Miles is in LOVE with this science kit. Ryan got it at the Thrift Store last year, and Miles has finally shown major interest.
He will spend hours looking at random crap on glass slides. He loves this microscope. He loves looking at hair, dirt, blood, dead bugs, and spit.
The other day he was gently putting the kit back into it's case, and all the glass slides broke. Shit. The waterworks kicked in and we had to think about what to do. And quick.
So yesterday after school, we all drove to the "hood" and hit up Ax Man Surplus Store. Talk about heaven!
My kids didn't know what to do with themselves. If you've never been to's the best place for anything random and shitty. It smells like any old hipster walking around Uptown, sweat, rubber, and motor oil. There is any kind of science anything, car parts, computer parts, lightbulbs, rubber chickens, military surplus, manequins dressed in goggles and fur coats, and very random, very witty ad campaigns.
It is truly one of the coolest places to go if you have kids who are interested in anything other than sports. And even those kids would probably think it's pretty cool.
We were able to pick up more glass slides for the microscope, Star Wars glow in the dark wall stickers, a flashy magic wand, marbles, a sterling silver compact, and a carpet remnant for our tent. We passed on the beakers. Although I wanted one.
And now, Miles is back to looking at "stuff/crap" under the microscope. And Claire is loving her blinky magic wand.
Just a few more photos of Ax Man so you know what it is I'm talking descriptions just can't do it justice.

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