So today at the breakfast table I was singing......Lost in remember that old 80's song by Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam? Well either way, Miles covered his ears, smiled at me, and said..."Please mom. Just. Don't."
Claire looked at me and said, "I don't like that! I DON'T LIKE THAT!!!"
I mean seriously. I have a BEAUTIFUL *eye roll here* voice. And that's a classic.
No wonder my kids like to sing OVER me.
I'm no Simon Cowell, but I am pretty sure Lost in Emotion is better then their rendition of Spider Man. Which I am now being made to listen to at top volume.'s 8:30 am for crying out loud.
LOL! When my son was younger, around 4, I'd be in the basement doing laundry while singing along with Whitney Houston's "I've Always Love you" song. And I-I-I will always Love You-ou-ou-ou!
But he must have loved it, because when we had a ton of guests over one time, he said, "Mom! Sing that Ah - I- ah - I song for everyone!"
That's when you just tilt you head trying to understand what he's talking about... until it hit me later doing laundry.
shoot - I should've proof read that. sorry!
your kids sound like mine. they always ask me to stop singing. brats.
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