We took the kids camping this weekend with our friends D and B. It was a first for the kids.
Holy shit!!! As I write, Claire is watching "Miss Spider's Sunny Patch" and some bug just flew across the screen and said..."I have the brightest bottom in Sunny Patch!" Ummmm....time to turn off the television. What the frickety frack?!
Speaking of lightening bugs...there were tons of them. And the hugest daddy long legs I have ever seen. I mean, not leg wise, but body wise. It was like they all had baby spider sacs ready to bust open. Ugh....it was disgusting. and they were EVERYWHERE!
We hiked by the falls. Falls...hilarious notion since the "falls" were like if someone had turned on a drinking fountain and let it drip over the space where the "falls" should have been.
We hiked on the trails through the woods and ended up by the MN river. But we had to turn around or risk walking the train tracks. When I say train tracks, I should start out by quoting Vern from Stand By Me, "You guys wanna go see a dead body?" I mean sincerely. It was just like it. I opted for "NO", as I would hate to tell the kids to, "move their fuckin' asses!" as the train comes barreling down the tracks towards us, while we are meandering over the bridge, singing Lollipop. Cause that would happen. I know it. The singing part too.
My favorite quote from the trip is Claire's. I took her to the bathrooms. Which were not flush....and she looked in the bowl, looked back at me, and said, "I sure wouldn't want to fall into there! That's a lots of poop." Smart girl that Claire.
The camping part was awesome. Claire hated it the first night, as she wet herself in the tent. I told the kids they were either in or out. I didn't want all those huge killer daddy long legs in the tent, let alone mosquitoes. So once they went in, they were in. She took it literally and peed herself cause she didn't think she could leave the tent. SERIOUSLY!!! That girl very rarely listens to me in the first place. Gah!!! Leave it to her to chose THIS time to listen.
The second night we were able to go into St. Peter for B's mom's "Boogie for Boobies" at some townie bar. She is doing the 3 day walk for breast cancer and had one of her fundraisers. It was the kids' first time in a "real" bar. And when I say real...it was just a bar. And the kids loved it. They played Ms. Pac Man. Drank kiddie cocktails until it was unhealthy. Ate peanuts in the shell and m&m's. Had people tell them they were "soooo cute". Then Miles promptly passed out once the jukebox came on at 8:30. Reminds me of my college bar nights. Tee hee....
Top events for camping.....the campfires, and the light saber fights with D and B's son N. It was a full fledged war. Their goal was to 'protect the queen.' And not D or B. Ha ha...just Claire. (direct quote from D by the way)
I don't have photos either. With the exception of my camera phone. In my mad rush to pack us up I forgot the camera. Thank goodness B had his, but I don't have photos on hand at the moment. I can post them when I get them from B. There are a lot of photos of dirty kids and trees. Oh and some of the "old haunted mill".
Great first camping trip with the kids. Why did we wait so long? Eh...who knows. Next up on the travel itinerary....more camping and a fun filled work trip to Omaha NE with Ryan. That trip will be full of 'special' memories I'm sure.
On a totally unrelated note, I started reading the Zombie Survival Guide. Very entertaining and informative. Not the best choice of literature to bring while camping next to a historic cemetery or haunted windmill. Just an FYI people.
1 comment:
haha! i amglad to hear that someone else's children love bars, too (my brother in law owns one and my kids have been there to eat a bunch of times). i used to work in one and my oldest (who was 4 at the time) was there with me. he fell off a bar stool and split his chin, then proceeded to tell everyone he saw for the next three weeks he got his boo boo falling off a bar stool. stellar parenting on my part.
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