I went to see SALT this weekend with my BFF for her birthday. I don't do movie reviews, but I am doing this more as a PSA.
This movie is pretty cool. It's very much like the Bourne movies, but with Angelina Jolie in the title role.
For our birthdays we have decided it is best to do movie and dinner together sans husbands and kids. Just us. Depending on who's birthday it is, the other pays. It's awesome. We avoid having to get coffee cups, chocolate, and cutesie gifts for each other, and just be able to hang out together.
We were planning on seeing Eclipse. But I've seen it twice already and my BFF was not into this time. Oh well...I told her I would totally see it again, cause it's not bad...but she wanted to see Salt. Cool. I was very cool with it.
Either way...like I said, the movie is way good. But.....
Don't sit close to the screen and don't eat before you see the movie.
HOLY SHIT! Hello motion sickness. I don't think there was ONE scene where the camera wasn't jiggly. Ugh..my guts were doing flip flops. Half way into the movie we decided to move UP to the top/back of the theater. It helped. Immensely. But the damage was done. Wonkey stomach prevailed. And my BFF had a bit of a headache.
But once again...pretty damn cool movie. And there is an awesome kill scene. I mean...if I were going to off someone...it would definitely be as cool as that. I'd just need some handcuffs. But I said if, and I'm not that strong.
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