When I go to a movie, I have to see the previews. If I miss one, I will do the following.
Leave, exchange my ticket for the next show, wait, see the next show with ALL the previews. I have only had to do this once, and no matter who I go to the movies with, they know I will do it. And we're always early. ALWAYS.
When I'm in the bathroom taking a shower, and there's a magazine on the counter, I will turn it over so the faces aren't looking at me when I get out. It just freaks me out. And NO...I'm not kidding.
When a green arrow light STAYS green for me to get through it, especially if there's a long line of cars, I will say, OUT LOUD, "Thank you green light thank you green light thank you!" Can't hurt right?
I have to check on my kids every night before I go to bed. No matter what time I go to bed or how tired I am. I have to see if they are sleeping and breathing.
If I have a dream that Ryan's been cheating on me (it doesn't happen all that often) I'm mad at him for the rest of the day. Even though I know it was a dream. Poor guy.
I still cross my fingers like it will REALLY work. Not the "hope you don't know I'm lying" cross my fingers, but the "please please PLEASE!!!??!!" crossing of the fingers.
When I've seen a scary movie, and when I say scary movie, I mean scare the shit out of me scary, I will look around my house and make comparisons from the movie to my real life. If there are similarities, I will do what I can to change it so it won't happen to me too. Example: I had a creepy hand made clown that my grandma got me. It was so much like the Poltergeist clown, I gave it to my sister. Cause, there was no way in HELL that thing was gonna get me. And so what if it got her? She was annoying to me on a pretty regular basis. Sadly, I still make the comparisons.
Now..this one I know is weird. But...when I'm at someone else's house or in a public bathroom, I will put a piece of tp in the the toilet before I go. Just in case there's a camera in the bowl. No kidding. I saw a movie that it happened in and now I think, "It could happen, so I might as well prevent embarrassing things from popping up on Youtube.
I DO realize that professing these things, makes me sound exceedingly paranoid, and at the very least certifiable. But...I'm not crazy. I at least know that. I like to think of myself as "quirky." It's a much more endearing term that looney.
And...I also get that I have major bathroom hang ups. Oh well. You don't have to live with me. (Oh wait, Ryan, you do, but you love me for my quirkiness.)
Yeah..and I'm bossy. But everyone I know is bossy. That's nothing out of the ordinary.
1 comment:
LOL! I probably have some strangeness about me too that I don't think is weird at all.
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