Anyway. I see that some celebrities have millions of followers. MILLIONS. I can see what my "movie star boyfriends" are up to and what they have to say. Usually it's stupid shit. Shit I could care less about. But hey, they're entertaining, and it's nice to know they're "normal". Well kind of.
You know if you're a kid these days, you can learn and know everything you want to know, AND MORE, about your celeb crush in just the swipe of the keyboard. I mean set aside Twitter, there's all the IMDB's and the personal web pages, the Official web pages...or just the World Wide Web at it's best. You could even venture into celeb crush overload. But that's another topic. Way back in the stone age, we had to write a good old fashioned stalker letter.
When I say stalker letter, I mean pen and paper. Sometimes cut out magazine letters. Oh, and your dirty old underwear. Not that I EVER did that. No no no... I was more of a refined kinda gal.
I remember when I was 12, I had mad love for River Phoenix. Who the hell didn't? The man was beautiful and way "deep". *sigh*
Anyway, I saw in my Tiger Beat, that he had an address I could write to. I actually believed he would read MY letter. Even now you say, "yeah right SJT.." But I was 12 so shut up.
I wrote the letter. I tried to be all, deep and thoughtful about what I wrote. And I tell you what....that letter was pure.....shit. But I thought it was awesome, and I knew in my heart that he would read it, hop a plane to MN, find my house (because DUH...he was carrying the envelope with my return address), and announce his love for me. And it didn't hurt that I was for some reason having a party at my house, JUST AT THAT MOMENT, and all my friends got to see how much he loved me. Boyfriend at the time be damned. (Sorry J.M)
Yep, well..........that never happened. I didn't even get a pre signed photo of him. I got zip. And after thinking on it long and hard as a 37 almost 38 year old woman...seems about right. My Say Anything moment never happened. (Side note: This could be part of my obsession with John Cusack. Hmmmm....)
But today, you can actually get a message to your celeb crush via twitter. Right this second if I wanted Ian Somerhalder to know how much I loved his last episode of The Vampire Diaries, and that he was my favorite character on Lost because he was HOT....well I can. And he would most likely see it, not care, and move on with his day. But, HE WOULD SEE IT! (he's actually the reason I thought about this topic.) Seriously....look at the boy!

Getting back to it.... of're lucky. We had to actually write letters to our celeb crushes. We had to check the mailbox everyday, in hopes that they might write us back. And after 25 years, we now know that we will never get that damn autographed photo, let alone have them fall in love with us via letter writing. Sadly my teen crush has passed, but..there's always Ian. And I don't have to be a teen to appreciate a handsome (eh ehem) young gentleman.
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