I'm sick again. I swear no one believes it can happen to one person as much as it does to me, but it does. Just your standard, queasy stomach and ridiculous fatigue. If I didn't know better, AND I DO, I would think I was pregnant. But since that is impossible....I'm just sick.
Anyway....as I am sick, I have decided, I'm an ok parent. Here's why.
Yesterday I was in the shower, and Miles had to use the bathroom. We DO have more then one bathroom in our house, but he must have had to go BAD! I'm really not a fan of my kids being near me when I'm in the buff, but....he WAS pounding on the door like a maniac. So I let him in.
This is our conversation.
MILES: Mom, is it super steamy in here to make you feel not sick anymore?
ME: Yep. Sounds good to me.
MILES: I don't like it when you're sick. I feel bad for you. And we don't get to see you, cause you are sleeping and not feeling good.
ME: Yeah, I know. I don't like it either.
MILES: I don't ever want you to go to the doctor either.
ME: Thanks. Can you turn the overhead fan on when you leave please?
MILES: Yes. And I won't flush so the water gets crazy. And I will shut the door tight to keep the steam in. I love you mom.
Now...I normally don't get all squishy about my kids here. Cause, I usually will start my posts with....What the Fuck?!? And this is regarding my children. (As I am typing, Claire is stripping down naked. Jesus! I have to tell her.."would you put your dress back on please?")
But Miles warmed my heart yesterday. As he is getting older, I am noticing along with the not listening, he is becoming a very compassionate person. I like this a lot. He is very protective of his sister as well. When he's not trying to UFC style wrestle her, he is making sure she is safe. I love this.
And Claire is becoming a little care taker too. When Miles gets hurt, she always tells me, "I feel sorry for my brother." And it's not cause SHE is the one who inflicted the pain. She genuinely worries about him if he is upset.
I think it is my role as their parent to help them become productive citizens who think for themselves, and love big. I want my kids to be compassionate and care about other peoples feelings. Cause Lord knows there isn't a lot of that around these days.
So......knowing my kids can even love me and worry about me when I am gross, sick, crabby, and tired, leads me to believe Ryan and I are doing just fine thanks.
*As I finish this post, Claire is whipping me with a washcloth yelling, "I'm hitting your booty mom!!!!!" God damn it! What the Fuck?*