Don't you hate it! When you sit down. Boot up the old computer. Click click click through to google reader. Log into the "blogs I read". And find out those fools who's lives you read about all the time, didn't have the gall to blog this past week?
Seriously! I hate that.
What I hate even more is going to my site, and seeing I am one of those fools.
As I write, I am sitting at the dinner table with the kids. Ryan is conference calling down in the office for a company that works on Pacific time. The kids and I are feasting on grilled Tilapia and mac and cheese. Round out with grapes, apples and carrots. I am not ignoring my poor little chitlins, oh no. When dad works at home during dinner, the kids get a special treat of eating dinner with cartoons on. It happens about once a month. But they love it.
Ryan won't eat fish or anything from the water for that matter, so we all indulge in seafood when he's gone. Or banished to the basement. Heh heh heh....
Today has been a very odd day for me. Here's why.
I hate the hot. I literally stay in MN for the simple reason that I.Hate.Hot. MN is cold 9 months out of the year. I love that. I am giddy as a school girl with the cold weather. This stuff? Not so much. It's been in the 90's this week. 90's!!!!! What the What?
I would rather stay at 30 below year round than have to slap shorts and a teeshirt on this body. I am a cover it from head to toe kinda girl. I even disklike flip flops. I know..what's wrong with me? Where do I start?
But today....odd. I spent the morning walking around a lake in jeans. Not hot. But 80 degrees out. Weird. Then came home and didn't hole up in the central air. I sat out in the yard with the kids doing the slip and slide. Granted the kids couldn't figure out the hose and turned it on me. And I was soaked. So that was *eh ehm* refreshing.
Double weird that I stayed out there. Usually I tell Ryan he should just sit out there with them. I head out to take a few photos and then scurry back into my cocoon where it's 70 and I can still wear a sweatshirt. 70 is hot for me indoors too. We keep our heat at 65 in the winter. And that's the highest it goes.
Still....this summer will be interesting if I can somewhat tolerate the weather. The world will open up with possibilities for me and the kids. Or it could slam shut in my face when the major humidity kicks in. I'd better watch my nose.
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