My SIL and her husband are posting photos of them with this little girl on their facebook pages. Seems ok to me. Just keep in mind, they were the couple you knew would NEVER have kids. NO MATTER WHAT. But things change. People change and they have fallen in love with her. The response they are getting from people is kinda surprising.
Most of their friends seem happy for them. Shocked, but happy. Then my brother in law starts this thread with some crazy fucking hose beast, who has decided that she will "circle the wagons" to save this child. Cause apparently she knew my BIL long ago and knew he wasn't keen on kids. Back in the day. Anyway...she began telling him how he needs to be careful because this girl may have attachment issues. Cause you know, "All adopted kids, mostly international, have attachment issues." Dumb bitch.
I know plenty of adopted people. I AM an adopted person. My kids are adopted. We are ok. I hate people like her. I guess she works as a "screener" for children with attachment disorder. And sadly most of them are adopted. But what does that say? That all adopted kids have it? Or that she just sees a majority of them? God...she is stupid. I wanted to blast her, but Ryan, being the practical adult in this relationship, encouraged me to, "leave it alone".
Either way, I know my SIL and her husband will be good parents. They already love this little girl. They are doing the best they can, and they don't need some psychotic bitch telling them they are making a bad decision. She is basically telling them they are making a mistake cause they didn't want kids before. And that they will be bad parents. AND she is trying to scare them away from it. I want to scratch her dumb bitch eyeballs out.
I'm not mad. I'm just saying.
Here's a photo of MY ADOPTED kids. Don't they look totally un-attached, un-healthy, un-loved, and un-happy to you? *Note* I did not say they looked sane. But neither am I.
Thanks for letting me rant and rave. That lady is a dumb bitch. In case that wasn't clear.
I really wish you would express yourself more clearly. I couldn't have said it better myself! I am an adopted person, I attached just fine, some might say that the chord is still attached and that would NOT be to my biological Mom but to my Mom, the one who raised me, I know the biomom too,she rocks, have a great relationship, but NOTHING compares to my Mommy!!! Start scratching!!!!
great picture! i didn't think i wanted kids before either, now look at me. however, my kids are all mine biologically. does this mean i'm not/won't be a good parent because of something i sad years ago?
i'll hold her down whilst you do... whatever.
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