Well. Not much to report. Miles started kindergarten on Friday.
Miles before school.

Aaaaaaaaand Miles AT school before the flood gates opened up.

I guess if I look real close, I can see the trepidation in his face. I must not have been paying attention.
The day started out fine. Big breakfast of whatever he wanted for the first day of school. Playtime with his sister. Some cartoons. And then lunch. (He goes to afternoon kindergarten) Promptly at 11:45 I said..."let's get going!"
And they were all at the door. That was until Miles said to me...."gotta go poop." That's his "stall" tactic as of late. The kid can spend 45 min just putzing around in the tinkletorium. It just is painful waiting for him. But not this time.
I could tell my ummm....hormones....were gonna kick in as soon as his little smirk and shoulder shrug accompanied the comment. Ugh! So I said, "fine! But hurry up because we have to leave 3 minutes ago!" Which in turn freaked my kid out. My kid who doesn't like to be timed to eat his meal, but that's another story. Let's just say he hates HATES to be rushed. So the tears start.
Well he was able to get it together. We all drive him to school. I took his pictures, and then told his teacher he had to go to the bathroom when they had the chance. I'm new to the whole...public school thing. I have no idea what the rules are anymore. She says fine. As we are leaving, I hear Ryan say, "bye buddy! Have a great day!"
Then...."Mom? I think I'm a little scared?!"
Shit. I thought we were going to be great. But not so much. So I tell him he will be fine. He will have fun. All the stuff you're supposed to tell
yourself when you drop your kid off for the first time at the "big" school. And he starts up with the wailing. All I can think is...Shit shit shit!
As we walk away, I can sense Ryan is ready to turn back. He is NOT digging on leaving his crying boy at school. I on the other hand know that is exactly what we are supposed to do, no matter how much it sucks for us. So I drag Claire by the hand and loudly under my breath I say, "KEEP WALKING! KEEP WALKING!! KEEP WALKING!!!" And we did.
Needless to say. Once he got into the building. He loved it. He apparently stopped crying before they got into school. When we picked him up, he told us all about green cards, and how one kid kept laying on the floor and got a yellow card (that's bad I guess), and that he loves school. And can he please take the bus now?
Why couldn't we go back to this? Our last "REAL" summer day. Actually the day before he went to kindergarten but...it was hot so.....

Eh. We do it all over again tomorrow. I hope he will do what he says and not cry again. I'm putting him on the bus.
Side note..I didn't cry about my 'baby' starting school until I knew he was fine. And then it was just.not.pretty.