Last night we had the neighbor girl over for dinner. I don't know how it happened. One minute her and her dad were here to play Wii. And the next, she is running off with Claire telling her dad to "go home!" So he did. And she stayed for dinner.
She's 2.
I told the girls dinner was almost ready. We were having lasagna and stuff. They both seemed pretty happy about it. Miles made his regular oh-shit-you-know-I-don't-eat-that face, and our friend Brian just sat on the sofa and drank beer. (He had already eaten. I didn't just ignore him.)
Per usual, Miles got a different dinner, cause I sure wasn't going to sit through another hour and a half bawl fest over lasagna. *note to self.....knock that shit off*
And we all commenced eating.
Now I have been told that our little dinner guest rarely eats, and has atrocious table manners. who's house? Certainly not ours. She used her fork, she used a napkin, and said please and thank you. Best I can ask for. And dinner was a go.
Then they started to get a little giggly. But that is ok, cause it's cute. Suddenly Claire busts out with this gem. Mind you, I have no idea how the train of thought went.
"I looooove Pasagna!"
"VAJANA!!!!" "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I'm eating vaJana!!!!"
Then her little friend said, "hee hee hee hee VAJANA! VAJ!"
Ryan was red faced holding in the laughter.
Miles joined in and threw in the token, "penisJana." I have no idea how it went on so long. I guess it just happened really fast and when I type it out it seems longer. Yeah...that's what I'm going with.
So "mom" had to step in, and say, "Ok girls..that's enough potty talk."
And they were done. For a second.
Little neighbor then announced she needed her booster seat. To which Claire quickly assured her what she really needed was a "booty seat". Loud laughter.
And then, the pièce de résistance, little neighbor girl yells out, and I mean YELLS OUT, "STINKY BUTT HOLE!" Over and over.
I swear to you Miles almost lost his milk. He laughed so loud I was surprised it didn't fly across the table. Now, understand, my kids don't say that. They say other things, but they know for a fact, THEY CANNOT SAY THAT. Why? I have no idea. But for some reason they didn't repeat it, they just laughed their fool heads off.
And that is how my dinner was last night. How was yours?
This was our recent dinner conversation:
Mom - after supper it will be bath time, then Pj's and books
Joe - I don't want to take a bath I want to take a shower.
Mom- fine, you take a shower, Dad can help you and will give the baths.
Joe turns to his father, points his finger at him and says
"OK, just so you know, I am going to play with myself for a few minutes before I wash up."
He didn't mean THAT, but still very funny!
oops, I meant I (mom) will give the baths. Dan really doesn't have to do everything. :-) Guess I should have proof read BEFORE publishing.
haha! love it! you can check out my most recent post for some similar conversations. it contains the sentence "my happines is in my penis." nice.
THANK YOU for the laugh!!!! I laughed at the comments too!!! We haven't had those yet but I can not wait!!!! :) :)
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