1: I like to lay about all day and have Ryan take all control of the kids and the house. Today, Ryan's agenda involves, running, mowing the grass, and helping me get ready to host a family party.
2: Ryan and the kids make me breakfast in bed, complete with waking me up with a tray of food and lovely mother's day gifts.
I have to wait to make breakfast until Ryan's done running. And he has to wait for his father's day gifts because I didn't have the chance to run out and get him a card yet. (I know...he's totally winning this one)
3: I really do whatever I feel like doing on mother's day. Ryan does what he wants, and a little of what I need today. Poor guy.
But Ryan knows we love him like crazy. Miles and Claire can't get enough of him.
Although we did have a long discussion with Miles the other morning. He was determined to tell Ryan and myself he wanted a "new" dad. And he was serious about it. I kept saying, "are you serious? You want to get a new dad?" And he was not kidding. He kept with it, that yes....he wanted a new dad.
Ryan, understandably, was starting to feel a little bad about this revelation. After further discussion, we realized, NO, Miles didn't want a NEW dad. He wanted his dad to be the same. But he wished his dad was Korean like the rest of us.
Hence, the "new" dad. Ha ha ....I don't know why, but Miles has ALWAYS been concerned about Ryan not being Korean. And to Miles, he wants to share everything with his dad.
So Happy Father's Day to my non-Korean husband. You are the best. And Happy Father's Day to my dad, my father-in-law, and my friends who are great dad's.

Not that this cartoon has anything to do with anything. But it's Star Wars and it's funny.
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