Things I did/am doing on and around my 37th birthday. In chronological order.
~ Meet up with 12 amazing women. Drink. Eat. Play inappropriate board games. Win inappropriate gift for being 5th in the door. Laugh. Hug. Laugh. Drive home in a blizzard at 2am.
~ Wake up to a 4 year old yelling at 7am...."IT SNOWED MOM!!!! GET UP!!! Oh yeah..Happy Birthday. GET UP!!!! SNOW!!!!"
~ Take photos of kids and husband in the snow at 7:45 AM.
~ Go back inside to watch tv and drink more coffee.
~ Fix hot cocoa and popcorn for a mid morning snack
~ Un-tangle the It-should-never-get-tangled-but-we-lied-cause-we're-apple-and-we-can-do-whatever-the-fuck-we-want iPod cord.
~ Clean out entry way...cause oh my GOD there's a lot of wet snow clothes.
~ Sweater shave the bathroom rug. Seriously. I can't stand little nubbies on my feet. It's just gross.
~ Try to talk to the kids...but they are so mesmerized by the snow it's like this..."Hey kids...blah blah blah"...their answer..." blah blah bla...ooh snow..."
~ That's about it. I may throw some laundry in for good measure, but I still have Sunday to be snowed in too. Wouldn't want to overdo it.
I'm going to start making a HUGE deal out of my birthday. More than ever!! Friends...Family....get ready.
I spend about 99.9% of my time putting my family and friends first. I do. All the time. And this is going to be the ONE day of the year that is ALL ABOUT ME. Selfish? Sure. But it's gonna be great. Now if I could just get my family and friends on board with this...I'm all good.
Happy Birthday xo
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Suuuuuuuuuuue,
Happy Birthday toooo oooh snow!
Nick, If I could like your comment a la facebook, I would.
Thank you kindly Katie!
Happy Birthday!!! My dd got into the snow on Saturday in Minnesota too! Her B&B lost power and they had to go stay at a hotel. yay! more adventure!
It's fun to see things thru the eyes of a child... That is until you have to clean it all up!
Hope you had a great day!
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