I know it's not "the big day" yet, but I have been bombarded with Valentine's mumbo jumbo.
Claire has told us Valentine's Day is her "most favorite, because of the pink and red." Makes sense to me. Miles loves it because he gets candy. Duh. And both kids have had parties this week. I have assisted with 40 valentine cards and valentine gifts for kids at school.
I don't remember my parents doing that. I do however remember telling Chad Sellman I "luuurved" him because he was blonde and cute, and I was in the 5th grade. And he better love me back damnit because I,ME, I joined the chess team to spend quality time kicking his ass in chess. And this all happened on Valentine's day.
But as I got older, I have never really cared for the holiday. Some say it's a "Hallmark holiday" for consumerism. Others say it's a way to make single people feel bad about themselves thus upping the junk food sales for about a week. I just really never cared.
My mom loves the holidays, and goes ape shit for everything including Arbor day, but she told me, she loved me everyday and that Valentine's Day was just another day for her to tell me that. I love my mom a ridiculous amount.
Talking to a friend of mine, I asked her if she was a big Valentine fan. I thought she wouldn't be, but she said, "I love Valentine's Day. It means flowers and chocolates. And I have to have a heart shaped pizza!"
I never thought of it that way. Funny. I mean really funny. A 30 something who HAS to have a heart shaped pizza for a holiday.
Well she and her husband are coming over here Saturday night, and of course we are having a heart shaped pizza for them. And the kids are going bananas for it. I mean who ever thought of shaping pizza was a genius in my children's eyes.
So this year Valentine's will be kind of a big deal around the Teepants household. Due mostly in part to my friend Rachel. But....the kids are making a point in telling me how much they love me and Ryan. EVERY DAY. It's kinda nice.
And Chad Sellman didn't love me back. I must have beat him in chess one to many times.
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