What is a blog for?
I always thought my blog was to entertain, and to "get it down on paper". It usually just tells people of the trials and tribulations of being a mom to MY kids.
Cause really? My kids are hilarious. At times infuriating, but most likely they are doing or saying something that cracks me up. And I feel the need to share it with everyone. Because there is no way, any other kids, are as hilarious as mine. *note sarcasm*
Another reason I write this blog, is to keep track of things. To remember things that I would otherwise lose in my file-o-fax of a brain. There's just too much crap up in there to remember EVERYTHING.
I also write to complain about my stupid old giving out body. I hate it. It makes me so angry. And that has to go somewhere.
But recently, I have wanted to write about things that are going on in my life that stress me out. And I haven't. Why you ask? Because I am not comfortable with people I am annoyed with, stressed out with or just plain bitching about, reading about my annoyance in such a public forum.
Ok...sure, I talk a big game. And truly, I WILL tell you what's on my mind if it's not going to really hurt our relationship. But the big-blast-you-into-next-month crabby that I am capable of, so not ok. I don't want to totally alienate people who make me mad. I'm not a grudge holder. So once it passes I'm good. And if I wrote things here...it's out there. And once I'm past it, they may not be. See the problem?
And I know most people hold on to things. Also there's the whole...I'm not talking about you, but you think I am.
Lately there have been things I have wanted to write. But I don't. Poor Ryan has just had to hear it. Incessantly, hear it. And he's been really great about it. But maybe just maybe I shouldn't hold back. I should just not worry about what people think. And I should start writing it all down.
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