Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh Cindi!

My youngest sister likes to sing. She sings loud and proud. She sings all the words, all kinds of wrong. I always noticed it when we were in the car driving together. She sings like she wrote the damn things. She doesn't make any apologies for her ridiculous made up lyrics.


Santeria by Sublime

Sweet dear Cindi sings the first line..."I don't practice in Korea!"

Manic Monday by the Bangles

She sang, "It's just another man named Monday!" Ryan and I about shit ourselves laughing.

Now this may be annoying and nonsensical for anyone else in the world. But for me, it's one of the things that I love about her. All the time, it will never change. She just can't get the words right to save her damn life.

Oh well..this is for Cindi because she just bitched and moaned about me not blogging recently. This is what you get dear sister for being impatient.

1 comment:

McVal said...

LOL! Love the one about the Bangles!

I always change a portion the words to "There's no place like home for the holidays" to
Try the grey stuff it's delicious, don't be believe me ask the dishes, oh there's no place like home for the holidays..."
Cracks me up when my kids sing it that way now.