Spend as much time as I can outside with my kids this spring/summer/fall/winter. No matter the weather.
Not put up with petty crazy shit from people who should just know better.
Get these damn hormones under control.
WRITE letters to people I care about and send them in the mail.
Teach Miles to clean the toilets.
Teach Ryan to make dinner.
Teach Claire to not be so damn sassy.
Go out on dates with Ryan. Including but not limited to, dinners, hand holding, strolling, snuggling on the sofa with a good beer, movies, and pretty much anything that doesn't involve my children 24 hours a day.
Have Brian Skog make me dinner. Just one fricking time!
Spend one day twice a month and do things just for me. For only a few hours at a time, but it will be all about ME!
Beat J. Valley in just ONE Words With Friends game. JUST ONE!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!
Tell my Bestie I love her more than just on her birthday or when I'm bawling about something stupid. Or drunk.
Start exercising more. (This one may just be the death of me. We'll see.)
Not put up with things that make me upset or NOT say anything about it.
(Warning...I WILL most likely be MORE verbally aggressive than I am now. Seriously..this will be my only warning. If you don't read this blog, that's tough shit for you. See it's already starting.)
Love my family and friends.
Guess that sums it up. Happy Spring!!!!
I know you love me, you don't have to say it. It's written all over your face. HA!
Good list! Especially the teaching the kids to clean the toilets... I'm going to have to try that one.
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