My kids were chasing Ryan and I around the house tonight yelling, "We're Zombies! We're going to eat your brains!" Remember my kids are 6 and 4.
Ryan dutifully and truthfully to Zombies everywhere, informed the kids that Zombies don't run. The kids then told him, "They were alien Zombies, and yes in fact they DID run."
Ha ha ha..suck it dad. And the chase continued.
Earlier today I was getting a movie from the Redbox, and Claire decided she should "help" me pick the movie. After scanning the list, she yells out, and I mean YELLS OUT IN HER LOUDEST 4 YEAR OLD VOICE, "MOM! THEY HAVE TWILIGHT!!!!"
Oh, yep. I'm that really good mom who allows their 4 year old daughter know about all things Twilight. Either that or I'm slightly obsessed. You decide.
Ok ok...obsessed, but who are you to judge? Oh yeah....right. Anyway...
I was pondering the "how" of it all, as I was watching my adorable kids run through the house with their arms in front of them, moaning and groaning, talking about brains, and being hungry. Like...How did they know about what Zombies do? They've never SEEN a Zombie show. Or for that matter, they've never really seen anything to do with Zombies. And how did they know they eat brains? Seriously. They ARE sponges. They hear everything we talk about, and then, can you imagine what goes on in those little brains of theirs?
As for the Twilight stuff, I'm totally guilty. I was soooo that Twi-mom. *shiver* Ugh. I hate that term. But honestly. I did really love the books. And a lot of my girlfriends loved them too. It was something to talk about that WASN'T kid related. Heavenly break from reality for about 3 days. That's how long it took to read all 4 books. I am sure I talked about it a lot. At the time I was out of my ever loving tree. But that's for another time.
To top it all off, tonight at dinner, Ryan told me that Miles has been playing this game called Scribblenauts, and that he chose to get a magic wand, cut the wizard with a sword and then shoot him with a gun.
My swift response, (mind you I mouthed it with a head whip towards Ryan, cause it's TOTALLY his fault!!!), "WHAT THE FUCK?!" And not put so eloquently either. My sweet innocent Miles. Talk about latent violence. Sheesh!
I am going to have to do some major re-vamping (no pun intended) with my kids and their horror fest. Thankfully they aren't afraid of any of it. What they are afraid of is, the dark, bees, mom yelling so loud they break ear drums, and for Miles...something for dinner he doesn't like. But Zombies, Vampires, Guns and Wizards? Nothing. Not even a little case of the Willies.
I suppose it could be worse. I have a friend who let her kids watch Dunston Checks In, and he's STILL afraid of orangutans in the heat ducts of their house. The kid barely sleeps through the night. And he's 6. Can you imagine what would happen if he spent the night at our house? Poor kid.
1 comment:
lol! I am the mom who when she took her little 2 year old to sit on Santa's lap, this sweet little girl asked Santa for buets. You know buets. bang bang!
Yes, she was asking Santa for bullets... She'd been watching me play the Lara Croft computer games and you're always searching for bullets...
Yes... I am that mom. The elf assistant looked at me in disgust...
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