. It said...sign this petition. It was a petition to send all immigrants legal and non-legal back to their country of origin. I responded, "Dip shit! Really?! You know who you just sent this to!!!! RIGHT????!!!" To which he responded...."Sorry. Won't happen again. Wanna bring the family for dinner?" And I never get that crap from him again. And we are still friends.
But.....today I was not so bold. I didn't let it fly. (Unless you saw it, and if that's the case.....kinda mean right?) I deleted it after I had spent about 20 minutes trying to make it NOT say...."you racist pig! But were still friends right?"
Cause I really do like my friends. Even if they are dicks sometimes.
hhmmm... I'm not sure I agree with you here. I, too, pride myself on my open-mindedness when it comes to my friends. They come from a wide spectrum of ideals and ethnicity. I tend to draw the line with blind hate, though. I have trouble looking past it, as I always translate it to a nonstop assault on some of my friends which would be the target of their venom.
I'm racist against stupid-ass people.
Write that person a letter---you know, with pen and paper, the old fashioned way---and get it all out. You don't have to send it, but you will always have all those feelings right there, ready to go if you ever decide to share it.....Words of wisdom from an old mom who does this all the time!
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