One of my all time favorite things to do is grocery shop. I'm not kidding.
I love strolling down the clean aisles. Looking at new items. Checking to see what organic this or that was on the market.
The farmer's market? LOVE IT! Touching and smelling all that fresh produce. Delish!
Of course it was before kids. And it was when I didn't HAVE a budget. And I was only cooking one meal for one other person. So spending 5 dollars on fresh organic rosemary was not something I'd bat an eye at.
Boy was I in la la land.
These days. I loathe the super market. And by "supermarket" I mean.....Super Target, Costco, and Trader Joe's. Those are my go to staples. 3 stores. Once a week. Every so often I'll meander on into a Kowalski's. For those who aren't privy to Kowalski's...let me tell you. I heart this store. HUGE. They remind me how I used to love grocery shopping.
The Kowalski's by my house is huge. They have an Aveda salon in the middle of the store. So if you are so inclined, you can hand a personal shopper your list and then have a spa day. All done in a timely fashion. Plus their stuff is top notch. Also top notch price wise. But...it's a special treat. Not that I've ever done that. Cause really it's kinda ridiculous. But the idea that you CAN is luxurious enough.
But back to the real world. I know what aisle everything I need is in. Venturing to a new brand or God forbid a new food, may just bring Armageddon to my house and my house alone.
And the strolling around is not an option anymore either. I always have at least one if not two kids. Thankfully, neither of my kids are "those" kids. You know the ones who beg, and whine, and plead for whatever brightly colored, flashy, sour, toy included, thing they see at their level. (Thanks sTupid markets for that!) They just walk around and look at stuff. They look at me ever so hopefully when they notice that Cheerios has a book included. But we have Cheerios and I just move along. I know, what a bitch.
But I am usually trying to cram shopping in between school and some other sort of obligation.
I miss you slow leisurely grocery shopping. I miss you new products. I miss picking out the freshest of fresh when it comes to produce. Boo hoo hooo........On the upside...I can shop for food. Ryan doesn't have to go and forage for it.
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