Ever have a dream about something, and when you wake up, you are so pissed off, you can't even stand it?
Or you wake up and you're literally crying? Or yelling? Or other scary goodness?
I have. I dream like a mother fucker. I don't like it either.
My BFF will have dreams about her husband and some improprieties, and she will not and cannot speak to him when she wakes up. She is seriously that pissed off at him when she wakes up. Because of something he did in a dream. I too will have the same reaction with Ryan if my dream was vivid enough.
Poor guy.
Or I will wake up crying my eyes out because my mom died in my dream and I couldn't dial the phone to call people about it. I have major performance anxiety in my dreams when it comes to dialing a phone. Go figure.
When I was younger, I used to dream about Freddy Krueger. He would mess me up. But as I got older, the real monsters crept their way into my life. I started dreaming about "him". Again poor Ryan. He would wake up to me yelling and pounding on things. Apparently I was trying to "get away" from my ex. And in my dreams I was not very successful. So I was fighting like hell. I went into therapy for that, and came out the other side a little better. But now I have dreams about "him" stealing my kids. And I wake up crying like a fool. For some reason I can't fight. I hate that.
My kids will laugh in their sleep. I love that. And from what I can tell, the only thing that is somewhat nightmare-ish to Claire, is Miles not letting her do something. I hear a lot of, "NO MILES!!!! LET ME DO IT!!!" It's kinda funny. Especially when she's in her room alone at 3 am.
Ryan dreams like crazy too. He panics. He dreams of creepy bugs getting him. Or giants looking into the house. He will also re-enact video games in his sleep. I DO NOT LIKE THIS....repeat...I DO NOT LIKE THIS. The end result in this, is Ryan being banned from some video game.
One night, Ryan was up playing Call of Duty. I was sleeping. Once he fell asleep he must have started dreaming about the game. I woke up to Ryan army crawling across me yelling, "GET DOWN!!! GET DOWN!!! OH MY GOD!!!!"
I thought we were being robbed and he was trying to protect me. So when I yelled my fool head off, it must have woken him up and he said, "What? Why are you yelling? Are you ok?"
So.....dreams in this house are interesting to say the least. I like the nights I sleep and don't dream at all. I do often dream about John Cusack (see # 18). But that's just weird.
I'm sure someone who can "read dreams" will read this and think, "this chic is weird." And you're probably right. I didn't even get into the bloody floor dreams. I don't know. I think I need help.
Yep...you need help. Nothing wrong with that.
We have crazy dreams here too. I've had the mom dying, angry at husband dreams too. Not about John Cusack and I'm really surprised that I haven't...
My husband thought he was turning into a werewolf one night and got angry at me in his sleep because I started playing along with him. He woke the next morning angry with me but didn't know why.
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